Chapter 18
Here, Ye Sisi escaped from Huang Daya with the help of Leng Shaohan, and heaved a sigh of relief.

But the two still ignored each other, and they were still fighting coldly in the car.

Ye Sisi's ability to escape from Huang Daya's hands really made Leng Shaohan feel a little bit impressed.

However, he also reminded him that this woman has been acting cute recently, but she is definitely not a little sheep.

The more he pretended to be harmless to humans and animals, the more likely he was planning a new escape plan.

So Third Master Leng, who was protecting Huang Daya before, changed his face when he returned home.

"As a member of the Leng family, you actually got involved with those thieves, it's a shame to the Leng family!"

Ye Sisi feels wronged, I will be bullied by that bastard, isn't it all thanks to you?
But he didn't dare to speak back, he just kept his face cold and silent.

Leng Shaohan felt angry.

Just now when he wanted to escape by himself, he pretended to be as cute as a little sheep. Now that the crisis is resolved, he will put on a bad face right away?
He pulled out the steel pipe on the wheelchair and stabbed at Ye Sisi.

Ye Sisi worried about stabbing her stomach, so she quickly dodged back.

How dare you hide?
Leng Shaohan became even more furious, and the steel pipe swept across, hitting Ye Sisi's legs.

Ye Sisi knew that if she hid again, she would only irritate him even more, and would only receive a more severe blow.

So he gritted his teeth and gave him a slap.

But when the steel pipe was about to hit her leg, the strength in Leng Shaohan's hands obviously stopped.

It hurts too, but not as much.

Otherwise, with Leng Shaohan's arm strength, if such a steel pipe fell down, her leg would have to be broken.

Ye Sisi stared at Leng Shaohan, just staring at him quietly.

Leng Shaohan showed contempt on his face, "What do you see me doing?"

Ye Sisi didn't speak.

If you killed my dad, sooner or later I will kill you with my own hands!

The hatred in Ye Sisi's eyes that was about to overflow made Leng Shaohan secretly startled.

Do you want to keep this woman by your side?
If you keep her by your side, will you regret it one day?

During the confrontation, a servant came over, "Madam has orders, let Ye Sisi go to the main hall."

Since it was He Yuzhen who wanted to find Ye Sisi, Leng Shaohan ignored her and went back to the study.

Anyway, there is a monitoring program installed by herself in her mobile phone, even if she grows wings, she can never fly out of her palm.


Ye Sisi felt something was wrong when she came to the main hall.

Not only He Yuzhen was present, but also the housekeeper Wu Chaomin, Wu Chaomin was holding a whip to enforce the family law!
Seeing Ye Sisi come in, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

And there is a coquettishly dressed woman beside her, who is Miss Zhu's family, Leng Shaoxuan's former fiancée Zhu Yuzhi.

What is she doing here?
Zhu Yuzhi looked smug, and looked at Ye Sisi with dead eyes!
"Bitch, kneel down!" He Yuzhen shouted.

Ye Sisi refused to kneel, but the housekeeper Wu Chaomin's servant forced her to kneel on the ground.

Ye Sisi tried to stand up with her neck stuck, but was kicked to the ground by Wu Chaomin again.

With her head pressed to the floor, she couldn't see her phone, so Ye Sisi couldn't hear what He Yuzhen said.

But she saw clearly the medical certificate that the servant brought over.

It was a doctor's note that she was pregnant.

Ye Sisi suddenly fell into an ice cave.

It's over, the doctor still sold himself!

But the Leng family has never suspected it, why did they suddenly investigate this matter?
It must be related to Zhu Yuzhi!
"Let go of me, I want to explain!" Ye Sisi said struggling.

"What else do you have to explain, bitch, how dare you cuckold the dead Shaoxuan!" He Yuzhen scolded.

Ye Sisi couldn't hear what He Yuzhen said, but she knew it must be scolding her.

Still repeating the sentence, "Let go of me, I have something to say!"

"This slut is pregnant with a wild seed, ma'am, don't listen to what she said, just go to a veterinarian and take out the evil seed from her stomach and feed it to the dogs!" Wu Chaomin said.

Sister Li next to her knelt down with a plop, "Ma'am, young mistress is not such a person! I have been following her, she has no chance to find a wild man, someone must have deliberately slandered her! Young mistress can't hear, she needs to check her phone Translate, please at least give her a chance to explain!"

"Li Li, you actually spoke for this bitch! Are you going to be punished with her!" Wu Chaomin shouted.

"Madam, please give young mistress a chance to explain, she is not that kind of person!" Sister Li continued to plead.

"If she doesn't explain well, will you be punished with her?" He Yuzhen asked coldly.

"I am willing!"

Sister Li also went all out.

Although Ye Sisi is also a poor person, she treats her servants very well.

She never regarded Li Li as a servant, so Li Li naturally remembered it in her heart.

He Yuzhen signaled the servant to let go of Ye Sisi so that she could look at her phone.

Zhu Yuzhi didn't know either, it turned out that Ye Sisi couldn't hear?

It turned out that she used the mobile phone transliteration software to hate herself at her birthday party that day?

He was actually attacked by a deaf man?

Ye Sisi got up from the ground and looked at Zhu Yuzhi, "You forced Dr. Jiang to prescribe this medical certificate, didn't you?"

Zhu Yuzhi sneered, "You don't care where I come from, anyway, you are pregnant! If you don't agree, you can arrange for another examination by the doctor! Do you dare?"

Ye Sisi knew that she couldn't hide her pregnancy this time no matter what.

"Yes, I'm pregnant. I'm a woman, so can't I be pregnant?" Ye Sisi said.

"Listen, this widow without a man admits that she is pregnant! Hahaha..." Zhu Yuzhi laughed loudly.

He Yuzhen's face darkened.

"Bitch, you are married to Shaoxuan, and you are from the Leng family! A slut like you came out of the first family of the Leng family!" He Yuzhen scolded.

"Mrs. Leng, if Shaoxuan knew about it, he would definitely want the Leng family to execute this woman! Why are you hesitating, feed her and her evil seed to the dogs!" Zhu Yuzhi gloated.

"Come on, enforce the family law! Beat him half to death, and then drag him to feed the dogs!" He Yuzhen shouted.

"Wait! I haven't finished talking yet!" Ye Sisi said.

"Bitch, what else do you have to say now?" He Yuzhen scolded.

"Don't you want to know whose fetus is in my womb?" Ye Sisi asked.

"That's right, it would be interesting to find out that wild man together." Zhu Yuzhi laughed.

"Wild man? Leng Shaoxuan and I are husband and wife. Although he has passed away, I am still his wife. Where did the wild man come from?" Ye Sisi asked back.

"What did you say? The child belongs to Leng Shaoxuan? How is this possible? A dead person can make you pregnant? Who are you lying to?" Zhu Yuzhi said.

"Although Shaoxuan is gone, he has frozen semen, so I can have his child! And I have succeeded! But I want the child to be older, and I will tell my wife when the time comes, so I can give my wife a surprise! "


(End of this chapter)

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