fall into his palm

Chapter 201 Proud

Chapter 201 Proud
Ye Sisi was taken aback, "Why do you have such an idea?"

"It's just a feeling."

"Don't think too much, go to sleep." Ye Sisi said.

Only then did Xiao Bao go back to his room with short legs and went to sleep.

Just as Ye Sisi lay down, she wanted to see Kevin again.

But because he was worried that it would affect Kevin's rest, he refrained from going through it.


As usual, Leng Shaohan got up early in the morning and went to the gym downstairs to exercise.

I am usually too busy at work, only the time to get up early belongs to me, so I have to hurry up.

After the exercise was over, Leng Shaohan returned upstairs sweating profusely, when he suddenly smelled the aroma of food.

Walking over to see, Dabao is busy making breakfast in the kitchen.

The movements are skilled and the efficiency is very high.

"Kevin, are you making breakfast?"

"Yeah, if you make me dinner, I'll make you breakfast too." Dabao said.

Leng Shaohan's heart warmed up, "What did you do?"

"It's nothing, it's just a simple breakfast. Go take a shower, and you can eat in a while." Dabao said.

When Leng Shaohan came out after washing and changing, breakfast was ready.

Dabao cracked the eggs and stirred them well, wrapped them on the bread slices, fried them in oil, and turned them into egg bread slices.

Take a bite, it is fragrant and crispy.

Leng Shaohan has never been in favor of eating fried food, but he likes this breakfast made by Dabao very much.

"What's this called? Egg sandwich?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"I don't know, I just had a whim, and then I did it. Can I eat it?"

"Yes, delicious."

As long as you make it, I like to eat it.

"That's good." Dabao said.

"Are you going to school today?"


"You won't skip school today, will you?"

Dabao froze for a moment, "I won't run away."

In order to thank Kevin for making breakfast for himself, Leng Shaohan also reciprocated, planning to send Kevin to school in person.

The breakfast here is made by Ye Sisi, it's also bread and milk, that's the only way.

But Kevin still ate deliciously, and was ready to go to school after eating.

Like Leng Shaohan, Ye Sisi also wanted to send her son to school in person.

Kevin has never enjoyed the treatment of his mother personally sending him to school, and wants to experience it.

As a result, Ye Sisi's car had just arrived at the gate of Kevin's school when he suddenly saw Leng Shaohan's car.

Kevin and Ye Sisi immediately realized that Leng Shaohan thought Dabao was Kevin and sent him to this kindergarten too!
Kevin reacted quickly and immediately lay down on the chair.

As soon as Ye Sisi refueled, the car rushed forward.

Seeing Dabao enter the school, Leng Shaohan also got into the car again, just in time to catch a glimpse of Ye Sisi's car.

If it was someone else's car, Leng Shaohan might ignore it.

But Ye Sisi's car, Leng Shaohan can't make a mistake.

He also stepped on the gas and rushed out, trying to catch up with Ye Sisi's car.

Ye Sisi couldn't see it well, Leng Shaohan caught up.

Her own car and driving skills are far inferior to Leng Shaohan's, and with Kevin in the car, Ye Sisi did not dare to drive too fast, fearing that an accident would happen and Kevin would be hurt.

So if the chase continues like this, Leng Shaohan will catch up sooner or later.

How can this be done?
"Has Daddy caught up?" Kevin, who was lying on the seat, also asked.

"Not yet, but it should be soon. Do you have any good ideas?" Ye Sisi asked.

"There is a public toilet about 500 meters ahead. You park your car there, get out of the car quickly, and run to the toilet. Leng Shaohan will definitely block you at the toilet door, and I will take the opportunity to run away." Kevin said.

What a great idea, my son is so smart!

"But how do you know there is a public toilet 100 meters ahead?"

"I remember the road very well, so I just memorized it casually, and I don't know when I remembered it." Kevin said.

"As expected of my son!" Ye Sisi was very proud.

Ye Sisi stopped the car, didn't lock the door, and ran to the public toilet at high speed.

Leng Shaohan arrived quickly and parked the car behind Ye Sisi's car.

The original plan was that when Leng Shaohan's car arrived, he would immediately chase after it.

But it doesn't.

Sitting in the car, Leng Shaohan calmly took out his phone to scan it.

Ye Sisi's car is here, she runs so fast that monks can't escape the temple, why bother chasing her?

Besides, when girls go to the bathroom, is there anything to chase after them?
Kevin in the car saw that Daddy wasn't moving, so what should we do?
If he doesn't leave, he can't escape.

How can this be done?
Is he going to be trapped here?The mother didn't dare to come back, so she kept wasting like this.

Ye Sisi looked anxiously here, why didn't Leng Shaohan chase after him?
If you don't chase him, Kevin won't be able to run away.

There was nothing to do, so I had no choice but to stand at the bathroom door and wave to Leng Shaohan.

Leng Shaohan took a look, what does this mean?
You go to the toilet, do you still want me to watch outside?

I was puzzled, but walked over anyway.

Walking in front of Ye Sisi, Leng Shaohan asked Ye Sisi what he was doing with a straight face and eyes.

"Why are you here?" Ye Sisi asked.

"I came with you." Leng Shaohan replied very sincerely.

"Why are you following me?" Ye Sisi asked again.

Leng Shaohan didn't answer.

If I want to follow, I will follow, what reason is needed for this.

Ye Sisi was talking to Leng Shaohan while looking at Kevin.

She saw that the little man had gotten out of the car, and then boarded an online hailing car he called.

My son is smart!
It's just that minors can't order online car-hailing services. How did he get a car-hailing service?

Just when Ye Sisi was wondering, Leng Shaohan's cell phone rang and he received a text message.

Leng Shaohan took a look, "When did I make an online car-hailing appointment? You said the master has arrived?"

Ye Sisi laughed, it turned out that the precious son booked the car with Leng Shaohan's ID card.

Now that the precious son has successfully withdrawn, there is no need to continue to entangle with Leng Shaohan.

"Since your car is here, you can go first."

Leng Shaohan said unhappily, "I didn't call a car at all, I drove here by myself, why did I call an online car-hailing car?"

"I thought you were talking about ostentation and ordered an online car-hailing car to accompany you." Ye Sisi laughed.

"Could it be your fault?" Leng Shaohan asked vigilantly.

"It's not my business?"

"Then why did you run away just now?"

"I didn't run, I was driving normally, and you insisted on catching up." Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan was not so easy to fool, he suddenly remembered something, and rushed towards Ye Sisi's car with his long legs.

But there was no one in the car.

Leng Shaohan turned around and looked at Ye Sisi, "There was someone in the car just now? You led me away just to let him run away?"

Ye Sisi sneered, "Third Master is really imaginative, but even if there are people in my car, what does it matter to you? Can't I take people in the car?"

Leng Shaohan stared at Ye Sisi, trying to see through Ye Sisi.

But the woman smiled like a flower, as if nothing had happened, nothing could be seen at all.

Leng Shaohan faintly felt that a layer of window paper was about to be pierced.

(End of this chapter)

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