fall into his palm

Chapter 219 Avoidance

Chapter 219 Avoidance
The performance of this car is already good, but with such a kick of oil, the engine makes a noticeable roar.

The car was dodging like a fish in the traffic, and it was about to hit the car in front, but Leng Shaohan always had a way to pull the car back.

Leng Shaohan seemed to be fine, but he was so anxious that Ye Sisi next to him was very nervous.

"Leng Shaohan, slow down!"

Leng Shaohan squinted at Ye Sisi, saw her limbs tense, and sneered, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

He was really not afraid before that, and even thought of dying with Leng Shaohan.

But now I am afraid, because I have concerns.

The three children are all as lovely as angels, and they are reluctant to part with them, so they are afraid of death.

It is not shameful to be afraid of death, it is sad to live without reason.

"Slow down!"

Ye Sisi called out again.

Then Leng Shaohan suddenly slammed on the brakes.

At the same time, there was a loud brake sound from behind.

The sports car that had been following Leng Shaohan almost chased after Leng Shaohan's rear.

Ye Sisi rushed forward due to inertia, but fortunately she was wearing a seat belt, otherwise she would have bumped into the front.

"Are you sick?" Ye Sisi couldn't help scolding.

Leng Shaohan ignored him, opened the door and got out of the car.

The person driving the sports car behind was quite frightened, put his hands on the steering wheel, and let out a long breath.

Isn't this the handsome guy who pestered Ye Sisi in the restaurant?
"Brother." The little handsome guy looked at Leng Shaohan with a look of fear, and called out.

"Who is your brother!"

Leng Shaohan opened the door and took him out of the car.

"Why do you keep following me?"

"I...I...brother, don't do this!"

"Who is your brother!"

Ye Sisi also came down, isn't this the little brother named Flying God Dog?Why did he find it again?

The handsome guy looked very happy when he saw Ye Sisi, "Sister!"

"Why is it you again? I said I don't know you anymore!" Ye Sisi said.

"I went back later and thought about it carefully. Sister, you must know me, but you just pretended not to know me on purpose."

The little handsome guy grinned, revealing a sunny smile with white and neat teeth.

The young man is really good-looking, handsome like a girl.

"You're endless, aren't you?" Leng Shaohan grabbed the young man by the collar.

Ye Sisi quickly stopped, "What are you doing, don't hurt others!"

"Brother, don't hit me, in fact, you almost became my brother-in-law." The little handsome guy shouted.

"You talk nonsense again!"

When Ye Sisi heard it, there was a story?
You guys are acquaintances, and I'm just a passerby?

Leng Shaohan was so fierce to this kid, not because he was jealous, but because he was worried that the kid would reveal something about him?
"Hey, little brother, what did you just say?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Sister, do you think of me?" the handsome boy asked happily.

"Don't ask me if I miss you! What did you say just now? That he almost became your brother-in-law?"

"Yeah, but it didn't work out later, but now I have a brother-in-law, isn't he here?"

The little handsome guy said, looking behind Ye Sisi.

Another Bentley also stopped, and the person who got out of the car was An Ruochen.

An Ruochen is this kid's brother-in-law?

And Leng Shaohan is this kid's ex-brother-in-law?

What kind of complicated nepotism is this?

"Brother Shaohan is bullying the weak again?" An Ruochen laughed.

"I didn't bully him, he drove after me, I want to ask him what he wants!" Leng Shao said coldly.

"Wen Tao, don't make trouble, Mr. Leng specializes in bullying children." An Ruochen said to the handsome boy.

Hearing what An Ruochen said, Leng Shaohan had no choice but to let go of the handsome boy.

"Brother Ruochen, you know him, who is he?" Ye Sisi asked.

"His name is Zhu Wentao, and he is Zhu Yuzhi's younger brother." An Ruochen said.

In this way, Ye Sisi understood.

Zhu Yuzhi originally had a marriage contract with the Leng family who was number one at the time, but after Leng Shaoxuan disappeared, she started to play with Leng Shaohan.

Later, Leng Shaohan also 'disappeared', and the Leng family declined, and the Zhu family began to plan on the rise of the An family, and wanted to arrange Zhu Yuzhi for An Ruochen.

But just the day before the big wedding, Zhu Yuzhi was suddenly tied up, shaved his head, and made a big face. The wedding was forced to cancel, so he didn't get married.

So what the handsome guy said was right, Leng Shaohan basically belonged to his ex-brother-in-law, and An Ruochen belonged to his current brother-in-law.

But it was just wishful thinking of the Zhu family, and the Leng'an family never really married Zhu Yuzhi.

Neither the 'former' nor the 'current' have any real relationship with Zhu Yuzhi.


An Ruochen interrupted Zhu Wentao, "Don't call me that, your sister and I are not married, if you want to call him, call him!"

It was Leng Shaohan.

Leng Shaohan can't take this blame, "Nonsense! The Zhu family and I have never been married, Zhu Yuzhi is your fiancee, don't force it on me!"

Ye Sisi wanted to laugh a little.

Zhu Yuzhi has always been self-righteous, thinking that she is the number one beauty in Jiangcheng, No. 1 Yuan.

If she knew that when the two male gods mentioned her, they were afraid to avoid it like a plague god, how would she feel?
"Then I won't be called brother-in-law anymore, I'll be called brother head office, right? Don't say anything else, you are my brother, right? Are you going to have a dinner together? Can you bring me?" Zhu Wentao said.

"not good!"

Leng Shaohan and An Ruochen answered in unison.

"We didn't have dinner together either, I just made an appointment for dinner with Sisi. I was going to pick up the child, but I didn't expect to run into Brother Leng's car on the way." An Ruochen said.

"Ye Sisi is not free today, she wants to treat me to dinner." Leng Shao said coldly.

"But I have already made an appointment with Sisi."

"It's useless to make an appointment, she made an appointment with me first. Ye Sisi, let's go!"

As Leng Shaohan spoke, he couldn't help but dragged Ye Sisi's hand to get into the car.

"Wait! I'm going to pick up the child later, Sisi, do you want to go with me?" An Ruochen said.

The child is on my side, of course I have an obvious advantage.

"We will pick up the child by ourselves. We don't need you to take care of our family affairs! You better take care of your brother-in-law, don't let him follow my car, or I'll be rude!" Leng Shao said coldly.

Ye Sisi was stunned, who is 'our family' with you?Housework?Where's the housework?
An Ruochen, however, refused to give up easily, "Brother Leng really puts gold on his face, when did you join Sisi's 'home'? Did you become a driver, or a security guard? Or a nanny?"

Leng Shaohan's face darkened, "What does this have to do with you?"

How could An Ruochen back down, "Sisi is my sister, she has been close to me since childhood, if someone bullies her, of course I will take care of it!"

Leng Shaohan laughed coldly, "Can you handle it?"

"I can't control it, I want to control it too! Sisi, come here!" An Ruochen said, "With me here, no one can force you!"

(End of this chapter)

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