fall into his palm

Chapter 229 The Most Precious

Chapter 229 The Most Precious

Although Kevin is a child, his temper is cold and indifferent, and he is a person who does not show his emotions easily.

But since being reunited with his family, Kevin feels he has softened.

It is easier to be happy and sad than before.

Kevin didn't want to affect the mood of Dabao and his sister, so he quickly tried to adjust his emotions, "I'm fine."

"Don't you want Uncle Ruochen to chase after Mom?" Xiaobao asked.

Kevin didn't speak, it was a tacit agreement.

"Are you worried that Uncle Ruochen really chased Mom away? Why don't you get along with Leng Shaohan?" Dabao asked again.

Kevin still didn't speak.

Dabao and Xiaobao glanced at each other, smiled and comforted, "Don't worry, it won't happen."

Only then did Kevin raise his head, "Why? Is An Ruochen not good?"

"Uncle Ruochen is very nice, he treats us and mother very well, but Uncle Ruochen has a fiancée." Dabao said.


"Well, they were going to get married at first, but they didn't get married because of some things, and we don't know the specific reasons. But anyway, Uncle Ruochen won't marry Mom, because Uncle Ruochen's mother doesn't agree." Dabao explained.

It sounded complicated, and Kevin was confused.

"If you don't let Uncle Ruochen chase after mom, then you can persuade He Lin to let him chase mom himself." Xiaobao suggested.

"But now Leng Shaohan doesn't know that I recognize you, how can I say that." Kevin frowned.

Dabao thought for a while, "Leng Shaohan is such a smart person, it is very difficult to hide this matter from him, and it probably won't be long. If he finds out that we are hiding it from him collectively, he will be angry. If he gets angry, he will put you It's so sad that we won't see you when you've been sent back abroad."

Kevin nodded, "I'm also worried about this issue. I think something is wrong with Leng Shaohan, he suddenly treats me a little coldly. He doesn't get up in the morning to make breakfast for me, he looks very angry with me."

"Then you find an opportunity to confess to him proactively, it won't work in the long run." Dabao said.


"Then let Uncle Ruochen chase after Mom?" Xiaobao asked with big black gemstone eyes.

"If you don't take action, stop for a while."


Cold House, Villa No. [-].

With a livid face, He Yuzhen pointed at Leng Xinde's nose and scolded: "Didn't the stock price rise by 30.00%? Why did it plummet to a record low? If it keeps falling like this, it will fall below the issue price! Leng is going to die!" Already!"

"It's all Leng Shaohan's fault. He obviously tried to save the market. As a result, it went up a little. Before I could cash out, he suddenly withdrew his capital. He also asked financial experts to come out and reveal inside information, so that the whole world would know about his withdrawal. .Many institutions have heard the news and sold Leng's stocks one after another..."

Before Leng Xinde finished speaking, the phone rang.

"It's the big shareholder calling again, how should I explain to them?" Leng Xinde asked.

He Yuzhen was even angrier, "You ask me, who should I ask? You are the current president of the Leng Corporation!"

"But I don't know how to explain it to them now." Leng Xinde said bitterly.

"Then don't answer the phone!"

Just as He Yuzhen finished speaking, several landlines rang at the same time.

"Unplug the cable for me, it's annoying!"

Unplugging the phone line, Leng Xinde also turned off the phone, and it was much quieter.

The mother and son were like defeated roosters, slumped on the chair, and neither of them wanted to say a word.

"Tell me, why did the third child do this? Why did he promise to help Leng, but now he backs off?" Leng Xinde asked He Yuzhen.

"I don't know, I have never been able to see through Leng Shaohan."

"Then what should we do next? We can't sit and wait for death, can we?"

He Yuzhen sighed and looked at Leng Xinde.

"Mom, why are you looking at me like this?" Leng Xinde said vigilantly.

"Now there is only one way to save Mrs. Leng."

"What way?"

"Give up your position to Leng Shaohan. Letting him lead the Leng Group may bring the group back to life." He Yuzhen said.

"Ah? Why! Why should I give up my position to him!"

Of course Leng Xinde would not do it.

If Ye Sisi hadn't set up a trick to drag Leng Shaohan into the water, Leng Xinde would never have had the chance to sit in this position.

I have been sitting in this position for a long time, and I have long been addicted to it. How can I get down easily?

Or give way?

"In another week, it will be the annual general meeting of shareholders. At that time, the new chairman of the board of directors will be voted on. Considering the current situation of the company, do you think that the majority of investors will still vote for you? It is only a matter of time before you step down. Why don't you let yourself out now, and give yourself the last dignity." He Yuzhen said.

"Mom, you're still biased! It's not my fault that the group has become what it is today, right? There are so many executives and vice presidents in the group, aren't they at fault? Why should I be the only one to blame? ?” Leng Xinde shouted.

He Yuzhen shook her head angrily, pointed at Leng Xinde, speechless.

How can a responsible business leader shift responsibility to his subordinates?

You are the head of the family, and of course you are the first person responsible if something goes wrong.

Who do you not take the blame for?
Take the credit for yourself, and blame others for your faults. Such a boss is destined to be unable to accomplish anything.

Leng's decline was not without reason.

He Yuzhen suddenly realized that all these years, she was really wrong, outrageously wrong.

"Contact Leng Shaohan, I'm going to see him."


Riverside villa.

Kevin stood on the balcony, looking at the old lady sitting on the chair outside.

She has been sitting there for two hours.

The wind on the river was a bit strong, and it messed up her gray hair.

Kevin ran back to Leng Shaohan's study, "Everyone around her has left, and she is sitting there alone. The wind is a bit strong, and I'm worried that she will get sick."

Leng Shaohan glanced at his little ancestor, feeling relieved.

The little ancestor is cold on the surface, but he is actually kind on the inside.

He has never met He Yuzhen, but seeing that He Yuzhen is an old man, he will worry that He Yuzhen will catch a cold and get sick.

Kindness is innate. It cannot be taught or acted out. It is the most precious thing.

"She did this on purpose to show me." Leng Shaohan said.

"Why is she doing this? What's the matter, please?" Kevin asked.

Leng Shaohan nodded.

"Who is she? What can I ask you?"

Leng Shaohan looked at Kevin, his lips parted slightly, but he didn't speak.

He didn't know how to explain the complicated things between adults to children.

Some things can be explained clearly, but emotions cannot be explained clearly.

Only when you really grow up can you understand it.

"She is my mother." Leng Shaohan said.

Kevin was shocked, "Huh? Then don't I have to call her grandma?"

"According to seniority, yes, but you don't have to call her that, because I wasn't born by her."

(End of this chapter)

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