fall into his palm

Chapter 23 You Are The Dog

Chapter 23 You Are The Dog
Seeing Leng Shaohan, Ye Sisi gritted her teeth secretly.

This devil, he forced himself to kill the child, how else did he want to torture himself?

"Ye Sisi." Leng Shaohan came over with his wheelchair, "Follow me back to the house."

Ye Sisi hurriedly threw away the weed mower, turned around and left.

"Wait, the work is not finished yet! Butler Wu ordered that if the work is not finished, you are not allowed to leave!" Wu Chaomin said humanely.

Leng Shaohan turned his head to signal Tang Jin, "Slap your mouth!"

When Tang Jin walked over, he had a big mouth on Wu Chaomin's people.

Tang Jin is the son of a Lian family, Wu Chaomin's dog leg was beaten until his mouth was broken, and he spit out a mouthful of blood with a 'pooh' sound.

He didn't dare to provoke Leng Shaohan, so he ran to complain.

"Do what others tell you to do? You won't resist?" Leng Shaohan asked.

Ye Sisi didn't look at her phone, but she probably read what Leng Shaohan was saying by reading her lips.

But she pretended not to understand, didn't bother to pay attention, turned around and left.

What is there to say to this demon who forced her to kill the child?

I went back to the house, washed my face, went back to the room and lay down, took out my phone, and continued to study lip language.

In the study, Tang Jin stood in front of the desk.

"Tell me, why doesn't she cry or make trouble?" Leng Shaohan asked Tang Jin.

Tang Jin dared not speak nonsense.

"Speak, don't pretend to be dumb."

"Young mistress...Ye Sisi may have been overly sad because of the loss of her child, but she stopped crying and making trouble, and..."

"And what?"

"Besides, she's not usually the kind of person who makes trouble."

This is true, this woman looks obedient, but there is clearly something rebellious in her eyes.

This was also what made Leng Shaohan suspicious.

"You said, if I let someone take out the evil seed in her stomach, does she hate me?" Leng Shaohan asked again.

Tang Jin didn't answer.

He felt that there was no need to answer this question at all.

If you force people to take away their children, who do they hate you for?
"But I only saw anger in her eyes, not sadness, so she didn't really care about that child, but it was hard to make up her mind, and I helped her make up her mind." Leng Shaohan said again.

Tang Jin dared not speak anymore.

The boss is comforting himself, it is not good to accompany him.

What if the show goes wrong?
"It doesn't matter if she hates me or not." Leng Shaohan added bitterly.

There is no silver 300 taels here, if you really don't care, what are you talking about here?

A servant came in, "Third Master, Madam invites you to go over."

"No time." Leng Shao replied coldly.

The servant froze for a moment, didn't dare to say anything, and went back to report.

After a while, He Yuzhen came up to the wing in person, followed by Wu Chaomin.

Wu Chaomin's face was a little ugly, because his people were beaten by Tang Jin.

"Third brother, you are so brave to kill Ye Sisi's child forcibly! That is your brother's child, what is your motive for doing this?"

"That's not my brother's child, it's Leng Maoze's. My aunt is pregnant with my nephew's child, will the Leng family lose face? If he is born, should I call him nephew or grandnephew?" Leng Shao said coldly ask.

He Yuzhen and Wu Chaomin glanced at each other, both of them were surprised.

"Who said the child in Ye Sisi's womb belongs to Mao Ze?"

"She said it herself."

"Then call the little bitch out and confront him personally!"


"Ye Sisi, tell me, whose child is in your stomach?" He Yuzhen asked.

"It belongs to Leng Maoze. I have been in love with him before." Ye Sisi said.

The corners of Leng Shaohan's mouth twitched, he gritted his teeth secretly, his eyes were burning.

He Yuzhen and Wu Chaomin exchanged glances again.

There was no anger on their faces, just a little surprise.

Apart from surprise, there seemed to be something else complicated.

"How do you prove that the fetus in your womb belongs to Leng Maoze?"

"If the fetus is still there, a paternity test can be done, but now that the fetus is gone, why should I prove it?" Ye Sisi asked back.

There was a collective silence for a few seconds.

"You have behaved indiscriminately and ruined the reputation of the Leng family! Drag it out, put it in a pig cage and throw it into the river!" He Yuzhen said.

The servant rushed forward, held Ye Sisi down and dragged her out.

"Wait!" Leng Shaohan said.

"Third Master, you want to protect Ye Sisi again? Do you still want to protect this kind of bitch?" Wu Chaomin said.

"I'm not protecting it, I'm just reminding you to prepare a bigger one when preparing the pig cage." Leng Shao said coldly.


"Because there is one more person to be imprisoned."


"Leng Maoze."

He Yuzhen frowned, "Third brother, what do you mean?"

"Ye Sisi is a bitch and should be soaked in a pig cage, but Leng Maoze had an affair with his aunt, shouldn't he be cleared? A slap can't be done. Without Leng Maoze, this bitch wouldn't be pregnant, and my Leng family wouldn't be able to get pregnant." Shame! That's why dogs and men have to soak the pig cage together and throw them into the river together!" Leng Shaohan said.


He Yuzhen and Wu Chaomin looked at each other again, not knowing how to respond.

Because what Leng Shaohan said was not unreasonable.

"Ye Sisi stay here first, get the big pig cage ready, and I'll take her in personally." Leng Shaohan said.

"Third, why are you bothering with this matter? Let me handle this matter!" He Yuzhen said.

"I'm the only male in the Leng family now. Of course I have to clean up the house, and I can't let the Leng family stay in such a mess, it's embarrassing!"

"What do you mean by that? You are the only male member of the Leng family, so Xinde and Mao Ze are not male members of the Leng family?"

Leng Xinde is the eldest son of Leng and the father of Leng Maoze.

"Are they? Leng Maoze has an affair with his aunt and is pregnant with an evil child. Are they still children of the Leng family? Leng Xinde is mediocre and incompetent, and has no way to teach his children. He only knows how to eat, drink, prostitute and gamble, so he is worthy of being a member of the Leng family? How about in Jiangcheng? In the political and business circles, who takes their father and son seriously? Does mother still want to support them to lead the Leng family? After so many years of helping them, they still want to continue? "

"Third!" He Yuzhen's expression changed, "How dare you talk to me like that!"

Leng Shaohan snorted and didn't make another sound.

"Come here, take Ye Sisi away!" Wu Chaomin began to issue orders again.

"Tang Jin, watch the door, no one is allowed to take anyone away from me, not to mention people, not even dogs!" Leng Shao said coldly.

"Yes, third master."

Ye Sisi cursed in her heart, you are the dog, and your whole family is a dog!
He Yuzhen turned pale with anger, "Third brother, are you trying to rebel?"

Wu Chaomin took the opportunity to turn on the fire, "Third Master has been away for so many years, and he will be the head of the Jiang family when he returns to China?"

"I'm not in charge, so let you, a dog slave, be in charge?"

(End of this chapter)

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