fall into his palm

Chapter 240 Give Some Color

Chapter 240 Give Some Color
"I won't tell you." Ye Sisi replied simply.

"Okay." Leng Shaohan also answered simply, "I'll have someone check the surveillance camera of that coffee shop, and then through lip analysis, what can you say that can hide it from me?"

Ye Sisi was even more surprised. Has the investigation reached this level now?
But Ye Sisi knew that what Leng Shaohan said was true, because she also learned lip language when she was deaf before, and knew that lip language was still reliable.

"Then check it out." Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan really picked up the phone and ordered people to do things.

Just let him check and don't tell him.

As a result, after a while, Leng Shaohan answered a phone call, and his face darkened again.

"You actually asked someone to delete the surveillance video? What shameful things did you say to delete the video?"

Ye Sisi was startled, "I don't have one!"

"Who made someone delete that? An Ruochen?"

"How would I know? But it should be deleted. Why do you check other people's chat content? Invading other people's privacy? I think it's a good job, and I support it!" Ye Sisi said.


Tang Jin quickly persuaded, "Why are you quarreling again? You agreed to let me catch the wind, just watching you quarreling. After so many years, you still love to quarrel so much."

"I didn't quarrel with him, he was bored." Ye Sisi said.

"You're boring."


Although it is not noisy, the whole meal process is full of mutual confrontation.

Although there were constant quarrels, the atmosphere was neither stiff nor awkward.

It’s weird.

After the meal, the two sent Tang Jin back to the hotel to rest.

What Leng Shaohan meant was to let Tang Jin go back to live in the villa by the river.

But Tang Jin refused, saying that he was going to live alone.

Then Tang Jin must have known about the existence of Kevin, and he didn't want to get involved in the world of his father and son.

In the past, everyone was single and it didn't matter if they lived together.

Now that I have a family, it is really not good to live together.

Leng Shaohan drove Ye Sisi back.

The two of them didn't speak all the way, they had already quarreled and were a little tired.

At the door of Ye Sisi's house, Leng Shaohan parked the car.

Ye Sisi was about to get out of the car when Leng Shaohan stopped her.

"Go see An Ruochen."

Ye Sisi glared at him, "Why are you so nervous?"

"Go and tell him that Zhu Yuzhi has a man outside." Leng Shaohan said.

Now Ye Sisi was even more surprised, "You know?"

Leng Shaohan was also taken aback, "You also know?"

"You, how do you know? You can't be that wild man from Zhu Yuzhi, right?" Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan was furious, "Try talking nonsense again? Get the hell out of here!"

"Then the child in Zhu Yuzhi's belly is not yours? Are you sure?" Ye Sisi asked again.

"What did you say?"

Hey, he doesn't know about this?

If I had known that he didn't know, I wouldn't have said it.

"Nothing, I'll go first."

"Wait, you said Zhu Yuzhi is pregnant?"

"Well, it should be."


"Didn't you know that Zhu Yuzhi has a man? It must be that man? Who is Zhu Yuzhi's man?" Ye Sisi asked back.

"I don't know, someone else told me. I'm not interested in Zhu Yuzhi's mess." Leng Shaohan said.

"Really, but why do I feel that the man is you?"

"Yes Sisi!"

"Okay, okay, don't talk, don't talk."

"You tell An Ruochen about Zhu Yuzhi having a man." Leng Shaohan said.

"You want to use this to provoke the Anzhu two alliances to disband? Are you reaping the benefits?"

"This is on the one hand. On the other hand, An Ruochen is considered a famous person and shouldn't be humiliated, so I hope you tell him the truth." Leng Shaohan said.

"Is this the truth?"

Leng Shaohan looked disdainful, "Is it worth it for me to act in front of you?"

"Okay, then I will trust you once. I went to An Ruochen today to tell him about this." Ye Sisi said.

"Then what did he say?"

"He left without saying a word."

After speaking, Ye Sisi looked at Leng Shaohan vigilantly, "You already guessed that I told him? So are you here to inquire about An Ruochen's reaction?"

Leng Shaohan signaled Ye Sisi to get off the car, "I'm going back to the company to work overtime, you can go."



When she woke up in the morning, Ye Sisi was woken up by An Ying's phone call.

Ye Sisi answered the phone lazily, "Miss, what are you doing this morning, I haven't had enough sleep yet."

"It's not good, something serious happened!" An Ying said anxiously.

"What's the big deal?"

"My brother is going to marry Zhu Yuzhi, and I'm going to get the certificate today!" An Ying said anxiously.

It wasn't as shocking as it was, but it was still quite surprising.

He even told An Ruochen about Zhu Yuzhi's pregnancy, but he still agreed to marry Zhu Yuzhi?

How much pressure did you suffer to be so complacent?
"Then I have no choice but to bless him." Ye Sisi said.

"What is there to wish for? My brother is jumping into the heated kang. How about blessing? We have to find a way!" An Ying said anxiously, "You are the one my brother likes, and it's not like you don't know that! "

Ye Sisi sighed, "Don't talk about it anymore, it may cause misunderstandings. Since Brother Ruochen is willing to marry and Zhu Yuzhi is willing to marry, then so be it."

Just thinking of Zhu Yuzhi marrying An Ruochen with a child, Ye Sisi felt very aggrieved for An Ruochen.

"I don't wish you well, my brother is too bad, he's so lucky! That old woman Zhu Yuzhi is not worthy of my brother!" An Ying said with tears.

"It's the end of the matter, it's the only way."


When Zhu Yuzhi received the call and heard the news that An Ruochen agreed to go to collect the certificate, he also felt a little unreal.

"Ruochen, is what you said true?" She could only confirm it again.

"I'll be at your door in half an hour, you need to get ready. After receiving the certificate, let's go to the hotel to arrange tomorrow's wedding." An Ruochen said softly.

"Okay, then I'm ready now!"

Zhu Yuzhi got up quickly and began to put on makeup.

When changing clothes, I specially took a scarf and wrapped it around my stomach.

As long as you get the certificate today, you can do whatever you want later on, let's go through the pass today and then talk about it.

As soon as it was packed, An Ruochen arrived.

An Ruochen was wearing a white suit today, he was handsome and handsome.

An Ruochen opened the car door with a smile on his face, and asked Zhu Yuzhi to get in the car.

Zhu Yuzhi walked a few steps, habitually stretched out his hands to support his waist, and put one hand on his abdomen.

But immediately realized that this action would reveal the fact that she was pregnant, so she quickly put her hand down.

He glanced at An Ruochen nervously, and found that An Ruochen's smile was still there, and there was no sign of noticing it, so he was relieved.

An Ruochen covered the ceiling with his hands, and waited for Zhu Yuzhi to get into the car.

Zhu Yuzhi was a little proud, thinking that it was my dad who was so good at forcing the son of the most wealthy family in Jiangcheng to be so obedient.

"Ruochen, after we get married, will you listen to me?" Zhu Yuzhi asked.

This is to give some color, and we are about to open a dyeing workshop.

(End of this chapter)

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