Chapter 247
Ye Sisi was already almost convinced by Leng Shaohan, believing that this matter had nothing to do with him.

But when I saw this news, I couldn't help feeling suspicious.

There is no doubt that Leng Shaohan had a motive for committing the crime.

But he is such a smart person, if he wants to do it, why would he use Leng's vehicle?

Why leave clues pointing to him?

This is not in line with his habits and style, let alone his IQ.

But thinking about it the other way around, is it one of his tricks to deliberately leave a loophole?

What a mess, I can't make sense of it at all.


Early the next morning, before He Yuzhen woke up, she was woken up by the phone at the bedside.

After picking up the phone, Leng Xinde's happy voice came: "Mom, good news, the stocks of several companies under Leng's have soared at the same time!"

Some of Leng's companies are listed in their own countries, and some are listed overseas.

Overseas listings all open at night, so Leng Xinde said that it all happened last night.

"How much has it increased?" He Yuzhen asked.

"The average increase is probably close to [-]%! Mom, there is no limit to the road." Leng Xinde laughed.

"Is there any good news, why did it suddenly rise?"

"Not really. It should be that investors are more optimistic about our Leng's future." Leng Xinde said.

"Really? Then why didn't you take a good look at it before, but now you have a good look at it?" He Yuzhen was still relatively calm.

"Is there a possibility that because the general meeting of shareholders is about to be held, the market thinks this is good news, so it rises?"

"Impossible. The news that the general meeting of shareholders will be held was announced a month ago. It didn't go up at that time, but now it will go up?"

"Then I don't know. Anyway, it's a good thing to rise."

"You check to see if there are any big institutions entering the market. Could it be that someone wants to buy the bottom and take the opportunity to seize control?"

"Okay, I'll check now!"


hotel restaurant.

Leng Shaohan and Tang Jin were sitting opposite each other, their eyes were bloodshot, they barely slept until dawn last night.

"At present, our controlling investment is about to exceed that of other members of the Leng family." Tang Jindao, "If we add more tonight, we should be able to become the largest shareholder within three days."

Leng Shaohan looked stern, "When we entered the venue, there was also an institution with large funds sweeping the goods. Check it out. Which institution is it?"

Tang Jin handed over a stack of information, "The foreign team just found out that it was the funds from Xinguo, and the investment fund under the Saint West Group entered the market."

"Saint West Group? Why haven't I heard of it? What's the background?"

"This group is very low-key, but powerful. They have a background of state assets in Xinguo. There are rumors that Saint West is a special fund for the new royal family."

Leng Shaohan frowned even deeper, "The royal family? The new royal family is interested in a private enterprise? And it's a crumbling private enterprise?"

"I also find it very strange. But they had held some of Leng's overseas shares before, and they hadn't touched them. This time they suddenly started to sweep the stock. The combined shares in their hands are now the third largest shareholder."

"We are number two?"

"Yes, after all, the shares held by your uncles and relatives add up to a lot. It's not bad that we can get the second place. If we can get the shares held by your second and third uncles, that is With the largest shareholder, we will be able to gain control of the Leng Corporation."

"Then if Saint Xi gets the shares of my second uncle and third uncle, will they become the largest shareholder?"

Tang Jin nodded, "Yes!"

Leng Shaohan put down the coffee in his hand, his brows tightened even more.

Thousands of calculations have been made, and a Saint West Group has been killed halfway through the calculation.

"Did we have any problems with Saint West before? Haven't we played against each other?"

"No. Maybe they didn't target us, it's just a coincidence?" Tang Jin said.

"No, this is not a coincidence! How could it be a coincidence to start sweeping goods at the same time and use a large amount of money? And from the book's point of view, the Leng family has no investment value. A special fund for the royal family to buy a family What's the point of a company with no investment value?"

Tang Jin hissed, "Then what should we do next?"

"Check if they have contact with my second and third uncles! If so, stop their contact! If not, don't let them have any contact!" Leng Shaohan said.

"But your second and third uncles are overseas, so we're probably beyond our reach."

"I personally flew overseas to meet my second and third uncles. The Leng family can move around in the hands of my own people, but it must not fall into the hands of others!"

While talking, Leng Shaohan's cell phone rang.

On the screen of the phone, the caller's note was displayed: Second Uncle.

After answering the phone call, Leng Shaohan said to Tang Jin, "There is no need to fly overseas. They have already boarded the plane and will arrive in Jiangcheng at night. You can arrange it. I will catch them. After they land, don't let anyone have any contact with them." opportunity for contact."

"But they are living people, they are not under our control!"

"Big living people can also be controlled, blocking all those who try to approach them! Don't think about the means, just achieve the goal."



When Leng Shaohan returned to the villa by the river, Kevin looked at his reddened eyes, "Did you stay up all night?"


"Why did you go, why didn't you sleep?"

"Work. Important work."

Leng Shaohan walked towards the study while talking.

Kevin blocked the door of the study, "You should rest now! You should not continue to work, you will die suddenly!"

"The domestic stock market is about to open, I have to take a look!"

Kevin frowned, "No way!"

"You get out of the way!"

"What's the matter if you don't let me go to school? What does your work have to do with my going to school?"

"I have important actions at work in the past two days. Don't go out and pay attention to safety."

"Will someone be against me? Did you do something wrong?" Kevin frowned.

"How to speak?"

"Go and rest for a while, don't work anymore." Kevin said.

When Leng Shaohan saw his little ancestor caring about him, his heart warmed up, "I'll go to bed after half an hour after the market opens, and I can sleep until the afternoon, so I have enough time to rest."

"Okay then, it will be half an hour."


"I'm here to supervise you, and the half-hour clock starts."

Kevin looked at the clock on the wall, walked over to turn on the sky-high stereo in Leng Shaohan's study, took out a book from the bookshelf, and sat beside him while listening to music and reading.

After the opening of the market, Leng's stock price was affected by the overseas market, and began to rise slightly, then turned around and hit a new low.

Leng Shaohan picked up the phone on the table: "Start!"

A large amount of money entered the market and began to buy the bottom of Leng's stock.

A large number of buyers entered the market, the stock price rose rapidly, and the trading volume increased sharply.

At this moment, Leng Shaohan's other cell phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

Leng Shaohan picked up the phone, and a cold male voice came from the phone: "Your son is in my hands, you stop buying Leng's stocks immediately, or I will tear up the ticket!"

(End of this chapter)

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