Chapter 25

The next day, Ye Sisi was looking at her mobile phone in the room when there was a knock on the door.

Ye Sisi opened the door and saw that it was Leng Maoze.

He suffered multiple injuries and walked with a limp.

Seeing Leng Maoze like this, Ye Sisi immediately felt much better.

"Sisi, are you okay?"

"It's not dead yet, I've disappointed you." Ye Sisi said coldly.

"I heard that you can't hear, does it seem all right?"

Ye Sisi shook her phone, "I'm using transliteration software. What do you want from me? No matter what, I don't want to hear it. Get lost."

"Sisi, don't be like this, Lu Meiqin and I are just playing around, and I really love you."

Ye Sisi wondered, why did he have to be so polite to him because he was beaten up like this?

There must be a picture!
"Fuck your true love, I don't care! Also, let me remind you, I'm your aunt now, you'd better be more polite to me!"

"Sisi, I haven't even touched your hand, yet you told my third uncle that you are pregnant with my child! I don't blame you for being beaten like this, are you still angry with me?"

"Then tell me, what are you looking for me for?"

Leng Maoze gently closed the door of the room.

Ye Sisi took a step back vigilantly, "What do you want to do? I'm warning you, Leng Maoze, if you dare to touch me again, I'm afraid you won't be as simple as a lame leg, and Leng Shaohan will take your skin off!"

"I just can't figure it out. My third uncle treats you like a bull and a horse. Why do you still want to be with him? Next week, Leng's is going to elect a new person in charge. Now the only candidates left are me and my dad. We are stable." I can't win or lose! From now on, the Leng family will be my world, why are you still following that disabled person?"

"I didn't follow him, I was imprisoned by him."

Ye Sisi knew that this topic might develop in a more secretive direction, so she quietly pressed the record button on the phone.

"So I'm here to rescue you." Leng Maoze lowered his voice, "Sisi, let's work together to kill Leng Shaohan, so we won't have to be bullied by him in the future!"

Ye Sisi took another step back in shock, "Leng Maoze, are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy! This disabled man has the same face as my second uncle, and has always been a serious concern for me and my dad, so he must die! Only after he dies can my dad and I feel at ease!"

"So what you are afraid of is not Leng Shaohan, but the dead Leng Shaoxuan?"

"This cripple looks the same as Leng Shaoxuan. As long as he shows up, he is likely to get the support of many shareholders! So there is still a threat to us! But now we need his support to accept Leng's justifiably. Waiting for shareholders Once the meeting is over, we'll kill him!"

"But Tang Jin next to Leng Shaohan is a master, can you do it?" Ye Sisi questioned.

"It's true that Tang Jin is a master, and Tang Jin also has a group of friends who are very powerful. So we don't want to confront him head-on, so we asked you to cooperate."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Put poison in what he drinks!"

Ye Sisi remained calm, "Poisoned? Then Leng Shaohan was poisoned to death, so I'm going to pay for my life?"

"You don't have to pay with your life, and no one will know that you did it. At that time, I will protect you with my dad and prevent you from any harm! As long as the cripple dies, the Leng family will be our world in the future, and we will not be afraid Don't be afraid of the earth!"

Ye Sisi sneered in her heart, if I help you kill Leng Shaohan, then you will just push me out as a victim, do you think I don't know?

"Then tell me, how do you poison it?"

"After the shareholders' meeting next week, my dad or I will be elected as the new principal. We will have a celebration party, and the cripple will also attend. We will persuade him to drink more and try to get him drunk After you come back, you give him hangover soup, and then poison it. After the shareholders meeting, he will be useless, so you can get rid of him to eliminate the serious troubles.”

Ye Sisi listened and pretended to think.

"Sisi, don't hesitate, as long as you do what I say, I will give you whatever you want then!"



"But if your father is elected as the person in charge, it doesn't count if you say it. Why didn't you do it yourself?" Ye Sisi said.

"Well... Well, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that my dad's qualifications are older than mine, and there may be more people who support him. Don't worry, as long as my dad is in office and the situation stabilizes, I'll find a way to get him back. Go on, old man!"

Ye Sisi laughed, "You won't even hurt your father, will you?"

"Those who make big things don't stick to small details, I also think it's more enjoyable to be the person in charge!"

"Okay, then I'll wait and see."

"Then you agree?"

"I'll think about it again."

(End of this chapter)

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