fall into his palm

Chapter 251 Who is it?

Chapter 251 Who is it?
On board, the kidnapper's mobile phone has been playing games, and the battery is only 5.00%.

The fierce battle was in full swing, and the kidnappers quickly found a mobile power bank, and asked Dabao to continue playing games for him while charging.

Then I squatted beside me and watched with relish.

He felt that he and the little hostage were obviously playing the same game, but it seemed that they were not playing the same game.

When this game is in the hands of the little hostage, it will be played in a different realm.

So much fun!

Completely unnoticed by the kidnappers, a yacht had been following them for some time.

After playing two more rounds, Dabao put down his phone, "I'm a little tired, I need to rest for a while."

I started to feel a little anxious, my message has been sent out for so long, why has no one come to save me?

Didn't Kevin get the message?
But he obviously replied 'ok', which means that he not only received the message, but also understood what he meant.

Could it be that Leng Shaohan didn't care about himself?

The kidnapper tied himself up to threaten Leng Shaohan.

It's not asking for money, it must be for a greater benefit than money.

If the benefits are big enough, will Leng Shaohan give up the benefits to save himself?
Dabao is not sure, because he knows that he is not Kevin, and in Leng Shaohan's heart, he cannot have Kevin's status.

The kidnappers were unhappy seeing Dabao go on strike, "Hurry up and continue playing, how can you get tired playing games?"

Dabao was in a bad mood, and he said in a bad mood: "How can you not get tired playing games? This is a brain drain, okay?"

Seeing that Dabao was not happy, the kidnapper was worried that he would stop playing, so he hurriedly coaxed him, "Play two more rounds, and you can rest after two rounds. You see, as a kidnapper, I didn't make things difficult for you. You are considered a good kidnapper." No? Go ahead and play, I'll find you something delicious!"

Dabao had no choice but to pick up his phone and continue playing the game.

The kidnapper squatted beside him watching, watching with relish.

At this time, someone came in, "Boss, it seems, it seems that someone has boarded the boat!"

"Don't bother me, I'm busy!" the kidnapper was enjoying watching, and waved his hand.

"Boss, there are people in the water!"

"Bullshit, there are only fish in the water, where did they come from? They told you not to bother me!" the kidnapper cursed.

"Boss, there are really people in the water, not fish!"

"Someone is none of my business, it's bothering me!"

There were footsteps, and someone really came in.

He was tall, and his diving suit was still dripping.

"Frogman? Diving enthusiasts, what's so strange?" the kidnapper said, "No, why did you come to my boat after diving?"

"He came to save me, you idiot!" Dabao said.

"He came to save you? Where's my gun..."

Leng Shaohan had already punched him in the face, "You still have a gun? Hiding a gun for yourself is a bigger crime!"


10 minute later.

"Leng Shaohan, can you still dive?" Dabao asked.

"Of course, I have also dived in the deep sea." Leng Shaohan said.

"What's under the sea?" Dabao asked curiously.

"See how deep it is, different depths have different things." Leng Shaohan said.

Dabao became even more curious. He had seen the sea, but had never dived before, and suddenly yearned for it.

Kidnap interjected, "Anyway, I was caught by you, can I play two more rounds with my account? Anyway, I'm idle, I'm idle..."

"Shut up!" Leng Shaohan and Dabao shouted at the same time.

The kidnapper shut his mouth aggrievedly.

"Where did you just say?" Dabao asked.

"Speaking of diving, when you get older, I'll take you and Kevin to go diving." Leng Shaohan said.

Dabao suddenly became happy, "Okay. When and how old do I have to be to dive?"

At this moment, Leng Shaohan's cell phone rang, and Ye Sisi called.

Leng Shaohan picked up the phone, "What's the matter?"

"Did you find that ship?" Ye Sisi asked.

"found it."

"Did you save Dabao?"


Leng Shaohan deliberately talked like squeezing toothpaste.

"Really? Then why didn't you tell me?" Ye Sisi said angrily.

"Can you forget this? Shouldn't you call me as soon as you find Dabao?"

"Not urgent."

"Let Dabao answer the phone!" Ye Sisi exploded.

Leng Shaohan handed the phone to Dabao with disgust, "Ye Sisi's phone."


"Dabao, are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

"Don't worry, Mommy, you didn't hurt me. I'm talking about diving with Leng Shaohan." Dabao said.


"That's right, Leng Shaohan is very handsome in diving. He dived to the side of the boat and then climbed up to save me." Dabao said happily.

"He still has this ability? Don't learn from him, diving is dangerous!"

"Mummy's signal is not very good, see you later."


The ship finally docked.

Kevin waved to Dabao, "Dabao."


The two ran towards each other and hugged each other tightly.

The kidnapper felt that his eyes were dazzled, why did he have a double image?Are they really the same?
"Take care of the child, I'm going to take care of my own business." Leng Shaohan said.

"What are you going to do? Don't eat?"

"I need to rest!"

Oh yes, he hasn't closed his eyes since last night.

"Then you go to rest for a while, and I will call you to eat later!"


Leng Shaohan woke up after sleeping for a while, and the bloodshot eyes disappeared a little.

I called Tang Jin, but Tang Jin was waiting in the study.

Leng Shaohan came to the study in his pajamas, "Did the third uncle agree to transfer the shares?"

"He said that he has promised others that he cannot transfer his shares to us." Tang Jin said.

Leng Shaohan slapped the table, "Why? He just wants Leng to fall into the hands of others?"

"Third Master, you should go see him in person," Tang Jin said.

"Have someone prepare the car."

Half an hour later, the hotel.

Leng Shaohan pushed the door open and entered, and saw his third uncle Leng Weiping lying on the sofa smoking a cigar.

Leng Shaohan walked over, "Third Uncle, are you still used to living here?"

"It's okay, Shaohan, sit down."

Leng Weiping got up from the sofa and straightened his clothes, "I'm still a bit sleepy with jet lag. If you have something to say, Shaohan, just say it. I'm going to sleep for a while after I finish."

Leng Shaohan nodded, "Third Uncle, I hope you will transfer your shares to me."

"I have already told your people about this. I have already promised others. I was supposed to sign a contract, but you directly ordered me to be taken here from the airport and placed under house arrest, and I was not allowed to make calls outside. Shao Han, are you trying to snatch it?"

Leng Shaohan was not in the mood to argue with him, "Third Uncle, even if you don't give me the equity in your hand, you can't give it to outsiders. You can keep it for yourself, so it's still Leng, but once you give it to outsiders, That's another nature."

"Outsiders? Who are you referring to?" Leng Weiping asked.

"At least you can't give it to someone whose surname is not Leng? Has Third Uncle forgotten his surname Leng?"

Leng Weiping stared at Leng Shaohan, "The person surnamed Leng is not necessarily one of us, right? I have someone check it out. Leng Shaohan died abroad a few years ago. Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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