fall into his palm

Chapter 260 Seeing the Dawn

Chapter 260 Seeing the Dawn
Lu Meiqin couldn't answer.

After thinking about it, I finally managed to find a reason, "Xin De won't let me inquire about the company's affairs, and I can't help..."

"Fart! If you ask me, you can help? Kidnapping Leng Shaohan for his money, isn't it your idea? The result completely angered Leng Shaohan and made him make up his mind to deal with the Leng family. Completely break with us. You provoked Ye Sisi for no reason, told the truth, and made Leng Shaohan hate us more and more, is this your help?" He Yuzhen scolded.

Lu Meiqin felt very aggrieved, she felt that she was the one who took the blame.

He Yuzhen directly blamed all of Leng's failures on her alone.

But she obviously didn't even officially enter the Leng's house, and she wasn't even considered a daughter-in-law.

He wanted to argue, but seeing He Yuzhen's cold face, he had no choice but to swallow the words again.

"Mom, what should we do now?" Leng Xinde asked.

"Please Ye Sisi, so that Leng Shaohan won't drive us out of Jiangcheng." He Yuzhen directly said the answer that he had thought about long ago.

"Why not just please the third child, but also please Ye Sisi?" Leng Xinde expressed puzzlement.

"What did you do to Leng Shaohan, don't you know? Do you think he will forgive you? Now Ye Sisi can only persuade him, he will only listen to Ye Sisi's words! So to please Ye Sisi, this is the most important thing of!"

He Yuzhen looked at Lu Meiqin, "Aren't you and Ye Sisi half-sisters? It can be regarded as blood relationship, you go to Ye Sisi now, no matter what method you use, I must get her forgiveness! If she doesn't forgive you , you just kneel in front of her until she forgives you!"

"Madam, Ye Sisi and I have always been at odds..."

"If you caused trouble yourself, you have to end it yourself! If you can't get Ye Sisi's forgiveness, you don't want to spend a penny from the Leng family in the future!"

Turning her head and yelling to Leng Xinde, "Take back her card, don't give her a penny!"

Leng Xinde has long been hooked up with ex-star Zhang Jiayu, and has long wanted to take back the card given to Lu Meiqin.

Immediately agreed: "Okay, I'll listen to my mother."

Lu Meiqin stared at Leng Xinde, you are worthless because you are a mother boy!


Ye Sisi woke up from a nap and saw several missed calls.

The number is somewhat familiar, but there is no remark.

It was Lu Meiqin's voice: "Sister, where are you?"

Ye Sisi thought she heard it wrong, "Who are you?"

"I'm Meiqin, sister, I want to see you, I have something to tell you." Lu Meiqin said.

Ye Sisi hurried to the balcony and looked at it. The direction of the sun was normal, and it shouldn't be rising from the west.

"Lu Meiqin, are you sick? Who is your sister?" Ye Sisi scolded.

"Sister, although you don't admit it, I've always regarded you as my sister! Are you at home? I'm at your door, I want to chat with you." Lu Meiqin said.

"I have nothing to say to you!"

"Sister, please, give me a chance to redeem my sins. If you don't see me, I won't be able to get up on my knees at your door!"

Ye Sisi saw that there was indeed a black car parked at the door.

Lu Meiqin got out of the car and really knelt at the door.

Ye Sisi couldn't help but glanced at the sun again, still suspecting that it was rising from the west.

"Kneel if you like." Ye Sisi hung up the phone directly.


Half an hour later, Xiao Bao ran in, "Mommy, an aunt has passed out at our door, shall we call an ambulance for her?"

This fainted?Are you pretending?

He wanted to leave her alone, but he was also worried that Lu Meiqin would really die in front of his house, that would be very unlucky.

"I gonna go see."

Ye Sisi walked to the door with her slippers on, and saw that Lu Meiqin was really lying on the ground.

"Lu Meiqin, stop pretending, get up." Ye Sisi said.

Lu Meiqin didn't speak.

Looking at the car, there are two bodyguards accompanying him.

Then she must have fainted, otherwise the bodyguard would have sent her to the hospital long ago.

play with me?I let you act!

Returning to the villa, he pulled out the water hose from the flower stand, and rushed towards Lu Meiqin.

Lu Meiqin was washed into a drenched chicken, she couldn't bear it anymore, she quickly got up, "Sister, don't get wet, I'm awake!"

"Don't call me sister, you are not worthy!" Ye Sisi shouted.

"Sister, please forgive me, I was the one who was sorry for you before, I am guilty, I deserve to die!"

As Lu Meiqin spoke, she began to smack her own mouth.

This is what He Yuzhen taught her, saying that this trick will definitely work.

However, the effect didn't seem to be that good. Ye Sisi showed no sympathy, and put her hands on her hips, "Do you want me to help?"

Lu Meiqin was taken aback, not knowing how to answer.

"Sister, please forgive me. I was not a human being before. I have done too many things that I have done to you. I will correct myself in the future and never fight against you again!"

Ye Sisi laughed, "It's not that you don't want to fight against me anymore, it's that you don't have the ability to fight against me anymore! Now that Leng Xinde has collapsed and your backer is gone, what capital do you have to fight against me? You used to have cold Xinde is not my opponent, and now that Leng Xinde is broken, you are not my opponent! No, I have never regarded you as an opponent, because you are not worthy!"

The piercing was so intense that even the bodyguards in the car almost cried.

Lu Meiqin was so stunned that she couldn't speak, and her heart was burning with anger.

But He Yuzhen said that she could no longer provoke Ye Sisi, and no matter what, she must get Ye Sisi's forgiveness.

"Sister, how can you forgive me?" Lu Meiqin said.

"First, don't call me sister anymore, I don't have a sister like you; second, I won't forgive you, and you don't deserve my forgiveness; third, if you are afraid, worried that I will deal with you, you can take something In exchange, let me treat you like a fart." Ye Sisi said.

Ye Sisi's last words made Lu Meiqin feel that she saw the dawn again.

It turns out that Ye Sisi has something he wants, so that's good.

"Sister, what do you want? As long as it doesn't kill me, I'll bring it to you."

"I said, don't call me sister!"


"You deserve to be called by my name?"

Lu Meiqin is in a dilemma, this is not okay, and that is not okay, so what should it be called?You can't call me grandma.

"Miss Ye, if you have any orders, I will definitely do it."

"Let me ask you, how did my father die back then? Did you kill him?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Don't rush to answer. Write down all the history of my dad's illness, hospitalization, and rescue, and then show it to me. Write down the time, place, and people present. If you can't write clearly , go to your little three mommy to ask clearly, and write carefully."

"Also, remember not to make fakes. If I find out that you have faked a word, I will never forgive you!"

Lu Meiqin was even more difficult, "This..."

"I won't promise you anything. If you want to get a chance, this is the only chance to get one. Remember, I will implement one by one, so don't make fakes, or you will die ugly!" Ye Sisi said coldly road.

"it is good."

"Then get out, don't pretend to be dead at my door! If you do this again, I'll let the dog bite you!"

Lu Meiqin glanced into the yard, there is a dog in your house, but she didn't hear the dog barking.

"Not today, but I can buy a Tibetan Mastiff waiting for you!"

Lu Meiqin was terrified, "Don't bother, I'll get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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