fall into his palm

Chapter 268 Heaven's Secret

Chapter 268 Heaven's Secret
Lu Meiqin was also in a daze, she really hadn't reacted yet.

It wasn't until Leng Shaohan's "friendly reminder" that she realized that it was time for her to leave.

Originally thought that Leng Xinde gave birth to a son, and this thick thigh could be hugged for a lifetime, but did not expect that these thighs were fake?
Big loss this time!
Only Leng Shaohan and Leng Maoze were left with the surname Leng at the scene.

Leng Maoze was extremely embarrassed.

He is Leng Xinde's son, Leng Xinde is not Leng's family, so naturally he will not be.

It's so embarrassing.

But Leng Shaohan didn't mean to tell him to get out.

But he still walked towards the door by himself, and closed the main hall door in a sensible way.

Now only He Yuzhen, Leng Shaohan, and Ye Sisi were left.

Ye Sisi felt that she should go too.

Leng Xinde and the others are outsiders, so he is even more an outsider.

And the atmosphere at the scene is so dignified, this meal is too much to eat, it's too depressing, it's better to slip away.

Just as she turned to leave, Leng Shaohan held her back and motioned her not to leave.

Ye Sisi didn't understand, why did you keep me here?
Did you watch your mother and son kill each other?
But when Leng Shaohan pulled his hand, he found that Leng Shaohan's palm was cold.

Obviously, he was also going through great pain.

That's right, the former No. [-] wealthy family in Jiangcheng actually let the housekeeper take over, had an illegitimate child, and occupied the Leng family for many years. This is indeed too shameful.

Now I suddenly understand Leng Shaohan's paranoia and cruelty.

Although today is regarded as cleaning up the door, this matter will not disappear completely just because Wu Chaomin is kicked out.

This shame will always be engraved in the family history of the Leng family.

So Leng Shaohan didn't feel happy after the revenge was over, he was actually in pain.

Because he personally tore up an old scar of Leng's family fiercely, dripping with blood.

He needs Ye Sisi to be here with him.

Ye Sisi felt a little regretful, she shouldn't have come to this family dinner today.

It is indeed a feast without a good feast.

Leng Shaohan refused to let her go, so Ye Sisi had no choice but to sit down.

It's so frustrating.

"Shaohan, I was wrong, but I'm not the kind of person you think, it's your father who forgives me first!" He Yuzhen said.

Leng Shaohan waved his hand, "It's my duty as the head of the Leng family to drive away that dog Wu Chaomin. But you can stay here, no matter what, you are also my father's wife in honor. You can continue this house Live, I will pay for the servant's expenses. You will still be your Mrs. Leng, and it will not change."

He Yuzhen looked a little surprised.

She must have thought that Leng Shaohan was going to let her go.

She has no one to rely on now, she is just a powerless old man.

Ye Sisi also thought that Leng Shaohan was going to deal with He Yuzhen next, but he didn't.

But Ye Sisi also agreed that there was no need to attack an old woman.

"When you are free, I hope you can help me think about it, who is my biological mother? Where is she?" Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi almost fell off the chair.

Isn't Leng Shaohan He Yuzhen's biological son?
It's no wonder that when He Yuzhen dealt with Leng Shaohan, it was like dealing with outsiders, worse than outsiders.

"I don't know, you were raised by your father in a bungalow. Later, I took you over and raised you. Shaohan, although I am not your biological mother, I raised you!" He Yuzhen said tremblingly.

"Yes, I have always remembered your kindness in bringing me up, so I have never exposed you. But, since I was raised by you, why do you acquiesce in Leng Xinde killing me again and again? Why?" Leng Shaohan suddenly roared.

He Yuzhen lowered her head and did not speak.

What Leng Shaohan said was 'over and over again', so it wasn't once, but many times.

Fortunately, Leng Shaohan's fate is indeed great, and he cannot be killed no matter what.

In fact, Ye Sisi could probably guess why He Yuzhen acquiesced in Leng Xinde's killing of Leng Shaohan.

Because of family property.

When Leng Shaohan was just a child, he wouldn't pose any threats.

But as Leng Shaohan grew bigger and bigger, he became an outstanding and dazzling boy, and became the most capable heir of the Leng family.

Then he couldn't exist, and if he existed, there would be nothing wrong with Leng Xinde.

Facts have proved that it is true.

So Leng Shaohan had to die, and only when Leng Shaohan died could He Yuzhen and Leng Xinde feel at ease.

"I was wrong, very wrong. When I leave, I will go down and confess to your father in person. I shouldn't be sorry for him, but I still want to say that he was the one who was sorry for me first!"

He Yuzhen finally cried.

She looked older, her old dignity gone.

Leng Shaohan wanted to say something, but Ye Sisi stood up, tugged at his sleeve, and signaled him not to say anything.

Almost there.

Ye Sisi felt that if Leng Shaohan pushed her further, He Yuzhen might die.

He Yuzhen has been the wife of a wealthy family for so many years, nothing else, she must have self-esteem, and it is super self-esteem.

Everything that happened here today is enough to destroy her.

"Let's go." Ye Sisi tugged on Leng Shaohan's sleeve again.

Leng Shaohan took a look at He Yuzhen, and really followed Ye Sisi away.

He was unsteady when he walked, and he staggered a little.

When they walked to the door, they heard He Yuzhen speak again: "Are you Shaoxuan, or Shaohan?"

Ye Sisi was shocked, why did He Yuzhen ask such a question?
Didn't Leng Shaoxuan die long ago?He has been falsely claiming that he was hit and killed by his own car.

It was also because of Leng Shaoxuan's death that he had to marry into the Leng family as a widow.

Now He Yuzhen asked Leng Shaohan whether he was Shaohan or Shaoxuan, what does this mean?
Didn't Leng Shaoxuan die that year?

That's impossible, how could he survive the funeral he personally attended?
If he is not dead, is he the person in front of him?

Leng Shaohan didn't answer He Yuzhen's question, but pulled Ye Sisi out of the main hall.

His hands became even colder.

There was only a group of servants standing outside, Wu Chaomin and others had already left.

Probably because he was worried that if he didn't leave, Leng Shaohan would have to repair them when he came out.

Leng Shaohan didn't pull Ye Sisi towards the parking lot, but walked inside.

This direction is the ancestral hall of the Leng family.

Ye Sisi began to panic again.

She is very familiar with the ancestral hall. She was imprisoned there, met the ghost-faced man, and became pregnant.

So far, she still doesn't know who the ghost-faced man is?

Is it Leng Shaohan?

If it was him, why would he wear a ghost face?
Seeing that Ye Sisi refused to move, Leng Shaohan said softly, "Accompany me to offer incense sticks to my brother and my father."

"So, you're not Leng Shaoxuan?" Ye Sisi's voice trembled a little.

Leng Shaohan didn't answer.

Why didn't he answer?
Could it be that he is really the dead Leng Shaoxuan?
Now Ye Sisi was a little panicked.

The Leng family is too weird, with too many secrets, as if shrouded in a secret mist.

"I'm asking you, are you Leng Shaoxuan?" Ye Sisi asked.

(End of this chapter)

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