Chapter 275
Ye Sisi was moved by Zhu Wentao.

Of course Zhu Yuzhi is not worthy of sympathy, but Zhu Wentao is a good guy.

What's more, I still owe him love.

Zhu Yuzhi's hospital is not far from here, so let's take a look.

"Okay, then you lead the way. But let me put my ugly words first, I'm not friends with you Zhujia, and your relatives don't welcome me very much. If they don't let me in, then I can't blame you." Ye Sisi said .

"Yeah, okay. Thank you, Sister Ye."

Only then did Zhu Wentao laugh.

The little handsome guy is really pretty when he smiles.


Ye Sisi was worried that the Zhu family would not let him in, this worry was completely unnecessary.

Because when they arrived at the ward, there was only one bodyguard at the door swiping their mobile phones, and they didn't see the rest of the Zhu family at all.

Zhu Yuzhi is the eldest lady of the Zhu family, and now that she is seriously injured, it seems that no one is in charge of the Zhu family?

"Where's your family?" Ye Sisi asked.

Zhu Wentao smiled awkwardly, "Boss and the others are busy, and I'm the only one here to take care of my sister, but it's okay, there is a nurse."

Zhu Jia is really not human!

Before, I was counting on Zhu Yuzhi to climb the wealthy family, but now that Zhu Yuzhi is abolished, there is no use value, so I just give up?

Before coming to the ward, Ye Sisi still hesitated, "Am I really going to go in? When your sister was normal, she didn't like me at all! I'm worried that my appearance will have a negative effect!"

"It's alright, let's go in."

Ye Sisi followed Zhu Wentao into the ward.

Zhu Yuzhi looked in good spirits and was sitting cross-legged on the hospital bed playing with her mobile phone.

He was laughing while playing, as if he was watching a short video.

"Sister, look who is here." Zhu Wentao said.

Zhu Yuzhi didn't care, just smiled to himself.

As soon as Ye Sisi heard the laughter, she knew that this person must be out of his mind.

Normal people don't laugh like that.

Ye Sisi felt a little emotional, the world is really impermanent.

In the past, she was a high-ranking young lady, a socialite who was engaged to the No. [-] wealthy family in Jiangcheng.

Just a little bit short of marrying into the No. [-] wealthy family, Ling's family.

Later, the former No. [-] rich family, Leng's family, collapsed, and she tried to marry the newly-emerged No. [-] rich family to settle down.

It was just a little short of becoming the young mistress of the richest family.

But it was still a little bit short, and I still didn't step in.

It can only be said that there is no destiny, no matter how much you toss, it will be nothing in the end.

"Zhu Yuzhi, do you still recognize me?" Ye Sisi called out.

Zhu Yuzhi still ignored him and just watched the video by himself.

Zhu Wentao had no choice but to snatch Zhu Yuzhi's phone, "Sister, Sister Ye is here to see you, can you see if you can still recognize her?"

Zhu Yuzhi pouted unhappily when her phone was robbed, like a child.

Ye Sisi walked over, "Zhu Yuzhi!"

Zhu Yuzhi just glanced at Ye Sisi, then stared at her thoughtfully.

Her eyes were cloudy and unclear, obviously not just amnesia.

It should be stupid.

"I'm Ye Sisi, do you remember?" Ye Sisi asked.

Zhu Yuzhi tilted his head and looked at her without saying a word, just looking at her like that.

Because his head was tilted for too long, saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Zhu Wentao quickly took out a tissue and wiped her saliva.

Ye Sisi sighed inwardly, the ladies in Jiangcheng were really useless.

It's a pity, I haven't fought you down with my own hands, and you've been counted as useless just like that.

I thought you were my long-term opponent, but I didn't expect you to quit the stage first.

Quite boring.

Ye Sisi looked at Zhu Wentao, "She doesn't recognize me anymore, maybe I'm not important to her at all, how could she remember me?"

Zhu Wentao nodded, "Thank you, Sister Ye."

"Then take good care of her, I'll go first." Ye Sisi said.

"I'll see you off, Sister Ye."

Ye Sisi turned around and just walked to the door, but she heard Zhu Yuzhi calling her: "Ye Sisi!"

Both Zhu Wentao and Ye Sisi were taken aback, did she remember?
So he turned around again, "Do you remember me?"

Zhu Yuzhi was laughing: "Ye Sisi is a bitch, don't like Ye Sisi!"

This is awkward.

"She didn't remember me, but my name did stir up some vague memories in her, and they were bad memories." Ye Sisi smiled wryly.

"I'm sorry, sister Ye." Zhu Wentao said embarrassedly.

Ye Sisi smiled, "It's okay, she can remember this name, and it gave me a sense of existence."

While talking, the phone rang.

Leng Shaohan called.

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the hospital."

"Hospital? Are you going to see your brother Ruochen again?" Leng Shaohan was obviously displeased.

"No, I'm here to see Brother Ruochen's fiancée."

"Fiancee? Zhu Yuzhi? Is she okay?"

"Not very well. What do you want from me?"

"Didn't you say you were going to school? I have been waiting for you at the school gate for a long time. Why don't you come?"

"Did you go to school? I met a handsome guy on the way. He asked me to come to the hospital to see Zhu Yuzhi, so I came."

"Little handsome guy?"

Ye Sisi thought damn it, how could he call Zhu Wentao a handsome guy in front of him.

"It's Zhu Wentao, Zhu Yuzhi's younger brother. Zhu's family is really ruthless. If something happens to Zhu Yuzhi, no one cares about her. Only Zhu Wentao is taking care of her, and she looks pretty miserable." Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan pondered for a while, "Wait there for a while, I'll come and take a look at Zhu Yuzhi."

This surprised Ye Sisi.

However, Leng Shaohan and Zhu Yuzhi have a deeper relationship and have more intersections.

To stimulate Zhu Yuzhi, Leng Shaohan's face must be more useful than his own.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask Zhu Wentao, I need his consent for this matter." Ye Sisi said.

"You just give the phone to the handsome guy." Leng Shaohan said.

I knew he remembered the title 'little handsome guy', how stingy.

After Zhu Wentao and Leng Shaohan finished talking on the phone, Zhu Wentao returned the phone to Ye Sisi, "Brother Leng told you to wait for him here, and he will come right away."

"Have you agreed for him to come and visit?"

"No one is willing to come to see my sister now, only you and Brother Leng are willing to come."

Actually, I don't want to come either, I came here for your sake.

Zhu Yuzhi is too bad a person. Her friends who are foxes and dogs see that she is useless, so no one cares about her.

Leng Shaohan came very quickly, without a driver, he was the only one.

"What's her condition now?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"Amnesia, dementia."

"Dementia? So serious?"

Ye Sisi nodded and said with a wry smile: "But she still remembers my name and called me a bitch. Even in this situation, she still remembers me, and I really feel a sense of accomplishment."

"Then will she remember me?" Leng Shaohan frowned.

"It's hard to say, but the face of your third master Leng is more difficult to forget. Maybe seeing you will make her sanity clear."

Leng Shaohan knew that Ye Sisi was deliberately teasing him, so he ignored him and walked into the ward with long legs.

Then Zhu Yuzhi rolled off the bed in shock, screaming and hiding in the corner of the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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