fall into his palm

Chapter 285 Boring

Chapter 285 Boring
After finishing speaking, without waiting for other people to respond, she stood up, pulled Ye Sisi and walked outside: "Let's go, next time don't send it to your door to be bullied."

"Stop! The An family doesn't need your charity!" An Ruochen said angrily.

An Ruochen is also an excellent person, so he really can't stand this kind of anger.

Leng Shaohan laughed coldly, "It's not a charity, it's a favor. Ye Sisi has paid off the debt that Ye Sisi owed to An's family, just remember that."

"Sisi didn't owe any favors, and I didn't ask him to pay them back!" An Ruochen said.

When Leng Shaohan wanted to say something again, Ye Sisi hurriedly stopped him, worried that he would say something worse to irritate An Ruochen.

Meng Ruofen is hateful, but An Ruochen is still very kind to herself.

"Let's go, stop making trouble." Ye Sisi quickly persuaded.

"Have you furnished our room? If not, I'll send someone to clean it up." Leng Shaohan said intentionally.

"What about our room, don't talk nonsense!"

"You promised to live with me, of course you have to share a room..."

"You are shameless!"

Leng Shaohan obviously did it on purpose, he just wanted An Ruochen to hear what he said.

An Ruochen's heart was cut like a knife.


After leaving the Anfu, Ye Sisi shook off Leng Shaohan's hand, "What are you doing? Running away to show off your prestige?"

"That's right, I just came here to show off." He was sincere.

"Are you sick? Brother Ruochen is still hurt, why are you angry with him on purpose?"

"They bully you, how can I not care about it? You are stupid, you feel like you owe him your whole life after An's family has raised your child for two years. This time, I will sell your favor and give the project to An's family. Return the favor, and you won’t be kidnapped by morality in the future.”

"Brother Ruochen didn't kidnap me!"

"Then it's true that the **** kidnapped you?"

"How do you curse?"

"It's not cursing, it's fucking, it's not fucking."

Ye Sisi: "..."

"Don't talk about him, you can move with me today."


Leng Shaohan forcibly took Ye Sisi to the Jiangcheng villa, and dragged him to the bedroom, "Do you want to move this bed?"

The bed was huge and high end.

Back then, Ye Sisi was often bullied on this bed.

"Where are you going to put it?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Of course, throw away the bed in your bedroom and replace it with this one. Don't think it's old, this bed is commemorative." Leng Shaohan said.

What commemorative significance?Bully Me Memorial?
"I don't want it!" Ye Sisi refused decisively.

"Just sleep in your bed."

"Leng Shaohan, let me remind you, I just asked you to move in, but I didn't say I want to share a room with you!"

Leng Shaohan frowned, "If I don't sleep in the same room, what should I do there?"

"It was said to let the children live together, but it didn't say that I would live with you!" Ye Sisi said.

"If the children live together, it is a family, and we should live together."

"Impossible! What is my relationship with you? Why should I live with you?"

"Then what do you say we are related?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"It doesn't matter, so why should I give up a billion-dollar project because of your words?"

Ye Sisi couldn't answer.

This seems to be a matter of rights and obligations. If you have rights, you must fulfill some obligations.

After thinking about it, I could only say harsh words, "If you force me, I will die for you!"

"Fake death like six years ago?"

"It's not impossible!"


In the end, Leng Shaohan didn't ask anyone to move the big bed, so he packed some simple carry-on luggage.

When coming down from the second floor, Ye Sisi pointed to the third floor, "Didn't you say there is someone up there? You won't take him away?"

"You call him and see if he is willing to leave." Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi's back felt a little chilly, "Is he your friend?"


Leng Shaohan simply answered without explaining.

Ye Sisi felt that he was playing tricks on herself again.

But my heart is more and more curious, what is locked in his secret room?
Is it really a person?

That's not right, Leng Shaohan hasn't been in Jiangcheng for several years.

If he really locked someone there, wouldn't that person run away long ago during his absence?Will you stay there obediently?
And I have never seen bodyguards and servants go up to deliver food, so can that person live without food?This unscientific.

"Still thinking about things upstairs?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"Yes." Ye Sisi didn't deny it either.

"Don't think about it, how can you think about things that I haven't even thought about?" Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi couldn't understand these words even more.


When they arrived at the place where Ye Sisi lived, Leng Shaohan asked people to leave the luggage at the door, and then the maid took it in.

"From now on, no adult male other than me will be able to enter this place." Leng Shaohan said.


"No reason, I think that's it."

When he came to the cloakroom, Leng Shaohan opened the closet and picked up a piece of underwear, "Is this yours? Is yours this big? No?"


"It's not mine, it's yours, you can wear it." Ye Sisi said coldly.

Leng Shaohan shook his head, "You must not be that old."

Then I started tidying up the closet, "It's too messy here, please tidy it up, I want to put my clothes."

"Did you forget again that I didn't agree to you sharing a room with me?"

"Then my clothes can't be put in the living room."

After putting away his clothes, Leng Shaohan came to the study again.

For Mr. Leng, the study is the most important place, because he needs to handle official business here, which is equivalent to an office.

Leng Shaohan glanced at it, with disgust on his face, "This place is too small, why don't we change to a bigger house?"

Ye Sisi rolled her eyes, "Do you think changing a house is like changing shoes, you can change it if you want?"

Leng Shaohan looked blank, "If you want to change it, you can change it, so what else do you need to worry about?"

Oh yes, for rich people like them, they really want to change.

The life of the rich is so dull and boring.

"If you want to change it, I'm used to it, so I don't want to change it."

"Then don't change it. Can you go out for a while, I'll make a call." Leng Shaohan said.

"This is my home. You need to avoid people if you want to make calls, so you can go out and make calls by yourself." Ye Sisi reminded her friendly.

Leng Shaohan thought for a while, then went to the balcony to make a phone call.

Ye Sisi followed in a strange way, and heard that Leng Shaohan seemed to be talking about the new energy project.

But Ye Sisi didn't dare to get too close, so she couldn't hear exactly what was said.

But I have already started to suspect in my heart, Leng Shaohan will not promise himself to give up that project on the surface, but secretly ask people to continue to follow up, right?

After Leng Shaohan made the phone call, he turned around and saw Ye Sisi, "You have also learned to eavesdrop? Shall I give you the phone, and you get a monitor inside?"

"Okay, you bring it, I'll let my son pretend."

(End of this chapter)

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