fall into his palm

Chapter 303 The character design has collapsed

Chapter 303 The character design has collapsed
Leng Shaohan also knew that what Kevin said was reasonable, but he didn't force it.

It was Ye Sisi who promised that as long as she ensured that An's got the new energy project, she would argue with herself.

Who would have thought that the woman would come up with the trick of letting the child vote to deal with herself again, it is really hateful.

The most annoying thing is that the children help her, even Kevin helps her.

I became alone.

At this time Xiaobao also came out, holding a lollipop in his hand, and handed it to Leng Shaohan, "I'll eat it for you. When you're in a bad mood, eating a lollipop will make you feel better."

Leng Shaohan refused.

He didn't have a sweet tooth in the first place, let alone sugar.

But the soft and cute kid held up the candy, and unexpectedly took the lollipop.

This is considered to have accepted Xiaobao's kindness.

"Miss Li admitted that she was doing me a favor, and she even proposed to let me control An's. Did you hear that if you were deaf?" An Tianming was also angry.

"Miss Ye, long time no see. You are still as handsome as ever, and you are still so beautiful." An Tianming said with a smile.

An Ying didn't ask what the matter was, and directly vetoed it.

The big president's personality has collapsed.

An Ying snorted coldly, what can you do that is related to An's future?
You're not all flamboyant shit.

Ye Sisi slapped her back.


Because An Ruochen was much better than An Tianming, if An Ruochen was not suppressed, An Tianming's position would not be stable.

"Don't use your mother to pressure me! You liar! Sisi persuaded Leng Shaohan to get the new energy project, but you came to claim the credit. If it wasn't for Sisi's convincing Leng Shaohan, you would have done it That project? Just by you? Who do you think you are?" An Ying said angrily.

But looking at An Ying's eyes, Ye Sisi felt that An Tianming wasn't bragging, it should be true.

"Miss Ye, actually, from the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. Miss Ye, I think we are a natural couple."

This is a real sugar-coated cannonball, Mr. Leng can't stand it.

"I bother!"

Then she looked at Anying, "Yingying, our best friend is on a date, why did you bring him here?"

Dabao also came out, and the three little ones surrounded Leng Shaohan, "Don't be angry, when the fate comes, Mommy will naturally marry you."

"I won't do it."

Although An Tianming was annoyed, but because An Ying brought him here, after all she was her own brother, Ye Sisi couldn't say anything.

Before Anying could answer, An Tianming hurriedly said, "You and Yingying are best friends, and I'm Yingying's older brother, so I'm not an outsider. I just took office as the president of An's, so if you have anything to do with Miss Ye, just call me."

Ye Sisi was also a little surprised, is there no one in the An family?Let such a waste be the president?

Vetoed me, and now you want to invite me to dinner to repair the relationship?

Leng Shaohan was a little annoyed, obviously you were the ones who rejected me, and now you're pretending to be a good person instead?

An Tianming felt a little upset, but he held back.

An Ying has to protect herself so that she can protect her second brother when he is weak.

It's just that she didn't expect that besides An Ying, there was An Tianming in the private room.

She can't go against Meng Ruofen now, because she has to gain Meng Ruofen's trust in order to protect her second brother An Ruochen.

An Tianming also has the support of the Shengxi Group, and the villain has achieved success in a short period of time, and he does have the ability to hurt An Ruochen.

Of course she didn't want An Tianming to come, but Meng Ruofen forced her to do so, and she had to agree.

But the hand seemed limp, unable to exert any strength.

I was played around by you!

"An Tianming, show some respect to my friend!" An Ying also shouted.

Leng Shaohan couldn't laugh or cry, this is a big stick, a carrot?

An Tianming found An Ying triumphantly, "Little sister, I will be the master of the An family from now on, and I need you to do it for me."

"Little sister, if you don't do this for me, I'll go to my mother and let her come to you." An Tianming said again.

"Then you can only invite me alone." Leng Shaohan said angrily.

Da BMW immediately agreed, "No problem."

Leng Shaohan sighed in his heart, unexpectedly he was bribed so easily.

The implication is that I have a different identity now, so don't dislike me.

Seeing that his sister and Ye Sisi had both drunk, An Tianming felt relieved.

Let that woman experience being left out too.


"The person surnamed Li has already agreed to Leng Shaohan, that's why he came to An's family to do favors. Do you think my second brother and I can't see it? You, An Tianming, don't have the face or the ability." An Ying said.

Do you think I am a child?Obviously you are children!

So neither Ye Sisi nor An Ying thought that there would be a problem with the wine.

Why is this thing here?

Once An Tianming takes the position, he will definitely suppress An Ruochen.

An Ruochen was still seriously injured and had many weaknesses that could be attacked by An Tianming.

"Little sister, this matter is not a personal matter, it is for the future of the family." An Ming said.

"What are you asking Sisi for? Sisi doesn't bother to have dinner with you."

"I didn't disrespect, I just like her, what's wrong?"

"Nonsense! I snatched this project! Without me, this project would not exist!"

Although An Ruochen was injured, his mind was still clear, so he wouldn't have to give up his seat to a trash.

This little girl never took him seriously, she didn't give him any face, it was very annoying.

Kevin comforted him with ancient poems, and Xiaobao served candy directly.

The wine was given by Meng Yufen, who said she would treat Ms. Ye well.

As An Tianming said, he was about to reach out to grab Ye Sisi's waist.

"Ye Sisi and I had a little misunderstanding, and Ye Sisi is the woman Leng Shaohan valued the most. So I need to repair the relationship with Ye Sisi, otherwise after I become the helm of An's, Ye Sisi will speak ill of me in front of Leng Shaohan, so Leng It is very likely to be detrimental to An's, this is something that affects the interests of An's family, of course you have to do it."

"Now you also admit Ye Sisi's influence on Leng Shaohan? Don't you have someone surnamed Li as the backstage? What are you afraid of?"

"If you don't agree, I'll ask Mom to tell you."

"I have something to do, so I don't need to look for you." Ye Sisi said coldly.


"In order to express our apologies, I will be the host tonight and treat you to dinner." Dabao said.

Ye Sisi gave him a cold look and ignored him.

Of course, Ye Sisi wanted to go to An Ying's game.

The implication is that Ye Sisi can't be invited, only him can be invited.

So she could only take orders from An Tianming.

"An Ying, don't be shameless, you have to do something for me, that is, ask Ye Sisi out for dinner."

Start serving.

An Ying looked at Ye Sisi apologetically.

No matter what, we have to win a round.

"Sisi, let's go."

An Ying wanted to stand up, but found that she couldn't get up at all.

There is no strength at all.

"There's something wrong with this wine!"

(End of this chapter)

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