fall into his palm

Chapter 308 In No Order

Ye Sisi was even more shocked, "It's not necessary at all! They have already apologized and paid compensation, so this matter is over."

"I said, I haven't been here before."

"But I have already reached an agreement with someone, and now I regret it, it seems that I have no credibility." Ye Sisi said.

When it comes to credit, Leng Shaohan is even more angry.

Looking up at Ye Sisi, "Have you ever had credit?"

"Look at what you said, why am I not trusted?" Ye Sisi was also unhappy.

"You said that as long as I let Anjia get the new energy project, you would marry me, did you honor it?"

"Bringing this up again! You said it was rejected by the family meeting, why can't you pass this hurdle!" Ye Sisi said anxiously.

Leng Shao Leng snorted.

"The person you called, don't do this anymore. I promised the An family not to pursue it, so I won't pursue it." Ye Sisi said.

"I know Miss Ye belongs to the third master."

Others slap their fleshy face with their palms. Although it hurts, it is barely acceptable.


"Mom, don't call the police!" An Ying also ran in.

"You were in the restaurant yesterday and wanted to bully Ye Sisi, didn't you?" Leng Shaohan asked directly.

"Then changing the president is not something that can be done immediately, there must be a process."


"He's not a human, he's an animal, so he's not fit to be fed to fish, and even fish hate him," Ye Sisi said.

An Tianming: "??"

Meng Ruofen said with a cold face, "Isn't it a good thing you found it? Why can't you say it?"

Before he finished speaking, Tang Jin's ear was hit on the face.

Leng Shaohan raised his voice: "Really?"

Leng Shaohan kicked over again, "How can there be no order?"

"The third master didn't ask you anything, why are you howling, shut up!"

While answering, An Tianming looked at Tang Jin's fake hand in fear, worried that Boss Tang would swing it at any time.

"The other one was not fulfilled. An Tianming is still the president of An's. I asked Tang to go into An's headquarters and bring An Tianming from the headquarters."

An Tianming understood, so he had no choice but to say again: "Master Ye, Miss Ye, I was wrong, please let me go."

Why, do you still want to deny it?

Hitting An Tianming on the face, An Tianming felt that not only the flesh was hurt, but even the frontal bone was about to be smashed into pieces.

Tang Jin, expressionless, got out of the car slowly, and motioned his subordinates to bring him to Leng Shaohan.

"Miss Ye, Third Master, please let me go, I was wrong, I will never dare again!"

Leng Shaohan glanced at Ye Sisi with a knife-like gaze.

The butler of An's family rushed in in a panic, "Madam, it's too bad, the young master has been found!"

"Then let him go like this?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"It's useful to say I'm sorry, why do you need the law?"


After An Tianming finished listening, he could either feed the fish or feed the dog. This sounded like a double choice, but it was actually a single choice.

"Then mom, you can go to the police, and then the police will find out that An Tianming has attempted rape, so he can't go to jail? Can the current situation of An's family withstand such a blow? The stock price, which has been plummeting all the way, can't be vented for thousands of miles?" An Ying ask.

"I've already explained that..."

How come I am your man?You say it is?

"Why do you understand the An family so well? Why haven't I seen you understand me so well before?" Leng Shaohan said angrily.

"You are very trustworthy to others, but the An family didn't keep their promises, so they broke the contract first." Leng Shaohan said.

"Then you should answer!"

So he didn't dare to speak anymore, and just looked at Leng Shaohan.

Even if it's useless, you have to say it, otherwise what do you want me to say?
Don't say sorry, don't you say it's okay?
Wouldn't it be worse for me then?
"Come here, throw it down and feed the fish." Leng Shao said coldly.

"Are you just helping others to speak like this? Ren An's family was bullied arbitrarily?" Meng Naofen said angrily.

Leng Shaohan's voice was cold, "Is he still a human being?"


Do you think you are not mine if you don't pull evidence?
"Didn't you hear what the third master asked you?" Tang Jin raised his iron hand again.

She is the person involved, so of course call her first, do you still compete with others for rankings?
I had no choice but to cry with a mournful face: "The rankings are in no particular order."

"It's useless to say I'm sorry, don't you understand?"

An Tianming looked at Ye Sisi next to Leng Shaohan, "Miss Ye, haven't we already talked about it, why do you want to..."


"They cashed in, and someone has already contacted me, and the materials donated to the school are ready to be shipped to the school."

"I think he can be let go, after all, he is not a human being, at most he is a mouse." Ye Sisi said again.

Leng Shaohan's expression became even uglier, "Why did you call her first and then me? Could it be that she is more important than me?"

"Listen, I heard."

"Leng Shaohan is so arrogant that someone kidnapped Tianming from the company and broke his leg, so I just put up with it?" Meng Yaofen said angrily.

But Tang Jin's hands are made of a special material, an alloy.

Ye Sisi's eyes widened.

Ye Sisi was about to say something when a car drove up.

"Yes, sorry..."

The middle door of the business car opened, and An Tianming was kicked out of the car from behind.

"Ah? Leng Shaohan is so ruthless, he dared to do such a cruel thing to my An family, it's too deceiving!" Meng Yufen was furious, "Immediately call the police!"


Leng Shaohan looked at Tang Jin, "Break your leg, find a place to throw it away."

Tang Jin's slaps are not the same as ordinary people's slaps.

"Ye Sisi is my woman, do you know that?" Leng Shaohan asked again.

"Then kill him and feed him to the dog." Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi hurriedly stopped her, "Don't, don't do this, don't kill anyone."

"Leng Shaohan has always cared about Ye Sisi very much. An Tianming insisted on touching Leng Shaohan's Ni Lin, and made a move on Sisi, even in front of my own sister. It's like a pig and a dog! Breaking one of his legs, that's Leng Shaohan has already saved face for the An family. With Leng Shaohan's temper, if he didn't directly disable An Tianming for life, he was showing mercy." An Ying said.

Leng Shaohan suddenly became violent, and kicked An Tianming's heart, "You still dare to touch her if you know it?"

"The young master's leg was broken, and he was thrown into a septic tank in a vegetable field in the suburbs!"

If I remember correctly, let's talk about the certificate, right?

Meng Ruofen has always put interests first, but she was just too excited just now.

Now that An Ying reminded her, she gradually calmed down.

"Then I can't bear this tone! I'm going to find Leng Shaohan now!" Meng Yufen said.

"Mom, I think it's better to forget it! With Leng Shaohan's current power, let alone An Tianming's fault first. Even if An Tianming does nothing, he will teach An Tianming a lesson, and there is nothing we can do. " An Ying persuaded.

"No, I can't bear this tone! I can't fight him brightly, so I'll come secretly! I can't fight Leng Shaohan, so I can't help that bitch surnamed Ye! All this started because of her, and she will do it return!"

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