Ye Sisi nodded: "Okay, Brother Ruochen."

"Thank you."

After explaining these things, An Ruochen seemed to have calmed down a lot.

Then he told Ye Sisi again, "Please protect Yingying's safety, definitely."

"Okay, Brother Ruochen."

Ye Sisi is also under a lot of pressure, she is not sure that she can do well.

"Brother Ruochen, who do you think did these things?" Ye Sisi asked again.

An Ruochen pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't know."

He obviously knew it, but there was no evidence, so he couldn't make accusations casually.


"I won't go, and you will take you to visit Granny Meng's grave next year during the Qingming Festival." Ye Sisi said.

Ye Sisi snorted coldly, expressing her dissatisfaction.

Now that Meng Yufen is gone, she should take the child to the funeral to salute.


"Today, celebrities from all walks of life in Jiangcheng will be present, so of course I will send one."

An Ying, who was completely in a closed state, did not know that her mother died in the river.

An Ruochen asked Wan to confess, not to let Ye Sisi tell An Ying, Ye Sisi had no choice but to keep silent.

Ye Sisi had just finished washing when Leng Shaohan came.

Xiao Bao nodded, "Then should I call Uncle Ruochen and comfort him?"

She has a slender figure, fair skin, and a face as delicate as a knife.

It was such a reasoning that Ye Sisi could not refute.

The physical and mental stress for several days has already made her exhausted.

All his clothes are custom-made by old tailors, using the best fabrics, a piece of clothes can buy a mid-level car, of course it is not bad.

"I have no shame in my heart, so naturally I'm not afraid of being hated by others. Even if I have guilt, I'm not afraid. If I don't show up on such an occasion, isn't that equivalent to admitting to the business community in Jiangcheng that I have something to do with the An family?" Leng Shaohan added road.

Ye Sisi was a little annoyed, "Is it appropriate for you to speak like this?"

Ye Sisi glared at Leng Shaohan, "But people in the An family don't necessarily think so."


"Call again tomorrow, Uncle Ruochen is busy today."

Leng Shaohan frowned: "An Jia and I are considered family friends. Competition is competition. We don't have a big enmity. Why don't I go?"

This made Ye Sisi hesitate whether to change clothes.

Leng Shaohan was very satisfied with Ye Sisi's attire, she stood beside her in this attire, it felt very suitable.

"Why do you suddenly believe me again?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"Change your clothes and let's go."

"I assure you, nothing will happen to An Ying. If someone really wants to hurt An Ying, you can't stop it. Just let Tang come in to do these things, he is more professional. You have to rest and go to participate tomorrow Funeral." Leng Shaohan said.

"I'm worried." Ye Sisi shook her head and said, "I have to guard Yingying, and nothing will happen to her again."

Ye Sisi hesitated for a moment, but said, "Are you really going? I'm worried that the An family will hate you."

"The memorial service starts at ten o'clock, we can leave now." Leng Shaohan said.

But Meng Ruofen didn't die normally, An's plot and massacre were still going on, and Ye Sisi didn't want the child to be involved.

If he was ugly, women like Li Yalu probably wouldn't look down on him, so they wouldn't tear him up.

Ye Sisi didn't tell him her true inner thoughts, but said flatly: "The clothes are nice."

If you don't take a good rest, I'm afraid you will be seriously ill.

Leng Shaohan said something that sounded rather cruel: "Is there anyone else in the An family?"

The original intention was to attend the funeral and try to dress plain.

The operation took up to eight hours, and Ye Sisi, who was outside, was exhausted from waiting.

Leng Shaohan was stunned, not understanding why this woman would suddenly praise his clothes.

An Ying, who was under general anesthesia, was finally pushed out of the operating room. The doctor said that the first operation was a success, which reassured Ye Sisi.

Ye Sisi looked at Leng Shaohan, "You are going to the funeral, not to fight, what are you doing with so many cars?"

It will save a lot of trouble.

"Why are you staring at me?" Leng Shaohan asked.

When I woke up the next day, I heard the silence outside, occasionally a little sound came out.


"Mommy, are you awake?" Xiaobao ran over, "Uncle Ruochen's mommy passed away, should we go and see?"

I always feel that this guy is not telling the truth, but I don't know what he wants to do.

"Are you going too?"

"If you want to kill members of the An family, killing An Ruochen is most useful. You won't touch Meng Ruofen, but protect An Ruochen instead," Ye Sisi said.

"I'm just telling the truth."

It was cold, so he wore a black windbreaker.

"Finally I have some brains." Leng Shaohan said disdainfully.

After returning home, Ye Sisi, who was too tired, fell asleep.

"OK then."

Ye Sisi sometimes wondered, why is a man so good-looking?
It's enough for a man to have a career, and he doesn't rely on his appearance for a living.

After An Ying was settled, Leng Shaohan came.

From a moral point of view, Dabao and Xiaobao have stayed in An's house for two years, and they know Meng Yufen, so they have to be called grandma.

In fact, Ye Sisi was also thinking about this issue.

On the day Meng Luofen was cremated, An Ying underwent the first repair operation on the burnt part of her face.

After getting up, they found that the three cubs were all there, but they were worried that they would disturb Ye Sisi's sleep, so they deliberately didn't notice any noise.

When we arrived at the funeral home, the staff sent white flowers and black gauze at the door.

"I asked Tang Jin to find someone to guard here. You don't have to stay here anymore, go home and have a rest. Tomorrow, you have to go to Meng Lufen's funeral." Leng Shaohan said.

It was because of his face that he caused trouble for himself a lot.

Ye Sisi also changed into a black windbreaker.

Leng Shaohan answered succinctly, "Pie scene, the most important thing in this kind of occasion is the pie scene."

Leng Shaohan showed a disdainful expression again: "I don't care what others think."

After leaving the villa, I saw five or six cars forming a convoy at the door.

Ye Sisi wondered, when did this person become so vain?
Where Mr. Leng went, it was the biggest pie scene in itself, so he still needed to set up a pie scene?

Seeing that Ye Sisi was silent, Leng Shaohan added: "Or do you think I was responsible for the An family?"

"That's not it."

But after changing, I realized that the clothes matched Leng Shaohan's clothes very well, like a couple's outfit.

It's useless to be good-looking, and you will be spoiled everywhere you go.

There have been many reports on the Internet, and it is impossible to hide the truth from the three children.


"It's about people settling down, what kind of party are you doing?"

Leng Shaohan took the black gauze and handed it to his followers.

Ye Sisi pulled him back, "The black gauze needs to be put on your arms. Since you are here to mourn, you must be sincere. Come, I'll put it on for you."

Leng Shaohan showed impatience on his face, but he still stood still and asked Ye Sisi to wear a black gauze for him.

"Senior, what a coincidence, what are you doing?"

Ye Sisi turned her head and saw Li Yalu's delicate fox face.

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