"I'm at work, I'll talk about it after get off work."

"Alright. This is my phone number. If it's convenient, you can save it and call me after get off work." Ye Sisi said.

"Okay, then you bring the money. If you don't bring the money, I won't tell you anything. I don't want to transfer money, I want cash." The other party said.

"sure, no problem."

After hanging up on Lu Xiaomin, Ye Sisi went to the bank to withdraw 5 yuan in cash.

Money must not be given to her casually. You have to list some core and important issues first.

If she promises to answer it, give it to her.

If she can't answer and can only provide some invalid information, then don't give it to her.


When it was almost six o'clock, Lu Xiaomin called.

The person who answered the phone this time turned out to be a male voice: "Hello?"

"Wait a minute, she'll be here soon."

Ye Sisi fell silent again.


"The battery car she was riding was hit by a car. The vehicle that caused the accident has escaped. We are currently chasing it. Miss Ye, please run to us and cooperate with the work."


"So you suspect that Lu Xiaomin killed your father six years ago, and you hired a murderer to kill her today to take revenge?"

She wouldn't lie to herself, and then find an accomplice to rob herself, right?


Ye Sisi waited in the coffee shop for about half an hour, and it was already dark.

"Where did you make an appointment to meet? Is this the location you sent her?"

"How did you die?"

Moreover, the information exchanged for money is not necessarily the information that will make you feel happy.

Because there is a bit of traffic jam during peak hours, you need to wait for a while.

Originally, I wanted to invite her to have a meal and talk slowly, but I felt uncomfortable, so I felt that there was no need to eat.

This still can't be bypassed.

Ye Sisi turned her head and saw that the police had indeed arrived.

Ye Sisi thought she had made a mistake, so she looked at the number again, and it was correct.

"What's the name of that friend of yours?"

Do you want to confess Qian Yufeng?
"Officer, I have nothing to do with Lu Xiaomin's death, please believe me."

Ye Sisi was a little bit annoyed to ask you directly if you have money ready while on the phone.

"Given it by a friend."

Ye Sisi knew that she couldn't get away with it now.

But this is a busy city, can you really get away with robbery here?

"I'll send you a location, come to this cafe." Ye Sisi said.

"I want to ask her something." Ye Sisi could only say.

"whats the matter?"

So he stood up and walked to the bar, "If someone hits me later, you should call the police."

"Excuse me, is it Lu Xiaomin's call?"

But Ye Sisi was clearly telling the truth, she really didn't know Lu Xiaomin, and had never met him.

"Ye Sisi, right? Where are you? I'm off work. Do you have any money ready?"

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

"Miss, have you called the police?"

"What are you going to do when you meet Lu Xiaomin at the coffee shop?" the policeman asked again.

"Yes, where is she?"

"You said you don't know Lu Xiaomin, so why do you have her phone number?"

"Something that happened in the hospital six years ago. My dad died in the hospital that day. She was the nurse on duty and she knew what happened."

I feel that this person is quite unqualified.

"No, I'm just hypothetical. Are all the cameras here working normally?"

But Lu Xiaomin still didn't show up.

Ye Sisi picked up the phone, "Hello?"

Then I saw the policeman next to her looking at her, "You are Ye Sisi?"

"Don't worry, when you're ready, we'll talk about it later."

So I waited for another half an hour, but Lu Xiaomin was still nowhere to be seen.

As soon as the staff finished speaking, they heard a burst of sirens.

Police station.

Today's weather is bad, foggy, coupled with peak traffic, traffic jams are indeed normal.


This police officer had a lot of associations, which gave Ye Sisi a bit of a headache.

The police were very dissatisfied with Ye Sisi's behavior, because she still couldn't explain her relationship with Lu Xiaomin clearly.

So I called Lu Xiaomin again.

Ye Sisi vaguely felt something was wrong.


But still have to guard against ah!

If she had evidence to prove that Leng Shaohan was indeed related to her father's death, would she still be able to eat?

What's worse, she said she didn't know Lu Xiaomin.

At this moment, the phone rang, and it was Lu Xiaomin calling.

"Yes, who are you to her? Will she come yet?"

"I said, I didn't know she was there at the time, it was a friend who provided the information."

Ye Sisi is getting impatient, I have to rush home for dinner.

"But the police are here."

This person spoke quickly, and asked questions in a row without giving the other party time to react.

The policeman got angry and slapped the table, "Ye Sisi, please cooperate with our work! If you don't tell the truth, you won't be able to clear the suspicion!"

Ye Sisi made the staff of the coffee shop a little nervous, "Miss, what's the matter? Do you want to call the police now?"

Ye Sisi's head thumped, "Lu Xiaomin is dead?"

"Then why have you not understood it for so many years, but chose to understand it today?"

"Officer, I don't suspect who killed my dad, I just want to know the situation at that time."

"What happened? Where's Lu Xiaomin?"

Is this a fraud?
Lu Xiaomin told him to wait for her here to withdraw cash, and now it was another man who answered the phone.

At this moment someone knocked on the door, motioned the interrogating officer out, and said something to him.

"Miss Ye, please come with us." The policeman said.

"Okay, just send me the location."

"Lu Xiaomin was killed half an hour ago. Her call records show that you were the last person to contact her. Please come with us."

"Who are you?" The other party asked.

Ye Sisi wondered, since she would be here soon, why did someone else answer the call for her?

"You meet Lu Xiaomin here?"

Ye Sisi was silent again.

"Which friend?" the policeman asked.

Called her and she said she was on her way.

"Do you have the money ready?" The other party asked again.

"It has just been overhauled and can be used normally. Miss, do you really not want to call the police in advance? It will take a few minutes for the police to arrive. If there is any trouble, it is best to call the police in advance." The staff said.

Anyway, it is all about exchanging information with money, and there is no need to engage in entertainment.

"I'm Ye Sisi, I made an appointment with Lu Xiaomin, why hasn't she arrived yet?" Ye Sisi asked.

And several came, two rushed in, and two stood guard at the door.

After he came back, he looked at Ye Sisi, and said suddenly: "You can go."

Ye Sisi was taken aback, so let me go?

"Why, why?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Let's go, the lawyer will deal with it later."

Ye Sisi turned her head and saw that it was Tang Jin.

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