fall into his palm

Chapter 322 How is it possible

Chapter 322 How is it possible
Ye Sisi asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Because he wasn't Leng Shaohan in the first place." Kevin said.

"Then you have to have some basis, right?"

"Look at this, what this person has on his hand. Leng Shaohan doesn't wear anything on his hand except a watch." Kevin said.

Great, he could see it at a glance.

"Then what if Leng Shaohan brought it that day? He doesn't usually wear it, but it can't be ruled out that he did. It didn't grow on him. He can put it on or take it off at any time. " Ye Sisi said.

"And the shoes are wrong."


"Leng Shaohan has always only worn black leather shoes, and black leather shoes with laces. But these shoes are brown, and they are casual shoes without laces. It is impossible for Leng Shaohan to wear such shoes, So this is also a piece of evidence," Kevin said.

Ye Sisi saw it, and it was true.

And the pronunciation of 4 in the music score is 'fa', isn't it good to get rich?
That is just a cold number, and all the meanings are people's over-interpretation.

Leng Shaohan's most commonly used car is a Bentley, but if there are many people, or he needs to work in the car, he will use this Mercedes-Benz business car.

Then Tang Jin and Leng Shaohan only talked about the red string tied around their wrists, but did not point out the shoes to her. Did they not find out, or did they not tell her on purpose?
Kevin, a child can find out, they are all veterans, will they not be able to find out?

The police took out a photo, which showed a black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

"Then you can always remember the license plate number?"

Tang Jin nodded silently.

So some people regarded themselves as Leng Shaohan's weakness and attacked violently, making Leng Shaohan fall into a passive position.


Ye Sisi's principle has always been to not let children hate Leng Shaohan.

"I don't recognize it." Ye Sisi replied calmly, "I'm not sensitive to cars."

Even if Leng Shaohan was really the murderer of his father, Ye Sisi would not tell the child.

Looking at the questioners again, they are not the two from yesterday.

It is good that hatred ends in one's own generation. There is no need to pass on hatred, a poison that can make people suffer for a lifetime, to children.

"It was really Leng Shaohan's car that killed Lu Xiaomin."

"Miss Ye, you are startled. Please rest assured that the evidence they have does not prove that you killed Lu Xiaomin. They will question you later, you just need to deal with it calmly like today." Tang Jin said.

Before Ye Sisi could answer, Dabao replied, "This is a video from a few years ago, not now."

This is obviously unreasonable.

Moreover, these two people have obvious foreign accents, so they should be from outside.

"Where was that car parked? When was it stolen?"

Recalling it again, since I got to know Leng Shaohan, that fellow seems to have never worn shoes of any color other than black.

"The background of this video is a hospital, is Leng Shaohan sick?" Xiaobao asked again.

After a while, that person came in again, "Ye Sisi, I will give you one last chance to confess."

When it comes to Leng Shaohan, everyone knows that this person can cover the sky with one hand in Jiangcheng.

"We know each other quite well," Ye Sisi said.

So why don't they say it?Too lazy to say?

Ye Sisi nodded: "Yes, I just got this video by accident and thought it was strange, so I'll let you watch it, it's nothing."

Ye Sisi recognized it at just one glance, it was one of Leng Shaohan's private cars.

"Then you've never been in his car? Many people can recognize that it's Leng Shaohan's car, but you don't? Or pretend you don't?" the policeman asked.

It was Tang who came in to get her out yesterday, but if he said he was not familiar with her today, he would be obviously lying.

There must be big shots behind it.

Don't answer indiscriminately anymore, if you say something wrong later and put Leng Shaohan in a trap, it will be troublesome.

Two staff members with foreign accents glanced at each other, and one of them went out.


Leng Shaohan is too strong, it is very difficult to attack him directly.

"The security level of that car is very high, but someone stole the car. I also find it incredible. This is my negligence at work." Tang Jin said.

"I want to see a lawyer, it's my right."

"Do you know him?" the policeman asked again.

Tang Jin appeared again with a team of lawyers and brought Ye Sisi out.

What does the car mean, the policeman asks himself?Could it be that this car killed Lu Xiaomin?

The license plate ends with 4, which is really easy to remember.

Ye Sisi even thought that the target was not only herself, but Leng Shaohan.

But if you let others die, it will be over if you don't die.


74, homonym for 'go to die'.

"I need to see a lawyer."

"Then let's tell you now that this car hit and killed Lu Xiaomin. Did you have a grudge against Lu Xiaomin, so you are responsible for asking Lu Xiaomin out, and then Leng Shaohan is responsible for sending someone to kill her?" The staff asked again.

This guide is more obvious.

"Do you know this car?"

And these people's questions were clearly guided and directional, which sounded very unfavorable to Leng Shaohan.

"I don't know." Ye Sisi shook her head, "But it looks familiar. I'm not interested in cars, so I'm not sensitive to brands and styles."

Ye Sisi felt strange, Tang Jin came forward yesterday, logically speaking the police should give him face, why is he so impolite in his questioning today?

"Answer our question first, right? If you have a good attitude and are willing to cooperate with us, we will seek leniency for you. You are not a direct murderer, and you have a chance to be exonerated."

But children are smart, and it is not so easy to deceive.

Ye Sisi was silent for a few seconds, "I want to see a lawyer."

The next day, Ye Sisi was called by the police to the police station to cooperate with the questioning.

"Then let me change the question. Are you familiar with Mr. Leng Shaohan from the Leng Group?" the police officer asked again.

"Mommy, where did this video come from? Did Leng Shaohan do something bad?" Xiaobao asked.

"Why such a coincidence?" Ye Sisi asked anxiously.

Ye Sisi couldn't talk nonsense about this question.

It should be that someone responded to the above and applied for an off-site investigation.


"It was parked in the company's underground parking lot. An hour before the incident, someone drove the car away, and then accurately found Lu Xiaomin's battery car, hit her to death and fled. The police found the car last night, but the car people have fled."

"It's not easy to steal Leng Shaohan's car, isn't it? The security system didn't find it?" Ye Sisi was surprised.

"Strictly speaking, it's not considered stealing. People who steal cars usually destroy the anti-theft system and start it by force. But the anti-theft system of that car is the most advanced in the world. If the original key is not used, the anti-theft system will lock the car. , it is impossible to drive away."

Ye Sisi's eyes widened, "So you mean that the person who stole the car used the original key? How is that possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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