fall into his palm

Chapter 326 It's Unusual

Chapter 326 It's Unusual
Zhang Jiayu wanted to say something else, but when she saw that the person with her had a broken leg and howled like a pig being killed, she immediately became honest.

After taking the lines handed over by Tang Jin, he began to read.

"Haven't you acted before? The lines are so poor? You can't even pronounce the words clearly?" Tang Jin said coldly.

Zhang Jiayu said helplessly: "We usually count the numbers when we read the lines, and the lines are all dubbed later. I don't know how to recite the lines."

"Then what do you do? Only cheating?"

Zhang Jiayu dared not speak.


Zhang Jiayu's apology video was broadcast on multiple platforms for the first time, and netizens were in an uproar.

Anyone with a little brain can see that someone is manipulating the whole incident.

But there are also a lot of ignorant people on the Internet. Some people still think that Zhang Jia is right, but Leng Shaohan is too powerful, so she was forced to change her words.

An Ying completed her second facial restoration surgery.

No matter what Ye Sisi said, he was unwilling to address her directly as 'Sisi'.

An Ying shook her head, "I don't know. At first I suspected it was Leng Shaohan, but if it was him, he wouldn't arrange someone to protect me, so now I think it's not him."

Although this kind of attack is very annoying, it can't hurt the muscles and bones in general.


Now that An Ruochen has shown up, there should be someone around him staring at him.

Ye Sisi felt that this topic was too heavy, and she was under too much pressure, so she changed the topic: "Yingying, who do you think set the fire in your house?"

Her face was wrapped in gauze, only her beautiful eyes were exposed, like a chrysalis, it made people feel sad.

The answer is no.

There is no future, and you will never see her again.

"Then does my mother know I'm here? Did she call you to find out about me? How did you tell her?"

Ye Sisi felt even more uneasy.

"Madam may be busy recently, so she didn't ask me about you. You also know that Madam has never liked me." Ye Sisi said.

"Old injury? Leng Shaohan's brain has an old injury?"

"I'm Ye Sisi, Tang Jin asked me to come." Ye Sisi said.

It was found that an emergency room in the emergency department was temporarily controlled and no one was allowed to enter.

"Brother Ruochen is recovering quite well."

"Come here and talk."

And because Leng Xinde was dissatisfied with Leng Shaohan, he ordered Zhang Jiayu to spread rumors to slander Leng and Leng Shaohan.

Ye Sisi wondered, he had never heard of Leng Shaohan's old brain injury, when did he get it?

These are all public opinion guidance by the navy arranged by Tang Jin, of course this is not the case.

"The doctor said that there was a major brain injury. What I'm worried about now is that this impact will cause Sanye's old injury." Tang Jin said.

Although he was still asking, he already had the answer in his heart.

"Leng Shaohan arranged an expert from another hospital for brother Ruochen. He will treat him there. He will come to see you in a few days." Ye Sisi could only lie.

Sure enough, Tang Jin responded, "It's the third master."

Seeing Tang Jin guarding the door of the emergency room, Ye Sisi's heart sank even further, "Brother Jin, who's inside?"

Only then did the bodyguards let Ye Sisi in.

This Tang Jin was a bit old-fashioned, no matter what Ye Sisi called him, his address to Ye Sisi would hardly change.

An Ying was thoughtful, "My mother did have a lot of misunderstandings about you. I will slowly persuade her not to have so many prejudices against you in the future."

Ye Sisi bit her lip, trying to calm down.

The police couldn't find any direct evidence of Leng Shaohan's involvement in Lu Xiaomin's case, and they didn't dare to disturb Leng Shaohan with just a car.

"Is it possible that it's someone from your family?" Ye Sisi asked.

Ye Sisi felt uneasy, "What happened? Who's in the emergency department?"

But soon another video about Zhang Jiayu broke out on the Internet. It was a video of her and a man touching each other in a hotel elevator.

But soon there were new public figures who came forward and started a new round of attacks on the Leng family.

"What happened to him? Why did he enter the emergency room?" Ye Sisi asked anxiously.

After Zhang Jiayu's apology video came out, the attack on Leng's commentary turned slightly.

Either 'Miss Ye' or 'Young Mistress' are respectful titles.


At this moment, Ye Sisi's cell phone rang, and it was Tang Jin who called.

But how to tell An Ying about this?

The person inside must be Leng Shaohan, otherwise Tang Jin wouldn't be so nervous.

In this way, netizens feel that they finally know the truth.

If he comes here, it is very likely that people will find An Ying's hiding place, and then An Ying will not be safe.

Death is like a lamp going out, if you say no, you will be gone.

It used to be called 'Brother Tang', but since Dabao and Xiaobao recognized their godfathers, Ye Sisi felt that calling him 'Brother Jin' was closer.

At the same time, someone came out to guide netizens, saying that Leng Xinde was Zhang Jiayu's benefactor behind the scenes.

"Okay, how is my brother recovering?" An Ying asked again.

Ye Sisi hung up the phone and hurried to the emergency department.

Under the condition of completely blocking information, An Ying, who has been in a secret ward and is almost isolated from the world, does not know that An's family has been turned upside down.

"Miss Ye, where are you?" Tang Jin asked.

This is unusual.

"Huh? Is that serious?"

No matter how harsh Meng Ruofen was to her before, but now that she is gone, all grievances and grievances are a thing of the past.

The situation is currently at a general stalemate.

It seems to be asking too much, if it is not serious, it will not go to the emergency room.

"I don't know, who are the people inside?"

Ye Sisi stepped aside to answer the phone, "Brother Jin."

Some netizens quickly found out that this person is Leng Xinde, the former president of the Leng Corporation.

"There was an accident at a construction site, and the relevant department stopped it. The third master suspected that there was something wrong, so he went to inspect it in person. As a result, the construction frame fell down and the third master was hit."

It's true that Leng Xinde hates Leng Shaohan, and it's true that he wants to make a comeback, but he currently doesn't have the ability to plan an attack on the Leng family.

"The doctor said that the operation was a success and he will recover slowly." Ye Sisi comforted softly.

"You come to the emergency department." Tang Jin said.

An Ying was still too naive.

"Where is the hospital where I live in An Ying, what's the matter?" An Ying asked.

Meng Ruofen had already gone to another world, but An Ying didn't know about it.

"Thank you, Sisi, thanks to you. By the way, how is my brother recovering? Can I see my brother?" An Ying asked.

Tang Jin nodded.

It seems that Qian Yufeng hid it well, but An Ying never thought in his direction.

"Is this an accident, or man-made?" Ye Sisi asked.

"It is still under investigation, but there is a high probability that it is man-made."

"If that's the case, then I'm afraid that the insider in the company is involved again. We need to find out this insider as soon as possible." Ye Sisi said.

A ruthless look flashed in Tang Jin's eyes, "Not only must this person be found out, but he must also die!"

(End of this chapter)

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