fall into his palm

Chapter 35 Still Heartbroken

Chapter 35 Still Heartbroken
Ye Sisi was heartbroken, and hurried to break those hands away.

"What did you dream about, afraid of becoming like this?"

Leng Shao's cold voice came.

Ye Sisi was still in shock, and stared at Leng Shaohan, "Do you think I'm worthless, so you want to kill me?"

"Have you ever been of value? Why did you run away when you agreed to testify against Leng Xinde and the others for harming me in front of all the shareholders? Are you still reluctant to part with Leng Maoze?"

There was obvious anger in Leng Shaohan's tone.

Ye Sisi collected herself and looked at Leng Shaohan.

Shouldn't he be interviewing reporters and come back so soon?

Are you rushing back in such a hurry just to strangle yourself?

"You are already in power in the Leng family, do you still need to be afraid of Leng Xinde and his son?" Ye Sisi asked back.

"Even if I'm not in power, I'm never afraid of them!" Leng Shao said coldly.

"That's it! Now that you are in power, if you still ask me to testify against them in public, it is not equivalent to beating a dog in the water? It will make the shareholders think that they are worried about the counterattack of Leng Xinde and his son, and want to kill them completely to stabilize the situation. Stay in your own position. Doing so is not good for you. But if you don’t accuse them today, but take the fact that they want to kill you as a handle, and beat them at any time, wouldn’t it be more interesting and more active? " Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan listened, but did not speak.

Approval in the eyes, but also other complicated things.

This woman is really not simple!
At this time, a servant came to report that his wife asked the third master to talk to him.

Leng Shaohan stretched out his finger and pointed at Ye Sisi, but he didn't speak.

It seemed to be a warning, or it meant something else, Ye Sisi didn't quite understand.


The second richest family in Jiangcheng, the Zhu family.

Zhu Xingrong, the head of the Zhu family, was furious, "What are you all doing? Leng Shaohan fooled all of you in a wheelchair! You all said he was disabled, but now he stands up and becomes a member of the Leng Group." President! Why didn't you provide information earlier, let us have a good relationship with him!"

"Dad, hasn't Zhu Yuzhi always maintained the relationship with the Leng family? She, the daughter-in-law of the Leng family, didn't understand the situation, how could we know?" It was Zhu Yuzhi's elder brother Zhu Yuhua who spoke.

Zhu Yuzhi immediately retorted, "When Leng Shaohan asked someone to send the agreement back then, you tore up the copy of the agreement and threw it on the ground and stepped on it a few times, right? You thought he was disabled, so you looked down on him. Now Alright, now that someone is in power, you have caused a catastrophe!"

"That's not because your information is inaccurate. If you had found out Leng Shaohan's true appearance earlier, would I be so reckless?" Zhu Yuhua retorted.

"Okay, what's the use of talking about it now! We must take remedial measures immediately, and try our best to build a good relationship with Leng Shaohan! Draw a line with Leng Xinde and the others, and we can't have any more contact!" Zhu Xingrong said.

"I agree. I think there is no way to get closer to Leng Shaohan. Isn't Zhu Yuzhi engaged to the Leng family? Leng Shaoxuan is dead, but now Leng Shaohan is alive. We can continue to propose marriage to the Leng family Let Zhu Yuzhi marry him, let Leng Shaohan become the son-in-law of our Zhu family, then the relationship with him will be repaired? As the son-in-law of the Zhu family, will he still ask us for the old debt ten years ago?" Zhu Yuhua road.

"It's not impossible, but will Leng Shaohan agree?" Zhu Xingrong frowned.

"Dad, you only consider whether Leng Shaohan is willing or not, don't you think about my willingness or not?" Zhu Yuzhi shouted.

Zhu Yuhua sneered, "If you want to marry Leng Shaohan, you might wake up laughing from your dreams. You still don't want to? But today Leng Shaohan seems to have brought a female student to the shareholders' meeting. That person is younger than you and younger than you." She's much prettier. If you want to marry Leng Shaohan, I'm afraid you'll have to go through that female student's test. I'm disgusted!"

Ye Sisi's charming face appeared before Zhu Yuzhi's eyes, and hatred arose in his heart.

"She's the bitch who killed Leng Shaoxuan with a car! She married Leng Shaoxuan's tablet and became Leng Shaoxuan's widow, and now she's still hooking up with her brother-in-law. How shameless!" Zhu Yuzhi said bitterly.

"So you can't let that female student take the position of your young mistress! She married a memorial tablet. If you marry Leng Shaohan, you are the real person in power! Then she won't be able to beat you. Don't you step on it every minute?" Him?" Zhu Yuhua said.

"Shut up, you just want to sell me at a price! You are incompetent, you only want to sell your sister, shameless!" Zhu Yuzhi scolded.

Although the mouth is scolding, but in fact, the heart is still moving.

Back then, she had a marriage contract with Leng Shaoxuan, but Leng Shaoxuan treated her indifferently, so after so many years, she failed to marry into the richest family in Jiangcheng.

Later, Leng Shaoxuan was directly killed by someone, which completely cut off her dream of being the young mistress of the most wealthy family in Jiangcheng.

Now God has given another chance, if she can really marry Leng Shaohan, then this dream will come true!

She is the young mistress now, and she will be the head of the Leng family in the future!
The position of He Yuzhen, the head of the No. [-] wealthy family in Jiangcheng, is the dream of countless women!Of course it is also Zhu Yuzhi's dream.

But how can this be achieved?
Zhu Yuhua saw what her younger sister was thinking, "Leng Shaohan will hold a celebration reception tonight, you can find a way to sleep with him, won't this be done?"

(End of this chapter)

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