Chapter 38
As soon as Ye Sisi said this, Zhu Yuzhi was embarrassed.

"You are talking nonsense, there is nothing at all!" Zhu Yuzhi was furious.

"I'm talking nonsense? Your brother's name is Zhu Yuhua, right? He came to me just now! He said that your Zhu family wanted to Lai Leng's family for an old debt ten years ago, but they couldn't find a suitable reason, so they wanted you I slept with Leng Shaohan, and then..."

"Bitch, stop talking nonsense!"

Of course, Zhu Yuzhi couldn't let Ye Sisi continue talking, and rushed over to tear Ye Sisi apart.

But Leng Shaohan pulled Ye Sisi behind him and blocked Ye Sisi in front of her.

Zhu Yuzhi grabbed Leng Shaohan's suit with his hand.

Leng Shaohan stared at Zhu Yuzhi with sharp eyes.

Zhu Yuzhi quickly retracted her hand, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it's just this bitch..."

"I said it last time, she is from the Leng family, and it's not your turn to teach her a lesson!" Leng Shaohan said.

"But she..."

"Anyone who dares to cause trouble at my reception will be thrown out!" Leng Shao said coldly.

Zhu Yuzhi had no choice but to stop, and just stared at Ye Sisi fiercely.

Ye Sisi faced her, slightly lifting her delicate chin.

Zhu Yuzhi stomped her feet in anger.

Leng Shaohan pulled Ye Sisi away, "Do you want something to eat? There are pastries over there."

Ye Sisi was really not used to Leng Shaohan suddenly taking care of him like this.

"I'm full and don't want to eat."

"Would you like something to drink, then? Champagne?"

"I don't drink either, I lose weight."

Leng Shaohan glanced at Ye Sisi, it seemed that he was a little fatter than before, and he had to manage his weight.

In fact, he didn't know that Ye Sisi was pregnant.

"You should also pay attention to nutrition when you lose weight. Losing weight blindly will affect your health."

Ye Sisi was really not used to Leng Shaohan's change of attitude.

It's like a wolf that usually bared its teeth, suddenly hides its sharp teeth and starts speaking human words, it's really hard for people to get used to.

Although the wolf suddenly changed its gentle face, it is still possible to bite at any time.

Ye Sisi didn't dare to provoke him too much, so she responded, "I know."

"Then sit here by yourself for a while, don't mix with those boring women. If anyone dares to bully you, I'll have someone throw her out." Leng Shaohan said.

These words are superfluous, because no one dared to approach Ye Sisi after seeing how Leng Shaohan was protecting Ye Sisi.

Leng Shaohan is the king of the business world in the new Jinjiang City, and he is in the limelight. Who would be so blind and come to provoke him?

"Then you stay here, I'll pass."

"Go and do your thing."

After Leng Shaohan passed by, Ye Sisi left by herself.

This is a rare opportunity, hurry back and try to contact Qian Yufeng again to see what is going on with her mother and whether she has been transferred.

All the way back to Leng's house.

Entered the house in the dark and found the mobile phone hidden in the water tank.

Rich Yufeng's message: Sisi, please reply as soon as you see the message!

Ye Sisi became anxious when she saw it, and quickly sent a message: Senior, where are you?

Qian Yufeng quickly replied: school dormitory.

"Where's my mother?"

"Come here and talk about it."

Ye Sisi went out and hailed a taxi.

"Master, go to the Royal Hotel."

Dihao Hotel is the place where Leng Shaohan held the reception.

When they arrived at the Emgrand parking lot, Ye Sisi got out of the car and deliberately left her mobile phone on the car, "Master, you wait here for me, I'll go up to do something. You don't want to run the sports car, I'll make up for your loss later, you just wait here Just go."

"Then what if you don't come down?"

"It might take a while, but you just have to wait."

"Then you pay me 500 yuan first, and I'll just wait."

"Okay. I'll sweep you. If I haven't come down within two hours, you can go out and continue the car."

There is a tracking device on the mobile phone, and if the mobile phone is placed in the car, when Leng Shaohan monitors, he will find that she is always near Emgrand, so he will not be in a hurry to find her.

After leaving the parking lot, Ye Sisi hailed another taxi and headed for the University of Political Science and Law.

When Qian Yufeng was an undergraduate, he held an important position in the student union and had a single dormitory.

After graduating from an undergraduate degree, he was directly guaranteed a graduate student in the school. Although he no longer served in the student union, because of his excellent performance, the school did not take back his dormitory, and let him live there.

He is a student from out of town, his family is not in Jiangcheng, and he needs to pay a fee to rent a house, so he lives there with peace of mind.

After entering the school, Ye Sisi found Qian Yufeng's single dormitory and knocked on the door.

Qian Yufeng opened the door, her head was wrapped in gauze, and her face was bruised in many places.

Ye Sisi's heart sank.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?"

"You come in first, let's talk slowly."

The dormitory is very narrow, about six or seven square meters, just a single bed, a small desk, and a guitar in the corner.

"What happened? Where's my mother?" Ye Sisi asked anxiously.

With a plop, Qian Yufeng suddenly knelt down in front of Ye Sisi.

Ye Sisi's heart sank further, "Senior, what are you doing..."

"Sisi, I'm sorry, I failed your great trust, auntie she...she..."

"What happened to my mother?" Ye Sisi asked in a tearful voice.

"Auntie is gone... woo..." Qian Yufeng burst into tears.

Ye Sisi's head thumped, her legs were weak, and she managed to hold on to the desk so that she didn't fall to the ground.

Over the past year or so, Ye Sisi has encountered all kinds of unimaginable blows, and she is indeed more tenacious than before.

He didn't even cry, but his body was shaking, "Senior, please speak slowly, what's going on?"

"That day I rented a car and took my aunt out of the city. When I passed the cross-river bridge, I was suddenly stopped by a car. Those people grabbed me and beat me up. Then they dragged my aunt out of the car and threw her into the river. I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Qian Yufeng knelt on the ground, weeping bitterly.

"Then why are you only contacting me now? Tell me earlier." Ye Sisi murmured.

Within a month, suddenly her parents left one after another, and she had no relatives in this world.

"I was kidnapped by them. They locked me in the countryside. I ran out tonight when they were not paying attention."

"Who are those people, do you know? Is it Leng Shaohan?"

"I don't know them, but I remember a car with the license plate number Jiang A66H38."

"Jiang A66H38, is it a black Audi?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Yes, you recognize this car?"

"It's the car of Leng Shaohan's bodyguard."

"It really is Leng Shaohan, this person is too bad! Sisi, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you, I won't let auntie die in vain!"

Ye Sisi shook her head numbly, "No, you can't touch him. I deal with my own affairs. Senior, my mother was thrown into the river from a different position. I'm going to see."

"What's the use of going to see it now, don't go. Sisi, if you want to open up a bit, keep the green hills, and you won't be afraid of running out of firewood!"

"No, I'm going to take a look, I'm going to see my mother off, the river is so cold, she must be very cold, I'm going to take a look...I'm going to take a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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