Chapter 46
Ye Sisi opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.

Come on, devil, I'm deaf anyway, and I can't speak even if I have a tongue.

I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid you'll wring my tongue out?

Leng Shaohan held up the scissors high, thinking that Ye Sisi would be afraid, but in fact he wasn't.

There was no trace of fear on Ye Sisi's face.

Can't scare her.

Leng Shaohan stared at Ye Sisi with fire in his eyes.

Ye Sisi looked at him, and fire was also bursting out of her eyes.

It went on like this for 1 minute.

Leng Shaohan slammed the scissors on the ground, slammed the door and left.

Soon there was the sound of a car downstairs.

Only then did Sister Li dare to come in, "Young Mistress, are you alright?"


"Why did the third master suddenly get so angry?"

"I'm sick."

Sister Li dare not accept this.

Lying on the bed, Ye Sisi's emotions gradually calmed down.

That's right, why did Leng Shaohan get angry all of a sudden?

I went back to Leng's house by myself, I reported it to him, and he agreed, so why should he be angry?
Is it really sick?
The legs are good, but the brain is bad!

Picking up the phone to flick, seeing the photos of her flirting with Leng Maoze on the Internet, Ye Sisi knew why Leng Shaohan was angry.

Because he suspected that when he returned to Leng's house, he was not going to get something, but to see Leng Maoze.


Leng's Group.

When Leng Shaohan came out of the elevator, the temperature in the whole company suddenly dropped several degrees.

The new president is handsome and cold, and the female staff are both loving and afraid.

He wanted to take a sneak peek, but was worried that he would find out, so he fired himself.

Leng Shaohan entered the office, and soon there was the sound of ping-pong-pong smashing things.

The employees were even more frightened.

Tang Jin silently packed up the items on the ground and put them back where they were.

However, Leng Shaohan was still angry, and threw the things he packed back to the ground.

Tang Jin packed it up again, and said while putting it away, "Someone put that photo on purpose, young mistress and Leng Maoze are fine. It's just that the angle of the photo is taken, it looks like they are hugging each other. But as long as you calm down Analysis shows that Leng Maoze is pulling the young mistress, and the young mistress is pushing him instead of hugging him. If the third master wrongly blames the young mistress for this, he will be fooled by others."

Leng Shaohan didn't speak, but he still couldn't help picking up his phone, and took another serious look at the photo.

Really, it seems that Ye Sisi is pushing Leng Maoze away?
Why didn't I find out before?

"Caring is chaotic. The third master cares too much about the young mistress. That's why he couldn't bear the slightest provocation, so he fell into other people's schemes to sow discord."

"Who sent this photo?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"Zhu Yuzhi."

"How did you know?"

"Today, Zhu Xingrong brought Zhu Yuzhi to Leng's house. What Zhu Xingrong meant was to let Zhu Yuzhi marry the third master, and the two families get married again," Tang Jin said.

"Zhu Xingrong made a good plan. He thought that by giving me his daughter, I would be able to forgive his family's debts?" Leng Shao said coldly.

Tang Jin joked, "In fact, the third master can consider taking Zhu Yuzhi away, and then collect the debts. Wouldn't it be better for them to pay their wife and lose the army? Although Zhu Yuzhi is not as good as the young lady, she is also one of the top ten beauties in Jiangcheng , and relying on Zhu's family, he is an ideal marriage partner."

"I wish Yuzhi so well, why don't I give her to you?" Leng Shao asked with a cold face.

Tang Jin panicked, "Don't dare, Tang Jin is not worthy."

"Don't talk nonsense in the future!"

"Understood, young mistress is the only one that the third master likes. If that's the case, why don't you tell her? "

"I didn't like her! She and I have a deep hatred, how could I like her!"

Tang Jin didn't speak.

Like it or not, you don't know in your own mind?
If you don't like it, will you be so angry because of what she said to Leng Maoze?


That night, Leng Shaohan came back early.

The two sat at the table to eat together, neither of them spoke.

Leng Shaohan hoped that Ye Sisi would explain something about Leng Maoze, but Ye Sisi hurried back to the room after eating a few mouthfuls, and slammed the door of the room.

There is no point in explaining at all.

Leng Shaohan couldn't help feeling angry again, shame on the face, right?
If you explain a few words, I will forgive you, but why don't you explain a word!
Don't you think you're right?
Ye Sisi hid in the room, holding the pair of scissors in a daze.

At present, there is still no chance to deal with Leng Shaohan.

If it continues like this, I'm afraid my stomach will really show up!

If Leng Shaohan finds out that his child is still there, it will be unlucky not only for himself, but also for the child, and even Dr. Jiang who helped him hide it again!

And the mother needs to be checked. I haven't been to the hospital for a long time, and I don't know how the fetus is doing?

I was thrown into ice water that day. I don't know if it will affect the fetus?
But I couldn't escape, and I didn't dare to go to the hospital for an examination. I really didn't know what to do.

The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became, but there was nothing I could do.

Walking to the balcony, looking at the river in the twilight, I felt sad and cried again.


When he woke up the next day, Leng Shaohan was gone again.

He is really leaving early and returning late now, and he doesn't see anyone most of the time.

Ye Sisi wondered if she should find a chance to go out today and find a private hospital for a physical examination.

After breakfast, Ye Sisi said to Li Li, "Sister Li, tell Tang Jin that I'm bored and want to go shopping, and ask him if he can."

Li Li quickly waved her hands, "Young mistress, you can say it yourself, but I dare not say it! When the third master says it was my idea to instigate you to go out, then I can't afford it."

Ye Sisi sighed, "Okay."

Ye Sisi sent a message to Tang Jin, saying that she wanted to go shopping.

Of course Tang Jin can't make the decision, he needs to ask the devil for instructions.

After a while, Tang Jin sent back a message: Yes, Young Mistress, be careful.

In order not to hurt Sister Li, Ye Sisi decided to leave Sister Li at home in the name of needing to clean the room, and go there alone.

In this way, even if you discover it yourself, you can just bear it yourself, so that Sister Li will not suffer along with it.

Ye Sisi took out the mobile phone map and looked at it. There was a hospital and a shopping mall next to it, and there was only Jinghui Famous Store.

But Jinghui Famous Store only sells international famous brand clothing and jewelry, with Ye Sisi's current financial resources, I am afraid that she can only go shopping, but cannot afford to buy.

There is a private hospital called Taihe Hospital near Jinghui Famous Store, which is considered a well-known private hospital in Jiangcheng, but Ye Sisi has never been to it and has no acquaintances.

Going for an examination will definitely leave a medical record. If Leng Shaohan finds out, it will be over.

But if you don't go for a checkup, you really don't feel relieved.

Ye Sisi decided to take a risk.

I drove out of the riverside villa and came to the underground parking lot of Jinghui Famous Store.

Then take out the mobile phone map and study how many exits there are in this parking lot, and which exit to go out from is closer to the hospital.

Walk around first, then go back to the parking lot, pretend to get in the car, then get out of the car, walk out of the parking lot, and go to the hospital.

It's been a long time since I went shopping. After walking all the way, I feel a little tired, but she does feel a little more relaxed.

Walking all the way, I really have a few clothes and some shoes that I really like.

But it's so expensive that you can't even afford it.

And now that I am imprisoned in the villa, I don't have many opportunities to wear it.

After shopping, I didn't buy a single item.

It was estimated that the time was almost up, so I went back to the parking lot.

Just as she was about to go out from the north exit, she quietly walked to the hospital, but she heard someone calling her from behind, "Miss Ye, wait a minute!"

(End of this chapter)

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