Chapter 54
Ye Sisi asked Leng Shaohan to leave quickly, so that she could stop the waiter from taking away the dishes and she could eat them herself.

But Leng Shaohan seemed to have seen through her mind, sitting there motionless, looking at her coldly.

Ye Si thought about [-] possibilities of being tortured to death by Leng Shaohan, but he never thought of starving to death.

This is simply one of the most evil ways to die, because the starvation process before death is really worse than death.

After the waiter brought out all the dishes, Leng Shaohan stood up and walked out slowly with his long legs.

As soon as Leng Shaohan went out, Ye Sisi quickly chased him out.

Fortunately, Leng Shaohan and the waiter were not walking in the same direction.

Ye Sisi caught up with the waiter, "Then what, leave the pork knuckle soup and chicken!"

The waiter froze for a moment, not knowing what was going on.

Ye Sisi didn't care about it, and directly took back two dishes from the waiter, and brought them back to the room.

She was really hungry, just these few steps made Ye Sisi sweat, because her legs were so hungry that she had no strength left.

Originally, there was only one pair of bowls and chopsticks, which had been taken away by the waiter.

Ye Sisi hesitated for a moment, then became cruel, directly reached into the plate, grabbed a chicken leg, and ate it.

At this time the door opened again, Leng Shaohan left and returned.

Ye Sisi's mouth glistened, and she looked at Leng Shaohan in embarrassment.

Worried that he would snatch the meat from his hands, he quickly speeded up the frequency of chewing.

Quite embarrassing.

Leng Shaohan licked his back molars, and suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth.

Walk slowly to the table.

Ye Sisi was too lazy to look at Leng Shaohan, and cared about eating himself.

After finishing the chicken legs on the plate, Ye Sisi picked up the foot soup, but Leng Shaohan stretched out a hand to take away the soup in her hand.

Ye Sisi held the soup bowl tightly in her hands, not letting him take it away.

You come and I go, and the stalemate again.

Leng Shaohan let go of his hand suddenly, Ye Sisi was exerting all his strength, the soup bowl touched his mouth, touched his teeth, and made a 'dang' sound.

The teeth were sour, but fortunately they didn't fall out.

Ye Sisi raised her head and stared fiercely at Leng Shaohan.

Leng Shaohan was expressionless and looked at her playfully.

Ye Sisi took a few steps back with the soup in her hand, and drank a few sips.

It's really delicious, and by the way, use your hands to fish out the hands and feet inside, and solve it together.

Leng Shaohan looked disgusted, where's your reserve?What about your arrogance?
Ye Sisi just doesn't care, a gentleman doesn't eat what he comes by?Either you're not hungry enough, or you're just too stupid!

At this moment, Leng Shaohan's phone vibrated, and he strode out.

Ye Sisi breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you eat and drink enough, being a full dead ghost is better than a hungry drooling.


Leng Shaohan stood by the fish pond, took the bait and slowly sprinkled it in, watching the fish rushing to snatch the food.

The image of that woman holding a pig's hand and chewing on it came to mind, not as elegant as the fish in this pond.

A smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

This smile was seen by Tang Jin who came over.

It's really rare that the third master can feed the fish so happily.

"Third Master."


"The Leng family is already preparing the mourning hall, and invited several bigwigs from the board of directors to mourn the funeral." Tang Jin said.

"It's going to be at my funeral, so I'll take over the power at the same time."

"Once you die, Leng Xinde will naturally take over," Tang Jin said.

Leng Shaohan threw a handful of fish food into the pond again, "Leng Maoze has no idea?"

"There must be some thoughts, but Leng Xinde is his father, so he won't kill his father, right?"

"He shouldn't dare to kill people. If Leng Xinde is disabled and unable to hold power, then the position will belong to Leng Maoze."

"what do you mean?"

"Have you checked Leng Maoze's communication records?"

"After checking, the young lady did not take the initiative to contact him. Instead, he sent a message to the young lady. The content of the message was to tell the young lady that something happened to you. The young lady ran away after receiving this message. It must be because she was really scared. " Tang Jing said.

"What happened to that Lu Meiqin?"

"That woman is the young lady's half-sister. She has always been at odds with the young lady. She wants to grab everything that belongs to the young lady. She has an affair with Leng Maoze. They met each other that day and stayed in the hotel for more than two hours. .”

"Go to her."


Tang Jin turned to leave, but was stopped by Leng Shaohan.

"Have you found that woman's mother?" Leng Shaohan asked again.

"Not yet. Someone saw that it was the graduate student named Qian Yufeng from the University of Political Science and Law who picked her up. She was taken to Haishi and then disappeared."


"Yes, it disappeared. Then Qian Yufeng returned to Jiangcheng, but Sun Xinyi didn't come back with him."

"So it's Qian Yufeng who hid Sun Xinyi? So much so that even your people can't find it?"

"Qian Yufeng's father is the capital of Haishi. His uncle is a wealthy man in Haishi and very powerful. Jiangcheng and Leng's family are still fighting each other, so it is not appropriate to form a foreign feud for the time being." Tang Jin said.

Leng Shaohan didn't speak, apparently acquiescing to Tang Jin's words.

"Has Qian Yufeng met that woman recently?"


"No connection either?"


A cold look flashed in Leng Shaohan's eyes, "This is impossible, they must have been in touch in private! That woman must have hidden another mobile phone! Or there are other channels of communication."

"I haven't found it so far. Third master, the young mistress hates you so much, it is very likely that she has misunderstood you. Why don't you ask in person? "

"She hates if she wants, am I afraid that she will hate me? Why doesn't she make it clear to me?" Leng Shao said coldly, "There are many people who hate me, but not one more!"

"But you obviously like her..."

"Nonsense, since when did I like her! Does she hate me? I hate her too! I have a sworn feud with her!"

Tang Jin sighed, forget it.

You are all too proud people, tormenting each other, and neither one is willing to back down.

Why bother?


Lu Meiqin received an invitation from Leng Maoze, and will attend Leng Shaohan's funeral tomorrow.

Although it was a funeral, she had to take it seriously.

The funerals of Leng's family are always grand, and the guests are all Jiangcheng celebrities, so of course they have to dress up.

Thinking that once Leng Shaohan died, Ye Sisi would have no one to protect her, Lu Meiqin was very happy.

Ye Sisi, who kept dominating her all the time, finally became a thing of the past, and this thorn in her side was finally pulled out.

Lu Meiqin was opening the closet, picking out the clothes to wear tomorrow, when the doorbell rang downstairs.

The servant Chen Ling ran upstairs, "Miss, someone is looking for you below."


"They said they were from the Leng family."

"People from the Ling family, isn't the funeral held tomorrow, and someone was sent to pick me up today?" Lu Meiqin said happily.

"Congratulations, miss, you are going to become the young mistress of the most wealthy family in Jiangcheng!" Chen Ling hurriedly flattered her.

Lu Meiqin also had a smug look on her face, "That bitch Ye Sisi wants to rob me, it's beyond her capabilities!"

At this time, the trumpet sounded from below again, signaling Lu Meiqin to hurry up.

"I'm coming!"

As a result, as soon as the car door was opened, he was dragged in by the people inside, and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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