Chapter 60
"How did you know that my dad left a recipe?" Ye Sisi asked.

"I heard from my aunt, but I don't know what the formula is. But from what my aunt said, it seems that your father spent a lot of money and time to develop it, so I don't think you can cheap Leng's family, you must take the formula away " said Qian Yufeng.

"I know, I will take it away."

"Okay, then I'm relieved."

"Well, sorry for the trouble, senior."

"Then how do we keep in touch?"

"I will find a way to take the initiative to contact you. You don't want to come here. Today Leng Shaohan just asked someone to hang you up. If you come next time, I'm worried about more than that."

"it is good."


At six o'clock in the evening, Leng Shaohan came back.

During the meal, Ye Sisi took the initiative to confess to Leng Shaohan, "Qian Yufeng came to see me today. He first went to the old house, was beaten up, and then came here again. He came to me because he said It's about the school. My student status is still there, and he told the teacher that he can let me continue to complete my studies."

Leng Shaohan glanced at Ye Sisi, he almost forgot that she was still a female college student.

"If you don't agree, I won't associate with him in the future. His behavior is indeed too reckless." Ye Sisi said again.

"He came to you just for this?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"I think so. Of course, he seems to mean that to me, but I don't like him, at least not in the male-female way."

Ye Sisi's frankness surprised Leng Shaohan, did this woman really become a little sheep?
"The school's student status will be retained forever, and you will not be expelled. When you miss it, you can go back to study at any time. After finishing your undergraduate degree, you can even directly guarantee a graduate student or doctorate, as long as you want."

Leng Shaohan was telling her that Qian Yufeng's energy was nothing.

Not to mention student status, even if you want a higher degree, it's not a problem.

"Then can I really go on to school?"

"Yes." Leng Shaohan replied very straightforwardly.

"Thank you."

Leng Shaohan glanced at her and said nothing.

After a long time, he said again, "There is something wrong with that Qian, don't get too close to him."

Ye Sisi slandered in her heart, you must be the problem.

People who have their own problems, see that everyone has problems.

But on the surface, he didn't dare to go against him, nodded and said: "Okay."

Leng Shaohan was obviously satisfied with her performance, "Tomorrow I have an appointment to ride a horse, if you want to go, you can go together."

Of course Ye Sisi couldn't ride a horse anymore, now that she was pregnant with triplets, how could she still dare to ride a horse.

But if he doesn't agree, he is worried that it will arouse Leng Shaohan's suspicion.

So he said, "Who are there tomorrow?"

"Your old acquaintances, brother and sister An Ruochen. If it's for other business, I won't take you there either."

"An Ying?"

"I heard that she had a very good relationship with you before?" Leng Shaohan asked.

Sure enough, he went to check An Ying again.

I asked An Ying to check the information about Leng Shaohan abroad, did he know about it?
He suddenly asked himself to meet the brothers and sisters of the An family. Could there be some conspiracy?
"Yes, she used to be a very good friend of mine."

Ye Sisi felt that telling the truth could win Leng Shaohan's trust more.

Because even if he didn't tell the truth, he could still find out many facts that existed before.

Instead of letting him find out, it's better to say it yourself.

"Then are you going tomorrow?" Leng Shaohan asked.


No matter what Leng Shaohan wanted to do, he had to go to find out.


The racecourse in Jiangcheng is in the winter suburbs.

Winter is obviously not the season for horseback riding, it's still cold despite the sun.

However, the place where the racecourse is located is a basin, and it is not very cold inside.

After arriving at the racecourse, I saw An Ying talking to a man in sportswear.

Seeing Leng Shaohan's car arriving, An Ying trotted over.

The car door opened, Ye Sisi got out of the car, An Ying ran over and hugged her, "I asked you out on purpose to bask in the sun."

The two girls were talking, but Leng Shaohan didn't interfere, he walked aside and talked to An Ruochen who was wearing a white sportswear.

"I knew that Leng Shaohan would be skeptical about asking you out alone, so I asked my brother to ask him to ride a horse. I didn't expect him to be so face-saving that he agreed and even brought you here." An Ying said.

"Your brother knows Leng Shaohan?"

"I know it, I think I met it when I was abroad. I asked a friend to help me find out, and it seems that Leng Shaohan died a few years ago. So I asked my brother to come and recognize him today to see if this person is real. Leng Shaohan." An Ying said in a low voice.

"But Leng Shaohan is also very cunning. If you suddenly ask him out, will he be suspicious?"

"Probably not. Leng Shaohan has contacted our family recently, hoping to have further cooperation. Although Leng Shaohan controls the Leng family, there are still many people who oppose him. So in the Jiangcheng business circle, he will not refuse One more influential friend." An Ying said.

Ye Sisi understood this truth.

An's family is also a well-known wealthy family in Jiangcheng. Leng Shaohan is not afraid of An's family, but he will not refuse to cooperate with An's family.

After all, shopping malls need win-win cooperation, which is normal.

"Okay then, but Yingying, I can't ride a horse today. If you say later that you don't want to ride, then I'll accompany you around without riding a horse, okay?"

"it is good."

At this moment, Leng Shaohan waved to Ye Sisi, signaling her to go over.

Ye Sisi and An Ying went over, Leng Shaohan introduced: "This is brother Ruochen, this is Ye Sisi."

"Hello." An Ruochen nodded with a smile.

Having not seen him for many years, An Ruochen has hardly changed, he is still so gentle and personable.

It's just a 'hello', which seems somewhat alienated.

"Hello." Ye Sisi replied with a smile.

"She is temporarily deaf and is undergoing treatment, so communication is not convenient." Leng Shaohan said.

An Ruochen nodded, expressing his understanding.

Ye Sisi shook her phone, "I always use transliteration software to communicate with the outside world, so a noisy environment is not suitable for me."

An Ruochen nodded again.

"Brother, I'm not feeling well today, and it's cold, so I don't want to ride a horse. Can I stop riding and go for a walk with Sisi?" An Ying said.

"Of course." An Ruochen said.

Ye Sisi looked at Leng Shaohan, "Then I won't ride anymore, I will accompany An Ying."

Leng Shaohan nodded and said nothing.

Because of the cold weather, there were almost no people in the racecourse.

Ye Sisi and An Ying walked slowly along the fence of the racecourse, while An Ruochen and Leng Shaohan changed their clothes and went riding.

"Your brother doesn't seem to know me anymore, or is he pretending not to?" Ye Sisi said.

"My brother used to like you so much, how could he forget you. He deliberately pretended to be indifferent, just to prevent Leng Shaohan from being suspicious. You don't know, but now everyone in Jiangcheng knows that Leng Shaohan cares about you very much, and no one is allowed Hit your mind."

(End of this chapter)

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