fall into his palm

Chapter 74 Losing Your Mind

Chapter 74 Losing Your Mind
"Keep searching, and dig three feet to find it!"

After Leng Shaohan finished speaking, he walked over and grabbed Ye Sisi's cold hand, "Let's go!"

Ye Sisi struggled desperately, but she had been walking around in the cold wind for a long time, and she had no strength left.

Back in the car, Leng Shaohan took off his coat directly, put it on Ye Sisi, and asked the driver to turn on the air conditioner to the hottest.

Ye Sisi stared out the window blankly, without saying a word to Leng Shaohan.

There was another evil fire in Leng Shaohan's heart, but he still suppressed it forcefully.

Seeing Ye Sisi's cold face, he didn't want to say anything.

After a while, Ye Sisi finally turned her head around.

Leng Shaohan hurriedly looked at her, like a person waiting for alms.

But what Ye Sisi said was: "I want to get off."

The muscles on Leng Shaohan's face stiffened.

"I'm going to see Qian Yufeng."

Ye Sisi only wanted to express her own thoughts, as for what Leng Shaohan said, or what he thought, it didn't matter.

Leng Shaohan expressionless, "Go to the hospital."

At the entrance of the hospital, the car stopped, Ye Sisi took off Leng Shaohan's coat and got out of the car without looking back.

Leng Shaohan looked at the woman's staggering back, and the coldness in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Call Tang Jin and ask him to come over."

"Yes, third master."


Qian Yufeng's fair face was even paler now.

Seeing Ye Sisi who walked into the ward, she wanted to get up, but Ye Sisi hurriedly motioned her to lie down.

The left hand is wrapped in gauze, and the little finger is indeed gone.

Ye Sisi lowered her head and cried silently.

Qian Yufeng comforted, "It's okay, it's just a finger, and it won't affect your life if you lose it."


"It's really okay, I've accepted the reality." Qian Yufeng smiled.

Ye Sisi walked over and closed the door of the ward.

"It was Leng Shaohan who did it, or Tang Jin."

"Tang Jin first, then Leng Shaohan. Tang Jin first, Leng Shaohan later. Don't talk about me, Sisi, are you ready? My dad said that the patrol team from the capital city will come to Jiangcheng the day after tomorrow. If something happens to you the day after tomorrow, the power of the Leng family will not be able to protect Leng Shaohan."

"The day after tomorrow? In such a hurry?"

"Aren't you ready yet?" Qian Yufeng asked,
"It's almost there. The only problem now is that the river bank at the entrance of the villa is too high. I'm worried that there will be problems in jumping down. I've considered tying the rope, but it also requires arm strength. I'm worried that I may not be able to do it."

What Ye Sisi was worried about was actually the safety of the fetus in her womb.

If she is not pregnant, she will not be afraid even if she is asked to jump, the worst thing is to go down to accompany her mother.

"Then how should we solve it? Why don't you find a dock and get on the boat?"

"No, I have to disappear from Leng Shaohan's villa and not appear in other places, so that it is true that Leng Shaohan killed me. He can't be exonerated." Ye Sisi said.

"Then it's too dangerous for you to jump into the river, what should you do?"

"I have an idea. I saw on the Internet that there are a group of flying people in a city. They specialize in flying high mountains and cliffs. They wear a kind of clothes with wings called wingsuits. If I can get a set of that kind of clothes, I will You can fly to the river, and you can just fish me up again."

"I also know this, but I have never met this type of people in reality. Where can I get this kind of clothes? I don't know if they are sold online?"

"It's for sale, but I don't dare to sell it online, because online shopping will inevitably leave traces. So I want to contact this group of people who play flying in Jiangcheng and ask them to buy a set."

Qian Yufeng thought for a while, "I think it's feasible. Since there is this group, they must have circles, and if there are circles, there are groups. You can search the Internet to see if you can find a group, and communicate with them after joining."

"Good idea, I'll try it."

I searched on the Internet, and there really is a group called 'Jiangcheng Extreme Flying'.

Ye Sisi applied to join, but has not been approved by the group leader, and it is not known if she is offline.


Riverside villa.

Leng Shaohan looked at Tang Jin with a gloomy face.

Tang Jin was expressionless, without any sadness or joy on his face.

When he arrested Qian Yufeng, he knew that Leng Shaohan would definitely blame him.

But he is not afraid.

Qian Yufeng is a cancer, and sooner or later something will go wrong.

Only by exposing Qian Yufeng's true face can Ye Sisi wake up and not do anything to hurt Leng Shaohan.

Leng Shaohan always felt that he was safe and that everything was under control.

But Tang Jin was a bystander, he vaguely felt that Ye Sisi was planning a revenge move, and he didn't know how it would unfold.

Because now Leng Shaohan no longer let his people follow Ye Sisi, and he is not allowed to know Ye Sisi's whereabouts.

The reason is that Ye Sisi's personal privacy cannot be violated.

Tang Jin thinks that the third master is in love, and only those who are in love can be so stupid.

A person obviously hates him to the bone, but now he wants to protect her privacy?What a big joke.

When a person is in a state of low intelligence, danger will approach him until he is destroyed.

Tang Jin wanted to find a way to help Leng Shaohan eliminate hidden dangers, so he took the initiative and arrested Qian Yufeng.

But Leng Shaohan didn't dare to offend Ye Sisi now, or he didn't want to make Ye Sisi angry.

Because of this, even Qian Yufeng was not allowed to move.

But Tang Jin did it anyway, he was ready to be dealt with by Leng Shaohan.

"You insist on doing what I told you not to do? When can you make up your own mind?" Leng Shao asked coldly.


"You know my principles, I hate others doing things related to me behind my back."

"You don't blame me for doing things related to you, you blame me for doing things related to Ye Sisi." Tang Jin said.

Leng Shaohan looked at Tang Jin coldly, "What did you say?"

"You have lost your mind because of Ye Sisi. In order to please her, you don't even let me touch Qian Yufeng. Because Qian Yufeng is her friend, you are worried that if I touch him, Ye Sisi will give birth to you and ignore you .You care about her feelings and even ignore your own safety!"

"Presumptuous, Tang Jin, how dare you talk to me like that!"

"What I said is the truth! Your calmness and rationality are gone, you changed your principles for a woman! You let down your vigilance, and even stopped guarding against that woman! If you continue like this, you will be finished, wake up! She doesn't love you, she will kill you!"

Leng Shaohan raised his foot and kicked Tang Jin's heart.

Tang Jin was kicked back a step, but he continued to say: "If you don't wake up, you will be in disaster! Leng Shaohan, wake up!"

"Presumptuous, get out, get out now!"

Leng Shaohan was so furious that he kicked him over again.

"Let me get rid of Qian Yufeng and drive Ye Sisi away, so that you will be safe! They must have plans against you!"


(End of this chapter)

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