Chapter 83
There are still quite a few search results about 'Leng Shaohan' on the Internet, but the first few are from four years ago.

One was a news report about Leng Shaohan's death in a car accident. There was no picture, only text, and no detailed explanation.

There is also a media analysis of where the Leng Group will go after losing the backbone of Leng Shaohan.

These contents were all a few years ago, and Ye Sisi had no interest in reading them again.

In fact, she had carefully read these reports many times.

No meaningful clues were found.

At this time, a message from Dabao popped up on the phone: Mom, can I come in.

The son should have knocked on the door, but he couldn't hear him without a hearing aid.

I have been doing some rehabilitation treatment for the past three years, but with little success. Only by wearing a hearing aid can I barely hear a little sound.

If the distance is far away, or the sound is too low, you will not be able to hear it at all.

Fortunately, I have been deaf for several years, and I am very proficient in lip language. Coupled with sign language, there are almost no obstacles to communication.

The son came in with a piece of paper in his hand and handed it to Ye Sisi to read.

Ye Sisi took it over and took a look, her heart flinched and her hands shook.

It was a sketch drawn by my son, and it showed the face of a handsome man.

Although the son's drawing is simple, the outline of the face has been accurately presented.

Leng Shaohan!
She has been suffering from heart disease, a nightmare she has never been able to forget.

Ye Sisi tore the sketch into pieces with a few bangs, and glared at her son angrily, "Why are you drawing this?"

Shocked by his mother's behavior, the son stared blankly at the furious mother, not knowing what he had done wrong.

"Say, what are you doing drawing him if you have nothing to do?" Ye Sisi continued to yell at his son.

"I just thought this uncle looked familiar, but it was the first time I saw him, and I was curious, so I drew him down, and wanted to ask my mother if I knew him..."

"I don't know!" Ye Sisi roared.

"That was my mistake, mom, don't be angry, it was my mistake, I will never dare again."

Hearing the commotion, Xiao Bao came out of the room wearing little slippers and wearing pink cartoon pajamas.

Seeing the pile of shredded papers on the ground, and then seeing the angry face of my mother and the frustration of my brother, I was a little dazed.

My brother has always been a good boy, and he rarely makes his mother angry. What did he do today to make his mother so angry?
"Brother, why did you offend Mom?" Xiaobao asked weakly.

Dabao Mian's eyes were red, but he just refused to let the tears roll out.

He didn't know why his mother was so angry, he just drew a picture.

In the past, he also had the habit of drawing people who impressed him deeply, and his mother always praised him for being smart and having a good memory.

But this time, it was very sad to be scolded by my mother.

"Mom, don't be angry, brother didn't mean to make you angry." Xiaobao said childishly.

No matter why my brother made my mother angry, he definitely didn't mean it.

Ye Sisi also calmed down slowly.

I was too excited just now, and felt a little wronged, the child.

The child didn't know those things before, and he didn't have any fault.

"I'm sorry, mom shouldn't scold you, mom was too excited just now." Ye Sisi said.

Dabao came over and held Ye Sisi's hand, "It's okay, as long as mom doesn't get angry."

Ye Sisi felt sore, and put her arms around her son, "Don't be angry, don't blame mom."

Xiaobao also leaned over to snuggle up with his mother, "What did brother do, why is mother so angry?"

Of course Dabao dared not say any more.

"Don't mention it, go to bed quickly. Xiaobao still has school tomorrow."

"Mom, I don't want to go." Xiao Bao pouted.

"Why? You only persisted for a few days, and then you didn't go? You didn't go to school if you got into trouble?"

"I went to school for fun, but now I don't think it's too fun. So I don't go." Xiaobao laughed.

"Besides, my mother is getting married, so I have to prepare."

The daughter suddenly mentioned this matter again, and Ye Sisi didn't know what to say for a while.

"If you don't want to go to school, then you can stay at home and don't cause trouble for me. Mom is going to rest, so you can go." Ye Sisi said.

"Okay, good night, mom."

The two children went out, and Dabao closed the door for his mother.

Ye Sisi reassembled the few pieces of paper on the ground.

The son is a genius, and he draws very vividly, and he looks like Leng Shaohan very much.

Ye Sisi stared at the broken painting quietly, and Leng Shaohan's face appeared in his mind.

Leng Shaohan in this painting is much softer than the real him.

After four years, he finally came to the door.

And he touched his own child, this was the most frightening thing for Ye Sisi.

He took the phone and dialed a set of numbers.

That was Leng Shaohan's cell phone number, and Ye Sisi was surprised to find that she could still remember his number after a few years.

Could it be that he had a premonition that he was not dead and would come to his door one day?
After making the call, Ye Sisi quickly put on the hearing aid, and tremblingly moved the phone to her ear.

He found that his forehead was dripping with sweat.

My own fear of him runs deep into my bones.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is empty, please check and dial again."

Empty number, Ye Sisi breathed a sigh of relief.

I didn't expect to be so nervous just by calling his number.

Just as I put down the phone, the phone screen suddenly turned on again.

Ye Sisi was taken aback again.

The call was from Zhang Pengzhi, the principal of the school and one of the major shareholders of the school.

Ye Sisi breathed a sigh of relief again, and picked up the phone, "Principal Zhang, what's the matter?"

"I'm sorry, Sisi, to bother you so late. The school's financial manager called me just now and said that the teacher's salary cannot be paid this month, and there are other funding vacancies. It takes about 100 million to make up. I've thought about everything I can think of, but there's really no way out, your side..."

Zhang Pengzhi stopped at this point and did not continue.

Ye Sisi understood what he meant.

Schools for the deaf have low fees, and many difficult students even enroll for free.

But the school's venue is rented, and the teachers are recruited from all over the country, and the monthly fixed fee is hundreds of thousands.

Therefore, the school has been dealing with losses for a long time, and everyone is struggling.

This kind of project is very meaningful, but the school can't make a profit, it has become a bottomless pit, and it can only continue to lose money.

Now that Zhang Pengzhi called, he actually wanted Ye Sisi to solve the problem of teaching staff's salary this month.

Everyone knew that Ye Sisi had a very rich fiancé, Qian Yufeng, so they pinned their hopes on her.

"I see the principal, I will call you back tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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