fall into his palm

Chapter 87 Will Not Give Up

Chapter 87 Will Not Give Up
Ye Sisi immediately realized that she had lost her composure.

Hurry back and make amends, "I mean, he doesn't look like a person who will do good deeds."

"I think Mr. He is very nice, handsome and personable. He is also very professional when talking about things, and he doesn't seem to be a troublemaker. Besides, how can anyone make trouble with 1000 million? That's real money !"

Ye Sisi was taken aback again, "He wants to vote 1000 million?"

Now if there are 1000 million, then many problems in the school will be solved.

No wonder the trustees are so excited.

It's unbelievable that Leng Shaohan actually threw in 1000 million to deal with him?

He is no longer the helm of the Leng Group, so rich?

"Then don't you think he has other reasons for throwing in 1000 million for no reason?" Ye Sisi said.

"Our school doesn't have any assets. What else can Mr. He do to help us in our urgent need?" asked the school directors.

Ye Sisi couldn't answer.

She also didn't know what Leng Shaohan's purpose was for doing this, if she could see through it at a glance, then he wouldn't be Leng Shaohan.

"Ms. Ye, you have paid a lot for the school, and we are willing to respect your opinion. If you can also take out 1000 million to solve the school's emergency, then we can also listen to your opinion and reject Mr. He's investment."

Everyone agreed.

This should be the final bottom line of the school directors. If Ye Sisi disagrees, they can vote to kick Ye Sisi out of the decision-making hierarchy.

There is no way, in a crisis, whoever has milk is a mother.

Leng Shaohan came over with real money, and the school directors couldn't refuse.

"Okay, then I'll call you back tomorrow." Ye Sisi said.

"No, Mr. He said that he must give an answer within today, otherwise he will not vote."

Ye Sisi's heart tightened, her surname Leng forced her so urgently!This is simply not giving yourself time to process.

"Okay, I'll answer you within today."


At noon, Ye Sisi came to Yufei Cosmetics Company.

Although she is a major shareholder, she hardly comes to the company and has no position in the company.

She had held the title of vice president for a while before, but later Qian Yufeng said that she couldn't bear to suffer her, so he removed the vice president position for her, and now she is only a pure shareholder at the legal level.

Except for the executives, many employees of the company didn't even know that she was the big boss of the company. They only regarded her as Qian Yufeng's fiancée and called her Mrs. Qian.

After waiting in Qian Yufeng's office for a full hour, Qian Yufeng finally came out from the meeting.

Qian Yufeng was quite upset about the wedding dress fitting in the morning, and when he saw Ye Sisi, his face was still cold.

Ye Sisi didn't want to apologize either, she didn't think she was wrong.

The marriage was all planned by Qian Yufeng, so far, she has not even personally agreed to it.

"Senior, I need 1000 million."

After so many years, Ye Sisi still used to call senior Qian Yufeng, and occasionally called 'Yufeng', which always felt hot and uncomfortable.

Qian Yufeng's eyes widened, "What?"

"I need 1000 million urgently. You give me 1000 million first, and then deduct it when you distribute dividends at the end of the year." Ye Sisi said.

"Didn't I tell you that the company can't get 100 million now, and you still want 1000 million?" Qian Yufeng said.

"It's impossible. If the company doesn't have a cash flow of 100 million, it's equivalent to collapse. Senior, please help me." Ye Sisi said firmly.

"Can you stop calling me 'senior' on the left and 'senior' on the right? We're getting married in two days, and we still call 'senior'? No matter what happens, we'll get married first!" Qian Yufeng said. .

"This matter is very urgent, I must get 1000 million!"

"Impossible, if you don't believe me, ask the chief financial officer, the company really has no money in its account now!" Qian Yufeng said.

"You have already greeted the financial side, and of course they will maintain the same caliber as you." Ye Sisi said lightly.

"What do you mean, do you think I'm lying to you?" Qian Yufeng said angrily.

"On the way here, I called a few agents, and they said that they have sent money to the company within the past week. One of them only called 2000 million this morning. How could there be no money in the company's account?" Ye Sisi said.

Qian Yufeng's eyes flickered, and he became angry from embarrassment, "Are you checking me?"

"I am the major shareholder of the company. I have the right to inquire about the company's affairs, not you." Ye Sisi said.

Qian Yufeng stopped talking.

He has always thought that Ye Sisi is easy to fool and only does some childish and ridiculous things, such as investing in schools for the deaf.

But now Ye Sisi suddenly showed long-lost edges and corners, it could even be said to be a thorn, which reminded Qian Yufeng that Ye Sisi was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Back then, it was this frail school girl in front of her who planned step by step to push the mighty president of the Leng Group, Leng Shaohan, into hell.

She is not a sick cat, she is a tiger.

It's just that after having a child, she put away her minions.

Now, she began to show her edge slightly again.

"Sisi, it's not that I won't give you money, nor will I interfere with your participation in company affairs. It's just that our wedding is coming soon..."

"If the school matter is not resolved, I will not marry you."

Even if the school matter is resolved, I may not necessarily marry you.

Besides, that devil who re-emerged from the gates of hell will not let me marry you.

He won't make himself happy, that's for sure.

"So you really want the 1000 million?"

"It must be."

"Then go to the financial department and ask if they have transferred the money. If not, let them remit it to your account. You are the boss and have the right to control the money. But the procedures must be completed. The boss pays the money, too. Procedures are required because it is public funds." Qian Yufeng said.

"You've already said hello. I won't be able to get the money when I go, and I must have your signature. You call them now and ask them to transfer 1000 million to me. I need to use it before three o'clock." Ye Sisi said.

Qian Yufeng thought for a while, "Okay."

"Thank you, senior. I'm sorry about trying on the wedding dress today, but getting married is a big event. We need everyone to be happy before we do that."

"So you're saying you're not happy?"

Ye Sisi shook her head, "I don't know. But senior, our wedding may not be possible."


Because that person was found.

It's just that he has changed his name now, and I still can't prove that he is Leng Shaohan.

"This matter is very complicated. The senior gave me 1000 million to run the company well. Let's leave it alone for the time being."

Qian Yufeng was anxious, "So you want to call off the engagement?"

"Senior, there is no marriage contract, it has always been your own wishful thinking."

This is a bit harsh, but it can't be helped.

Leng Shaohan came here, if you don't want Qian Yufeng to be hurt, keeping him away is the best choice.

Just like in Jiangcheng back then.

Fate cannot escape, and everything is repeating itself.

Qian Yufeng roared, "I will not give up, I must marry you!"

(End of this chapter)

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