fall into his palm

Chapter 93 Good performance

Chapter 93 Good performance
Although Ye Sisi knew that Leng Shaohan was uneasy and kind, she could only listen to him.

Arriving at the broadcasting room and turning on the broadcasting system, Ye Sisi broadcast the announcement that the school will re-evaluate students.

Both the teacher and the students heard it. Teacher Ye's voice was still very pleasant to hear, but it seemed that Teacher Ye was broadcasting, and the voice behind him was a bit wrong.

The reason for the wrong voice was that Leng Shaohan's hand had penetrated into her clothes.

The broadcasts are still going on, but he has started to be unscrupulous.

Ye Sisi was very nervous, she wasn't sure if the door of the radio room was closed or if someone would come in suddenly.

And she was still broadcasting, she couldn't scold Leng Shaohan, she just used her hands to stop him.

But it can't be stopped at all.

Ye Sisi could only try her best to adjust her breath, pretending to be fine.

After finally finishing the broadcast, Ye Sisi reached out to turn off the microphone, but was stopped by Leng Shaohan.

Then turn her over and put her on the table.

Ye Sisi was scared and ashamed, so she could only cover her mouth to prevent any strange sounds from coming out.

Otherwise, the voice would spread throughout the school through the radio.


After the matter was over, Leng Shaohan finally took the initiative to reach out and turn off the microphone.

Ye Sisi put on her clothes, raised her hand and slapped Leng Shaohan on the face.

Leng Shaohan was taken aback for a moment, and then slapped him back.

He finally showed his true colors.

The gentle He Lin hid for the time being, and Leng Shaohan finally revealed hostility in his eyes.

But it was only for a moment, and the hostility was suppressed again.

A gentle smile appeared on his face again.

"I was suddenly taken by a group of people for questioning last night. Is this your idea or Qian Yufeng's idea?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. What does your business have to do with me?" Ye Sisi said coldly.

"Don't you understand? Or pretend you don't understand? Qian Yufeng thinks he wants to punish me with his father's power? Childish!" Leng Shaohan said disdainfully.

Ye Sisi didn't speak.

"Are you still going to marry Qian Yufeng? By the way, your two children belong to Qian Yufeng?" Leng Shaohan asked suddenly.

"It's none of your business."

"Probably not. If so, why isn't the child called Dad, but Uncle Qian?" Leng Shaohan asked again.

"No matter who the father of the child is, the child is innocent. You are not allowed to touch my child!"

"So is the child's father Qian Yufeng?"

"I said, it's none of your business."

"Then are you still married to Qian Yufeng?"

"Of course, the senior is very kind to me, and he is someone I can rely on."

Leng Shaohan listened and laughed, as if hearing a very funny joke.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny?"

"Is Qian Yufeng someone you can rely on?"


"Okay, then I'll take a closer look at how Qian Yufeng made you rely on me. Then when you get married, should I give you a little gift?" Leng Shaohan said.

"No, you are not our friend, we can't afford it."

Leng Shaohan nodded, "That's right, you really can't afford to be high. What kind of thing is Qian Yufeng, and he deserves me to accompany you?"

"However, you don't need to follow the gift, but you still have to give a gift, and you have to give a special gift."

Hearing this, Ye Sisi felt very uneasy.

She knew best what kind of person Leng Shaohan was, and it was impossible for him to give a wedding gift with good intentions.

The gift he said must have other meanings.

"What are you going to do? What do you want to do?" Ye Sisi asked.

Leng Shaohan smiled, "Guess?"

Then there was a knock on the door.

Ye Sisi hurriedly re-examined herself to see if all the buttons were fastened and whether her hair was too messy.

After sorting it out and making sure it was normal, he opened the door.

Zhang Pengzhi was outside the door, "Mr. He, you two are..."

"I discussed some school matters with Mr. Ye. Mr. Ye put forward a lot of constructive suggestions and performed very well." Leng Shaohan said.

When saying the word 'expression', the tone was especially strengthened.

Ye Sisi knew what kind of performance he was talking about, so she couldn't help but feel hot, and cursed shamelessly in her heart.

"Then you continue to talk?"

As Zhang Pengzhi said, his eyes suddenly traced to the suspicious paper ball on the ground.

Ye Sisi quickly stretched out her foot and stepped on it.

"Let's not chat anymore. Mr. He said that he has something to discuss with you. You should report to him." Ye Sisi said.

"Really, Mr. He, what can you tell me?" Zhang Pengzhi said.

Leng Shaohan knew that Ye Sisi wanted Zhang Pengzhi to take him away, so he smiled, "Let's go, go to the office and talk. It's a bit messy here, I need to trouble Teacher Ye to clean it up. Teacher Ye, clean it up."

Ye Sisi cursed again in her heart.

After confirming that Leng Shaohan and Zhang Pengzhi were some distance away from the broadcasting room, Ye Sisi closed the door.

He took out his cell phone and called his old friend An Ying.

An Ying quickly answered the phone, "Sisi? The wedding date has been confirmed? When are we coming over?"

Ye Sisi lowered her voice, "I may not get married anymore."

"Ah? Why? Is it because Qian Yufeng treats you badly? You have been getting along for so many years, and you haven't gotten along well yet?" An Ying asked anxiously.

"It's a long story, but the most important thing is that Leng Shaohan is back."

An Ying thought she heard it wrong, "Who did you say is back?"

"Leng Shaohan! It's the same Leng Shaohan who died in a car accident four years ago!"

"The youngest Leng of the Leng family is not dead? Has he come back to life?"

"Yes, it's just that his current name is not Leng Shaohan, but He Lin. And he is now a foreign business representative, with special immunity."

An Ying took a breath, "This Leng's youngest is really capable of tossing around. Has he changed? Is he still so handsome?"

Ye Sisi was furious, "Miss, is this the point? The point is that Leng Shaohan is back now, and he wants to take revenge on me!"

"That's right, that's the point, what do you need me to do?" An Ying said.

"I felt like I couldn't fight him, so I had to run away again. But now that I have two kids, it's more difficult to run away. And I can't be tough with him like before, I'm worried that he will hurt my kids... "

"Then whose are your two children? Are they Leng Shaohan's?"

"Miss, this is not the point!"

"Okay, okay, then you can continue to talk about the key points."

"Now I'm pretending to continue planning the wedding with Qian Yufeng, and then Leng Shaohan will focus on ruining my wedding. Then I want to transfer the child away in the process. The person I can trust in this world right now, I'm afraid it's only you. In addition, your An family is now the number one wealthy family in Jiangcheng, I think you can protect my child well... can you?"

"I see. You want me to pretend to attend your wedding, then pick up the child secretly, and then you can find a way to escape yourself, is that right?"

(End of this chapter)

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