"Let's show our cards. Is there a philosopher living in the body at the end of the season?"

"I feel like I've lived most of my life, but I'm not as transparent as this girl."

"Luck is the accident and random event that requires people to meet and encounter him."

"Damn it, it's so awesome, I can't lie on the bed anymore, feeling like I'm going to rot in a second."

"That's great [applause] [applause] [applause]"

"Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books!"

"Time does not speak, but answers all questions."

"This live broadcast room is poisonous. Every time I watch the live broadcast at the end of the season, I feel comfortable all over. I won't be washed by her, right?"


Joy will infect everyone, and all kinds of pressure at the moment make everyone breathless.

Knowing that it is chicken soup, after finishing this bowl, there is another bowl.

What else can we do?There is no light on the road of life, what is the difference between walking dead and walking dead?
"Mr. Lu!"

Lu Jun's thoughts were interrupted by a hasty knock on the door.

He frowned in displeasure, "What's the matter?"

The assistant was in a dilemma, but the matter was urgent and he had to speak.

"Ziyin is gone."

With a "crush", Lu Jun stood up, but soon sat down again decadently.

Leave him alone.

He used to think that he would give Lu Ziyin the best, no matter what he wanted, he would do his best to satisfy him.

But now he wants to let go because he is too persistent and extreme, and has turned Lu Ziyin into a waste.

One day he will grow old, and the business empire he built with painstaking efforts may fall apart the moment he closes his eyes.

"Just show Ji Bingbing to me."


"No matter what method we use, we must find Mrs. Ji."


After the assistant went out and saw that the live broadcast room was closed, his heart suddenly felt empty.

"Come in first."

He called his assistant, who soon returned.

"Book me the fastest ticket to the capital, the sooner the better, you must arrive in the capital before two o'clock in the afternoon."



"But you have an important meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon..." "Cancel!"

"President Lu, no, Mr. Smith has been dating you for a long time, and today he will formally sign the contract..."

The assistant wanted to persuade him not to be impulsive, but Lu Jun gave him a sharp look.

"Am I the boss, or are you the boss?"

"Sorry!" The assistant trembled with fright.

"Aren't you going soon?"


At noon, Chen Juan asked her to have lunch, but how could a teacher with a low salary invite her? She paid the bill ahead of time while going to the bathroom.

"Miss Ji, can you sign your name? Take a photo together?" the cashier lady blushed and asked in a low voice.

"Well...won't it affect your work?"

"Yes, yes, if the manager sees it, he will definitely scold me."

But how could there be so many opportunities to meet her?The web drama is still on the air, and she and her little sisters stand in front of the screen every day, waiting for Shangxian and his little fairy to come out and abuse them.

"I'll sign your autograph for you, and just take a group photo."

"thanks, thanks!"

Back on his seat, Chen Juan was using the tablet to handle some work at hand.

"At the end of the day, the school has already coordinated the speech in the afternoon, and it will be broadcast live on the school's account at that time, can you see it?"

"Well, no problem."

"That's good, I'll go to checkout, and then go to school together."

"Professor Chen, I have already settled the bill. I see that you have been busy. If you need me, feel free to ask."

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