Chapter 102 I Miss You Too
Hearing the voice, Qi Yue's eyes drifted over, she let go of Shen Jinyu's hand, and walked over with a sneer, "You two, you are hiding it enough! I'm the only one who doesn't know, right?"

Yin Baiyi waved his hand innocently, "It's none of my business, I was also the one who was kept in the dark." After finishing speaking, he pointed at Zhao Zhao, "He is the culprit."

Zhao Zhao was quite proud, "How is it? Do you like the surprise my brother gave you? I finally met your sweetheart!"

The words "sweetheart" made Qi Yue blush, she looked at Shen Jinyu guilty, and Shen Jinyu also looked at her with meaningful eyes.

Qi Yue turned his head and glared at Zhao Zhao. How could he say that before the paper on the window was pierced? What if Shen Jinyu didn't mean it?

"Don't talk nonsense,"

"Where am I talking nonsense," Zhao Zhao wanted to shout Potian, "Isn't he your sweetheart? Everyone told me that he loves..."

Shen Jinyu: "Cough!"

Zhao Zhao's words were interrupted, he looked at Shen Jinyu looking for his voice, Shen Jinyu turned his face to the other side, Zhao Zhao instantly understood what he meant, and turned around the rest of the words,

"Love... Yin Baiyi, your hair is messed up, I'll fix it for you."

After Qi Yue had eaten and drank enough, Shen Jinyu took her to digest, and the two circled around the yard. Just after talking a few words, Yue Ling suddenly appeared. She smiled and opened her mouth first.

Shen Jinyu has grown taller than when she was in Changlin, and now she is more than a head taller than Qi Yue, and Qi Yue raises her head when she sees him.

"I'm hungry, I'm in a hurry to go out, I haven't eaten anything."

Yue Ling is still the gentle fairy in Qi Yue's memory, but now there is more depression and sorrow between her brows.

The dress fits very well, and Qi Yue couldn't help boasting: "Sister-in-law Qiu, this dress fits me so well, you really know how to hold it."

"Then I'll ask the kitchen to cook something delicious for you, and you go to freshen up and change your clothes first,"

As soon as the people in the courtyard left, only Qi Yue and Shen Jinyu were left, and the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

"By the way, when did you hook up with Zhao Zhao? I didn't notice it at all."

Shen Jinyu didn't let her go, he stretched out his hand and turned Qi Yue's face to look directly at him, and asked cautiously, "Qi Yue, do you miss me?"

Among the group of people, only Fu Sheng has eyesight, Shen Jinyu finally found Qi Yue, how could they stay here all the time?So he cleared his throat and said: "It's getting late, everyone go back to rest, two brothers, go, I'll arrange a room for you."

Qi Yue's heart warmed up, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace on the way out of the bathroom to Shen Jinyu's yard, wanting to see him quickly.

Yue Ling came over and said with a smile, "Jinyu finally found you."

"Then why do you think?" Shen Jinyu asked with a smirk.

Shen Jinyu touched Qi Yue's face, "I won't tease you, let's eat first."

Shen Jinyu's wandering thoughts were called back by Qi Yue, and he looked away a little guilty, "No, it's just that I can't react well, and you actually came back."

Aunt Qiu smiled and waved her hands slowly, "I didn't take this, it was prepared for you by Master Hou."

Qi Yue nodded, "Okay."

Shen Jinyu called Mrs. Qiu to take Qi Yue to the bathroom to take a bath. After freshening up, Mrs. Qiu brought her a set of water-green dresses to change into. After Qi Yue changed, Mrs. Qiu helped her tidy up the mirror.

"He recruited so easily?" Qi Yue was shocked, "Isn't he afraid that you will lie to him?"

Fu Sheng winked at Lin Qingqiu and the others, and they reacted in an instant, and followed with a haha.

"Hmm..." Shen Jinyu thought for a while with a meaningful smile, "When you were called Wang Mazi in Shuobei,"

Qi Yue reached out and pushed Shen Jinyu's hand away, turned his face away, and whispered, "Think."

"I don't know," Qi Yue beat him to death.

Qi Yue was shocked by this question, and his face turned red for a moment. Before she answered, Shen Jinyu continued: "I miss you very much."

"Well," Qi Yue picked up the chopsticks, all the dishes on the table were her favorites, she asked while eating,

Shen Jinyu rubbed her head, stopped teasing her, and said seriously: "Actually, at first I only thought that Wang Mazi resembled you in some ways, but I never thought that it was you, when you were planning to fake the assassination, Zhao Zhao came to Zhenbeihou Mansion to check Shang Yunfei's yard, but he went to the wrong place and found my yard. You showed your face when you left the barracks at the celebration banquet. When I was looking for you, I wrote down Zhao Zhao's appearance, so I recognized him immediately that night, and he recruited when pressed."

Shen Jinyu said "um", but didn't continue the conversation, but stared at Qi Yue with hot eyes, and suddenly asked, "Do you miss me?"

Qi Yue lowered his head and chuckled, not daring to look at Shen Jinyu.

Shen Jinyu also laughed, "Eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold later."

Shen Jinyu smiled and said, "He believed me when he saw the stone on my neck,"

Qi Yue smiled and didn't speak.

"Qi Yue, you are finally back."

"Senior Sister Yue Ling," Qi Yue still called her that.

With just one glance, Shen Jinyu fell.

Qi Yue froze for a moment, didn't realize it at first, and then smiled when he understood, "I also have a stone in the stockade, which is similar to the one I gave you, and Zhao Zhao picked it up and gave it to me. I mentioned it to him. The matter of talking about this stone, probably because of this, he believed you, "

Yin Baiyi: "... stay away!"

"Shen Jinyu," Qi Yue entered the room with a smile, Shen Jinyu raised her head when she heard the sound, and saw Qi Yue wearing a light blue embroidered lotus dress, with some wet long hair hanging down, her white face just after taking a bath was wrapped in heat A little reddish, and his eyes are misty and look particularly bright.

Shen Jinyu walked up to Qi Yue, fixed the messy hair around her ears, lowered her head and asked softly, "Are you hungry? Did you eat before going out?"

It took Qi Yue a long time to understand Mrs. Qiu's sign language, and he couldn't help being surprised, "Shen Jinyu prepared it?"

Aunt Qiu nodded, "Master Hou has been preparing things for you since three years ago, including dresses, jewelry, and weird gadgets, just waiting for you to come back."

"Hey," Qi Yue couldn't help laughing when he heard the name Wang Mazi he had chosen.

Shen Jinyu frowned, pretending not to hear, "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly."

Qi Yue curled his lips into a chuckle, "I didn't expect it to be like this either. I misunderstood for three years and thought that I would never be able to return to Changlin like you in this life."

Qi Yue saw through him at a glance, and she leaned close to Shen Jinyu's ear and said loudly, "I want to!"

Until Qi Yue sat in front of him, Shen Jinyu's eyes were still lingering on Qi Yue's face like fire, Qi Yue didn't know why Shen Jinyu was looking at her all the time, she leaned closer and looked at him,
"Shen Jinyu, what are you looking at? Is there something on my face?"

The three of them sat down in the yard, Yue Ling didn't say much else, and said directly: "Where is Duan Mufeng?"

Qi Yue shook his head, "In the stockade on a mountain in Chuanze County, we don't know the entrance of the stockade."

Yue Ling sighed, "There is still no way to find him. I have already given the jade pendant that Duan Mufeng gave me to Jinyu. If you still want to go back to the village, you can give it to him for me, and he will understand."

Qi Yue responded, "Okay,"

(End of this chapter)

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