The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 12 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 12 Resentful Soul Lock (11)

Seeing that Guan Twelve didn't answer him, the young man quickly chased him and stood in front of Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve impatiently asked him what else he wanted to do.

The young man pursed his lips and looked at Guan Twelve and said, "You...are not from this village!"

"No, I am."

"No! You are not, I saw you and two foreigners entering our village together today!"

The boy was so sure that the player was speechless.

Then you know all about it, why are you asking these questions? !

"You saw it too! That female ghost in red hanging from the tree!" The young man looked serious, and Guan Twelve suddenly felt that this seemed to be a plot.

She opened the copy of the game inexplicably? ? !

"Well, I saw it, and I killed her." The player admitted.

"No! You killed only one of her clones! Her main body is still alive!" The boy shook his head and broke the player's pride.

What? !She self-harmed and magnified, and it turned out that she just hit a counterfeit? ?
The player said that her self-esteem had been insulted, and then she thought about it, this is indeed not her field of expertise, if she can't beat it, she can't beat it!Anyway, her target is a player with blood bars like her.

At this time, the young man suddenly knelt down towards Guan Twelve, startling the players!
what are you doing? !There is no Chinese New Year, no money to give red envelopes! !

"Master! Please save Xiaowei!"

The teenager asked for help from the player, and the player was confused.

Who is Xiaowei? !
Later, through the boy's description, Guan Twelve learned the story of this village.

It turns out that Jianpu Village has a custom from ancient times to the present. If you get married one month before the harvest, you will be blessed by the God of Harvest. From then on, you will bless the family's food and clothing. I visited the temple one month before the harvest, and a month later, there was a sudden storm and strong wind in the village. The terrible natural disaster destroyed the farmer. Everyone's efforts this year were in vain.

Later, this situation continued until the next year when there was no harvest. An elder in the village said that the village was cursed because the newly married girl was not a native of the village, and the God of Harvest would only bless the newlyweds in the village. Husband and wife, foreigners who marry locals will be cursed!The alien's soul needs to be sacrificed to the Harvest God to appease his wrath!

In the mood of giving it a try, everyone put on the wedding dress and burned the newly married girl to death on the mountain.

In the second year, the village ushered in a bumper harvest, and everyone cheered, but soon they found something was wrong. The villagers in the village often saw a woman in red at night. Hanging on the tree and weeping, the villagers who saw this woman would have a strange disease the next day. Hanging a red string on the tree also said that this would not calm her anger and needed her forgiveness.

So gradually it came out that the girl who sacrificed was cursed during the sacrifice process. If the village is to restore peace, it is necessary to sacrifice the power of the girl to the God of Harvest. Every year, the men in the village will choose the most loving sacrifice among those girls who love themselves or others to sacrifice to the God of Harvest to fight against the cursed girl.

So much so that the girls in the village dare not fall in love, but the girl Huaichun also has a few secretly in love. Xiaowei is one of them. She doesn't know who she fell in love with. She was discovered by the village chief and was arrested three days later to be sacrificed to her. The god of harvest.

Officer [-]: Very good, this kind of familiar plot, the harm caused by bad habits.

Guan Twelve let out a sigh of relief and rubbed her temples.

But what does this have to do with Xu Xiaotian?
Guan Twelve felt that the plot would not be presented to her for no reason. Besides, although the female ghost cried and complained heavily, she never hurt her. No, she disfigured the player.

But Guan Twelve knew that there was no murderous intent on the female ghost, and it meant that she had no murderous intent towards her.

The player felt that this matter was not so simple, she looked at the boy in front of her, and asked after a moment of silence:

"What's your name?"

".Ping, my name is Aping!" The boy replied!

"So you went out and ruined your appearance and brought back a man?" Shao Qiuyan frowned as he looked at A Ping beside Guan Twelve.

"Well, it can be said that it is probably because I have a fate with him." Guan Twelve patted A Ping on the shoulder. Let me say here that A Ping is about the same height as the player.

"So there is such a story in this village." And Xu Xiaotian over there frowned and disapproved after hearing the story told by Aping:
"This is completely nonsense, how can there be any god who needs to sacrifice human beings! This is not a god at all! It is a monster!" Xu Xiaotian defended those girls who sacrificed, especially the red-clothed female ghost, who was the most wronged and wronged !
"You think so too, so you brought him back?" Shaoqiu said implyingly.

Obviously, he didn't believe that Guan Twelve would be so kind. For players, NPCs are just a tool to promote the plot. Besides, the NPCs in their game are basically dispensable. "The End of Infinite Flow" The players inside never valued or needed NPCs.

"No, he followed up brazenly." Guan Twelve shook his head.

How can players meddle so much, it's too late for PK!
"She is very powerful, she just defeated the female ghost!" A Ping pointed at Guan Twelve and said seriously.

"Wow, you're cheating!" Shao Qiuyan pointed at Guan Twelve pretending to be exclaimed.

"I didn't!" The player retorted loudly!She just knows more! !
"Are you a Taoist too?!" Li Zhong frowned and asked Guan Twelve.

"I'm not!" The player was stupefied, who said that a Taoist priest would be able to do some tricks? !How can there be a Taoist priest who self-mutilates and can only beat other people's clones? ? !
"Twelve just knows how to use small spells for self-defense, she is not a Taoist priest." At this time, Xu Xiaotian waved his hands to explain for Guan Twelve.

"Know some small spells?" Li Zhong looked at Guan Twelve's bloody palm, half-believing.

If it was a Taoist priest, he should have heard of it. Could it be some hermit branch?But there is no official surname in the hidden branch, it seems that I have to investigate after I go back.

And Shao Qiuyan walked up to Guan Twelve and handed Guan Twelve a bottle of medicine and said, "It's not good for you to lose blood like this, take some medicine."

Guan Twelve looked at the bottle of medicine and thought about Shaoqiuyan's character, um.
She took the medicine and drank it into her stomach, and her blood recovered immediately, and even the wound on her hand stopped bleeding and healed.

"It's amazing!!" Xu Xiaotian exclaimed after seeing it.

"What kind of medicine is this?!" Even Li Zhong couldn't help asking.

"This is the medicine from Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace." Shao Qiuyan proudly showed off with his hands on his hips!

Official Twelve: Stupid.

 Ask for a ticket ~ ah ah ah
(End of this chapter)

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