The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 2 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 2 Resentful Soul Lock (1)

Xu Xiaotian is a high school student, but not an ordinary high school student, his eyes can see ghosts and spirits.

[Ding ~ Hello, welcome! 】

In a 24-hour convenience store, Xu Xiaotian chose coffee and put it at the cash register with a haggard face.

"Wechat or Alipay for a total of 6 yuan?" the cashier asked.

"Cash." Xu Xiaotian took out his wallet, opened it, and handed it to the cashier for five yuan. Just as he was about to find out a one-dollar coin, a wave of resentment came over him. He subconsciously looked up and saw the five-yuan paper money in the cashier's hand. Suddenly it became dirty and full of blood, and a kid suddenly appeared behind the cashier, covered in blood and opened his fangs, sticking his sticky hands to the cashier's face, her red eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling Looking at him, his voice was as piercing as the sound of chalk scratching a blackboard:

Xu Xiaotian snatched it, then took out his mobile phone and looked at the bewildered cashier and said, "That... not enough money, let's use WeChat."

"Oh ok!" strange man.

The cashier blinked and scanned the QR code in bewilderment, and then watched Xu Xiaotian leave. After he touched the back of his neck, he seemed to feel a chill just now.
After coming out, Xu Xiaotian ran to a nearby park bench and sat down. He looked at the five yuan paper money in his hand, still looking dirty, and then a bloody face suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Ah!" Xu Xiaotian was taken aback.

"What are you arguing about, it's early in the morning." At this moment, the voice next to him startled him again, he quickly turned his head to see a touch of silver, and then he saw a girl looking at him with a displeased face , he subconsciously looked down at the ground, there was a shadow, not a ghost, he was relieved at the same time, he quickly apologized:
"I'm sorry I didn't notice anyone next to me."

"Ah, it's okay." The girl didn't know why she looked up at the top of his head, then waved her hands uninterestedly, got up and patted the ashes on her body, moved her body, a little sore, it seemed that she was still tired after sleeping on the bench all day. No, but she has no money
"What's your name?" The girl didn't know what to think, and then suddenly turned to look at him and asked.

".Xu.Xu Xiaotian." Xu Xiaotian didn't understand why he asked his name, but he answered the question simply.

"My name is Twelve, Guan Twelve." The girl suddenly smiled at him, and Xu Xiaotian couldn't help being stunned. Only then did he realize that this girl named Guan Twelve is very beautiful, even more beautiful than the school belle in their school.

"I ran out from the mountains to find a friend, but I lost my way and have no place to live now. Can a kind person take me in?" Guan Twelve suddenly gave him a wink.

"Okay, eh??" Xu Xiaotianxia, ​​who was tempted by the beauty, nodded consciously, then realized something was wrong, he looked at the girl in front of him in disbelief and asked:
"You want to live with me?!"

"Okay, after all you just nodded." Guan Twelve looked at Xu Xiaotian with a smile.

"But you are a girl"

"Don't worry, I'll leave as soon as I find a friend and I won't bother you." Guan Twelve clasped his hands together in a please gesture.

"I'm penniless and homeless now, I'm about to starve to death on the street, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda please please~"

Xu Xiaotian took out the key to open the door, walked in, as usual, there was no one there, also, after all, he lived alone all the time.

One person goes out and one comes back, one person goes to school and one person cooks.

"Your house is quite big." It's just different this time, this time he brought back a girl.

Guan Twelve looked at the room, Xu Xiaotian's room was very clean, and had all the basic equipment. From the moment she entered the door, she found that this neighborhood was surprisingly rich.

The green belt at the entrance is good.

"What's the address of the friend you're looking for? We can contact the police." Xu Xiaotian was about to make a call but was stopped by Guan Twelve. She said with a smile:
"It's useless to find the police, they are black households."

"." As soon as these words came out, Xu Xiaotian suddenly had a strange expression on his face, and he looked at Guan Twelve with a complicated expression.

"I have an ID card, don't worry if I'm not a criminal."

Xu Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he still didn't understand why Guan Twelve's friend was a black household.

But the girl obviously didn't want to explain too much to him, she pointed to the refrigerator and asked, "Can I open it?"

"Ah, yes." Xu Xiaotian nodded.

Guan Twelve said thank you, then walked quickly to the refrigerator and opened it, looking at the full refrigerator, her eyes lit up.

"Are you hungry? I'll cook for you. Is there anything you want to eat?" At this time Xu Xiaotian came over and noticed Guan Twelve's expression, he said with a smile.

"Really? You are such a nice person, thank you! I don't have to pick anything!" Guan Twelve's whole body brightened, and at this moment she was like a little girl who got her favorite toy.

Xu Xiaotian couldn't help feeling excited, he hurriedly turned away, touched the tip of his nose and said, "Go to the living room to rest first, I'll be fine soon."

Taking Guan Twelve to the living room, he returned to the kitchen to take a deep breath and then exhale, patting his hot cheeks.

Alright, Xu Xiaotian!Stop thinking about it!Let's cook!
He took out eggs, dried noodles, and bean paste. He planned to make simple noodles with fried sauce. First, he poured water. Xu Xiaotian took the bowl and just turned on the faucet. Scarlet liquid flowed out from the water pipe, and then climbed onto Xu Xiaotian's hands.

The surrounding scenery also suddenly turned dark red, Xu Xiaotian's pupils shrank, he couldn't move, he could only watch helplessly as the pool was filled with scarlet liquid and then spread out, and finally the ground was covered with red liquid.

In the muddy liquid on the floor, a hand was slowly stretched out, with red nails, it was a very beautiful hand, it grabbed Xu Xiaotian's calf, and slowly climbed up, one hand became two hands , and then revealed her black hair, which was very long, covering her face and body, but she didn't have a lower body, which was bloody and still dripping.

(End of this chapter)

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