The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 22 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 22 Resentful Soul Lock (21)

Because the sacrifice to the soul of pure love × 2 angered the ancient fierce beast Taotie hiding in the seal under the simple village, causing Taotie to come out of the ground and wreak havoc on the ground!
The villagers fled frantically, at this time the wind blew the red rope hanging from the willow branch, the red rope suddenly became longer and attacked Taotie, the tiny red rope gathered together to form shackles one by one and controlled Taotie in time.

Shao Qiuyan and Xu Xiaotian hid aside, especially Li Zhong couldn't help being startled looking at Taotie who was controlled by the red rope.

Unexpectedly, the red rope actually existed to protect the village, and what Shaoqiu said was true!

But that is an ancient fierce beast after all, and it is not so easy to deal with it.

Seeing the red ropes loosened one by one, Li Zhong gritted his teeth. As the second son of the Li family, how could he tolerate such a monster? !
Right now, Li Zhong had no choice but to take out the firework for help from his family. Although he had said before that he would not use it, the current situation did not allow him to show off. As the fireworks bloomed in the sky, Li Zhong only wanted to see the family People can come and solve this trouble as quickly as possible.

Just when Li Zhong was uneasy, he suddenly grabbed him with one hand. Li Zhong was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to see that it was Xu Xiaotian, and Xu Xiaotian looked at him worriedly: "Li Zhong, how are you? Are you okay?" ?”

Li Zhong's expression just now was too solemn, which made Xu Xiaotian a little worried.

"...No, nothing, I'm fine."

Xu Xiaotian's worried expression warmed Li Zhong's heart. He had never felt the warmth of being worried about, because he was the second son of the Li family. When the eldest son was not up to snuff, everyone pinned their hopes on him. Worrying is just worrying about whether he can do something well in the fastest time.

It was the first time someone was worried about him, and Li Zhong was lying if he said he wasn't moved.

The red rope binding Taotie over there was already crumbling, and the reinforcements hadn't arrived yet, Li Zhong gritted his teeth and thought about taking another risk, when suddenly countless red ropes came out of the ground and wrapped around Taotie.

This sudden scene made everyone stunned, and then a woman in red slowly emerged from the red rope.The resentment all over was very penetrating.

Xu Xiaotian noticed that this woman was not the half-body red ghost who locked his neck and lured him to Jianpu Village to know the truth of this matter.

"is her."

Li Zhong looked at the female ghost in front of him, very familiar, but the strong resentment made Li Zhong frowned, such a heavy resentment.Presumably this is the main body, how long and how many years it will take to form such a heavy resentment.

Obviously, the female ghost's attention was not on the two of them.

She stared at the huge monster hundreds of feet taller than her in front of her. In front of such a monster, she was as weak as an ant.

The female ghost stretched out countless red strings from her cuffs and tied them around Taotie.

"Is she restraining Taotie?!" Li Zhong's eyes widened in surprise.

The evil spirits that were supposed to hate humans are actually protecting humans? !How could this not surprise him.

But it's a pity that Taotie is an ancient beast after all, no matter how resentful she is and no matter how powerful she is, she can't be the opponent of Taotie after all.

With a roar, Taotie shattered the red rope on his body, flew out together with the female ghost, and then flung it to the side of the house, and the house collapsed in an instant!With a bang!

Taotie is free again.

Taotie, who didn't dare to regain his freedom this time, was obviously not quite right, his chest actually emitted a faint red light, which made him in agony!
"This is?" Li Zhong looked carefully, and suddenly realized that it was Xiao Wei and A Ping!It was the souls of the two of them, pure love that caused Taotie harm!
It turns out that Taotie fears the soul of true love is real! !
It is obvious that the souls of Xiaowei and Aping have caused a lot of damage to Taotie!Taotie roared in agony, even his stature became smaller.

this is a good chance!Li Zhong bit his finger and pressed it on his temple, took out a stack of talisman papers and ran towards Taotie!He can't keep hiding!The attack must be launched!
And over there, the female ghost also climbed up from the waste and continued to attack Taotie. One person and one ghost, one was full of resentment and wrapped around a red rope, and one was full of righteousness with yellow talisman paper floating around. At this time, the united front launched an attack towards the same goal!

Xu Xiaotian hid from the side and watched, the strength of the seriously injured Taotie was greatly reduced, but it was not an existence that the two of them could defeat, and not long after, Li Zhong fell to the ground fiercely, vomiting blood!

"Li Zhong!" Xu Xiaotian's face turned pale with fright, he hurriedly ran over to help Li Zhong up, Li Zhong who was lifted up spit out another mouthful of blood!

"You're vomiting blood! You look so bad! How about we go first!" Looking at Li Zhong's crumbling body, Xu Xiaotian looked worried.

Li Zhong waved his hands, then stood up tremblingly, and spit out a big mouthful of bruised blood, feeling that his chest was much more comfortable, he took a deep breath, and then pulled Xu Xiaotian away, he couldn't continue to escape...

"I can't even be inferior to the grieving ghost..." Li Zhong murmured jokingly, but his voice was weak and hoarse, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was holding on.

Li Zhong gestured again, he took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and said: "The fragrance is heavy and corresponds to the universe, and when it burns, the fragrance penetrates the gate of heaven, the golden bird runs like a cloud of arrows, the jade rabbit shines like a wheel; , the five-colored cloud was noisy; the temple was opened in the Ziwei Palace, the second son of the Li family invited the gods, and implored the gods to help and break this predicament! Erlang God Yang Jian invites the upper body!"

As Li Zhong's words fell, an eye suddenly appeared on the place where the blood was wiped on the temple before, exuding golden light, three golden eyes, and he stretched out his hand.Transforming into a three-pointed two-edged knife, Li Zhong attacked Taotie with a high air.

Xu Xiaotian looked at Li Zhong who was fighting fiercely over there, feeling a little powerless in his heart, Li Zhong was fighting desperately, and he could only hide here...

Not reconciled, he is really not reconciled.

【Find... quickly find...】

A sentence suddenly appeared in Xu Xiaotian's mind. It seemed to come from a very far away place. It was an ancient old voice. He subconsciously turned his head and saw an old lady standing next to him. He didn't know when she came here. Arrogant, but decadent.

"It's you... are you talking to me?" Xu Xiaotian was a little uncertain, because the old lady wanted to kill him before, and the incident was still vivid in his memory.

"It's me...I didn't expect that we have been providing nourishment for such a murderer all this time. It's really sad..." The old lady sighed and aged dozens of years.

"No, what did you ask me to find?!"

 Damn... there is another chapter, I thought this chapter was over, but it doesn't affect Twelve who is still asleep, let's finish the plot first haha
(End of this chapter)

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