The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 301 Fairy Demon

Chapter 301 Fairy Demon (13)

After hearing this, the Zhao family left immediately. Before leaving, Zhao Ziruo looked at Chen Yueye sadly, but it was a pity that he didn't care about her!

Zhao Ziruo's white teeth tightened his lower lip, and he turned around unwillingly, and the hem of his skirt flung out an arc!
Chen Yueye: ...It's weird.

Everyone who got in the way has left, and they have to start to concentrate on dealing with the peach blossom tree in front of them.

Xu Liuqin and the others pulled out the sabers around their waists and released their spiritual power. Although the fire was burning vigorously, they all knew that if the tree was a demon or a ghost, ordinary fire would not be able to kill it!
Sure enough, the fire was instantly absorbed in the next second, and the peach tree rose from the ground!The branches grow long, and the branches flutter into claws!Monster spirit is rampant!
With its roar!The whole form is exposed in front of everyone!

And on one of the branches, sat a woman, that woman was dressed in white, with fiery red hair and picturesque eyes!
And this woman glanced at the one below and finally locked her eyes on Chen Yueye, or the little butterfly above his head!

And Guan Twelve also locked his eyes on that woman!

She has more anger in her heart than a woman!

Why the hell can she cultivate a human form? ! !

She also worked so hard to practice so much why not!what is this?Why? ?Is there such a thing as cultivation talent among players now? !You are definitely hooked! !
"You haven't turned into a human form yet?"

The female player was also very surprised, she yelled at Guan Twelve!
Xu Liuqin and the others immediately looked at Chen Yueye, and Chen Yueye knew that she was talking to the little butterfly on his fingertips!
Humanoid?The two of them really knew each other!
"..." Listening to this player's words, Guan Twelve's forehead suddenly became bulging.

Are you showing off?

"Kill her!" Guan Twelve gritted his teeth!

Doesn't she want to take human form? !
She also worked hard! ! !Isn't the key problem just that you haven't cultivated yet!Now she is still with an NPC who is completely opposite to herself!Cultivating human form is even more slim!
Players are miserable!Now there are still people who dare to show off in front of such miserable players!

Depend on!She must be killed!
"Calm down, there are people from Shengxianmen here now, so we don't need to take action."

Compared to Guan Twelve who was so angry, Chen Yueye seemed very calm. After all, he was not that brat of hundreds of years, and he had also experienced failures. No matter how proud he was, he knew when to restrain himself, what to hide Time to hide!
And his current cultivation base should not be much worse than Xu Liuqin's.

If someone helps to solve it, it would be nice for him to eat ready-made ones.

Sure enough, when Xu Liuqin and the others heard the woman who was suspected of being a monster speak, they couldn't help but frowned, and their whole body became vigilant!
Those who can speak, if they are monsters, are okay, but if they are ghosts...then the level is too high!
Cultivating humanoid monsters...

"Everyone, this monster is not easy! We have to be careful!"

"Yes! Senior Brother!"

All the disciples drew their swords!Mobilize the whole body's spiritual power!Fight against the enemies in front of you!
"..." The female player glanced at Guan Twelve, then at Xu Liuqin and the others!

I suddenly felt upset!

You are also a player, why do you have so many people around you! !

So the female player gets angry, and the price of getting angry is:

"Kill these bastards for me!!"

Following her order, the Peach Tree Demon launched an attack!His branches attacked Xu Liuqin and the others!
Xu Liuqin and the others jumped back and spread out to avoid the attack!

Xu Liuqin and the others lined up and attacked the tree demon!
And Chen Yueye hid aside to observe, he found that the tree demon was not of a high level, and only had the strength to build a foundation, so it was not difficult to deal with, but Chen Yueye was more concerned about the woman sitting on the tree branch, she had never made a move , he couldn't figure out her level for a while.

Chen Yueye pursed her lips, and at this time, Xu Liuqin and the others gradually gained the upper hand!

This result is not surprising to Chen Yueye. Although he hates Shengxianmen, Chen Yueye still appreciates their tactics. Compared with cultivation, Shengxianmen pays more attention to teamwork. This is because although their disciples are not high in cultivation, But teamwork can beat opponents several levels higher.

The battle over there is gradually coming to an end!Following Xu Liuqin and the others using the combination skill Wan Jian Guiyi to stab the Dryad, the Dryad let out a scream!
Guan Twelve obviously saw that the dryad's blood bar had been reduced by more than half, and now there was only a little crispy skin left!

In this case, if the player really formed a bond with him, it is impossible to ignore it!
Sure enough, after seeing that the Dryad lost so many blood bars with one blow, the female player couldn't sit still anymore!

Seeing her open her hands, countless red spider threads immediately attacked Xu Liuqin and the others!
Unexpectedly, it would be such an attack method, Xu Liuqin and the others hurriedly dodged and disrupted the formation!Not only that, there was another disciple who was touched by the red spider silk to the corner of his clothes. As soon as he was touched, his whole body was immediately entangled by the red spider silk!
A partner beside him immediately wanted to reach out his hand when he saw it, but Xu Liuqin held him back!
They watched helplessly as their fellow disciple screamed in despair and was turned into a red cocoon by the red spider silk!
Then being thrown into the air, the woman slowly raised her hand, and then shook it lightly!The cocoon shrank immediately and finally squeezed out the person inside, blood splattered everywhere!It was like red rain fell on everyone!

When Xu Liuqin and the others saw such a cruel scene, they all stared and let the blood drip on their faces, the corners of their eyes, and the tip of their noses!This is... the blood of their fellow disciples!
And when the blood dripped on the tree, his blood bar immediately recovered!
Guan Twelve was dumbfounded!
What the hell kind of ability is this!It's a bit against the sky!

Instant recovery? ?
It turns out that this guy is an assistant!

And Chen Yueye's expression was not good-looking. When the woman made a move just now, he discovered her strength. To be honest, she was not high, and she just looked like she was just in the foundation building period!

Judging from the spider silk, this woman should be a spider turned into a human form!

And it's an extremely terrifying bloodthirsty demon spider!Like his little butterfly, it is a terrifying phantom beast!
After the phantom beast transforms into a human form, its cultivation will return to zero, so it has to start from scratch!
Although she didn't know when she transformed into form, Chen Yueye knew that the way the guy in front of him cultivated, and the bone bones in the town during this time, must be her fault!

She practiced by sucking people's energy and life, a proper magic cultivation!

As a Demon Lord, Chen Yueye took a deep breath and couldn't help sighing.

And the red cocoon over there slowly opened, and a corpse with only clothes and bones left fell to the ground, torn apart!

"Yes!" One of the disciples shouted that person's name in grief!

It's just a pity that that person can no longer respond to him!

"You bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Seeing his former partner become like this in front of his eyes, the members of Shengxianmen could no longer suppress their anger!

(End of this chapter)

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