The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 323 Fairy Demon

Transformation period!That was the stage of transforming into a god!The only one among them who is in the stage of transforming into a god is Bai Yulou!

Now Baiyulou is still closed!Where can they fight!
After discussion, they all decided to pretend they didn't see it, they didn't know, and wait until Bai Yulou came out!

Yu Lingling sent a lot of letters, but there was no news!She was so anxious that she sent more letters!

The more times, the greater the chance of exposure!

This was discovered by the guards, and it was discovered that Yu Lingling was actually sending a letter to the fairy world!He quickly intercepted the letter and handed it to Chen Yueye to read!

Chen Yueye over there is really annoying!

He opened the letter and found that it was Yu Lingling who was asking for help, and he was even more speechless!
What else did he think it was, that's all? !

So he burned the letter directly!

But at this time, he suddenly thought of something, so he asked his subordinates to write a letter!
It means that Bai Yulou's only doting disciple is with them, and they want to get her back!Just find a silver-haired woman with a butterfly tattoo on the back of a white dress and bring her here!

After receiving Chen Yueye's letter, all the immortal sects who thought they were about to start a war: ... What the hell is this shit? ?

Isn't it time to start a war? ! !

The result is looking for someone?
So you made such a big fuss here before!The result is to find someone? ?
who?A silver-haired woman with a butterfly tattoo on her back? ?

Silver hair is easy to find, but the one with the tattoo on the back... Do you want them cultivators to pick up other girls' clothes to see? ?
Is this fucking or a person? ?

Then the sects held another meeting!
After three days and three nights of discussion, it was finally decided!try to find!Look for farts!
They don't care!
Let him be a rogue himself!

They are preparing at home now, and they will attack Baiyulou when it comes out!Then bring Yulingling back!
On the other side, Tian Nuannuan overheard the disciples of Shengxianmen discussing this matter, so she turned her head and told Xu Liuqin to listen. After listening, Xu Liuqin frowned, pursed his lips and was speechless for a long time!
What are these people doing?Originally, he thought it was outrageous to let Yulingling go to the Demon Realm, but now he planned to wait for Bai Yulou to come out of retreat before attacking the Demon Realm!

What are you doing!So many of them can't fight?Are you so afraid of that moonlit night?

"People in the world of cultivating immortals are becoming more and more useless." Xu Liuqin couldn't help expressing such emotion.

"It's hard to say, but the one Chen Yueye was looking for was Twelve?" Tian Nuannuan thought of this adjective, and it seems that Guan Twelve is the most suitable!
She has silver hair, and she does have a butterfly tattoo on her back because she really is a butterfly after all.

"It's her." Xu Liuqin thought of the spirit butterfly following Chen Yueye and what that spirit butterfly would look like after it turned into a human!

Unexpectedly, Chen Yueye spent so much trouble in the human world and fairy world because of the butterfly named Twelve...

Xu Liuqin didn't know what to say for a while!

"That's great, to offend everyone for one person." Tian Nuannuan couldn't help being envious when she thought that Chen Yueye had done so much for Guan Twelve!

When I thought that I was willing to spend my whole life here for just one person!

Immediately felt a little uncomfortable!
He glanced at Xu Liuqin sadly.

She has been here for ten years, ten years!That is not a day or two but ten years!
Xu Liuqin, who has been taking care of his hands trapped for ten years!It was good to have fresh energy at the beginning, but now the fresh energy is gone!Feel so boring!Immediately felt meaningless!
There's nothing wrong with her liking Xu Liuqin, because he saved her, and he's also handsome!But now ten years have passed, and Xu Liuqin, whose cultivation base has been destroyed, is also old, and he doesn't look very trim, looking very vicissitudes!

After all, Tian Nuannuan is a face-seeker. She really likes someone, but when that person turns bad, her heart will turn cold very quickly!

Now she found that she disliked Xu Liuqin more and more.

Xu Liuqin also seems to be aware of Tian Nuannuan's emotions. Tian Nuannuan has been here to take care of himself for the past ten years. It is a lie to say that he is not moved, but he is moved. He does not like Tian Nuannuan, and he knows it well.

But some things are hard to change when you are used to it, so when he knew that Tian Nuannuan might be leaving, he became a little flustered.

So he asked cautiously, "Are you leaving?"

Tian Nuannuan looked at Xu Liuqin and pursed her lips. She didn't want to lie to Xu Liuqin, who she once liked very much, so she nodded and said, "It's too boring here."

"...Sorry." Xu Liuqin pursed his lips. For some reason, he subconsciously wanted to hold Tian Nuannuan, but he didn't know what position he used to hold him...

maybe... maybe...

Maybe he could talk to her and leave with her!

But then?
He doesn't love Tian Nuannuan, but wants to keep her by his side and trap her. Is it really right to do this?
Xu Liuqin didn't know, so he could only dryly say sorry in the end.

And Tian Nuannuan pursed her lips and shook her head, then said: "I should say sorry to you, sorry, I have to go."

That's right, she's leaving, she can't see the future she wants to see here in Xu Liuqin, it's too boring, she's been here for ten years.

Originally, she didn't think that love could conquer everything, but she felt that at least she had done everything she could, and she was worthy of this relationship!Now this relationship is over!

That would be a clean end!
She also didn't want to ask Xu Liuqin if he wanted to leave!Because she was afraid of Xu Liuqin's answer, no matter what he answered, she didn't want to hear it.

So be it.

Tian Nuannuan got up and patted the ashes on his body and said goodbye to Xu Liuqin: "From now on... I probably won't come to see you."

"...Well." Xu Liuqin looked at the girl in front of him. She was very beautiful. I heard that she was a legendary blue bird and a divine beast. She was willing to serve him by his side for ten years!

How lucky he is!
After hearing this, Tian Nuannuan was no longer nostalgic, turned around and left!
And Xu Liuqin watched Tian Nuannuan's back gradually go away, he looked at the chains trapped in him, he knew whether the chains could trap him, and he knew in his heart whether he could continue to return to Shengxianmen to practice!

He was even more aware of what was trapping him!
Maybe...he was looking for the wrong path at first.

Not everyone can build a road.

Xu Liuqin closed his eyes and took a deep breath!It was eerily quiet all around.

A few days later, Baiyulou finally came out of the retreat!

When he came out, he heard that his apprentice had been arrested by Chen Yueye, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he heard Chen Yueye said that he wanted to find a silver-haired woman with a butterfly tattoo on his back for exchange!

The first thing Bai Yulou thought of was the girl who appeared in the lotus in the desert...

Is it really related to him?

that woman...

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