The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 331 Entertainment King

Huo Qubing didn't have much tolerance for children of this age, after all, he had already gone to the desert with his uncle, fighting on the battlefield!

He doesn't like a man like Ji Mu Song very much!He believes that a man should be tall and mighty, at least he should be full of heroism!Instead of wearing a perfumed skinny look!

"I don't like the smell of your perfume, I don't think you need to wear these strange smells." Huo Qubing looked at Ji Musong, and said lightly.

Of course, he didn't mean anything malicious, just expressed his own opinion.

Ji Mu Song froze, and then said with a wry smile: "Sister Guan, the future actor you're looking for doesn't like the perfume you chose for me."

Huo Qubing was taken aback by Mu Song's words, and then he subconsciously looked at Guan Twelve beside him. Guan Twelve's expression was indifferent, and she couldn't see what emotion it was. She just said: "It's difficult to adjust a family, I think This tastes good."

Players like lemon lily, and your fans like it, so that's fine.

"..." Huo Qubing didn't know why he wanted to explain, but he didn't know what to say. He thought he had nothing to do with women, let alone someone who would make girls happy.

[It's over, it's over, it's over!my dear master!What if you offended the boss! !Employees who offend their bosses will not end well!Or let's run! ! 】The stars over there are also very anxious Quan Huo Qubing!

Huo Qubing looked at the woman beside him, he felt that the woman in front of him was not the kind of narrow-minded person!

And he was even more afraid of making too many mistakes, so he simply kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything.

This little episode is also over.

Huo Qubing, who joined Guan Twelve Company, still wants to return to his previous crew to finish his part!
But the news that Huo Qubing has joined the famous official actress studio has spread throughout the entertainment industry!Not to mention the entertainment industry!The whole network knows about it!

Whether it is the entertainment industry or other people who look at the entertainment industry, they are very clear that Guan Twelve had a studio a long time ago, but this studio did not receive a large number of artists!In Guan Twelve's words, she doesn't need too many artists, and it's tiring to raise too many people, so she only looks for artists who fit her eyes!

So far, there are only three artists in Guan Twelve's studio, two singers and one idol.

A movie queen actually accepted three artists who had nothing to do with her field!

So everyone was watching her jokes, but they didn't expect that these three artists would all become popular singers and idols in the future!
Especially Lu Youxing!This beautiful girl is remembered by all!That voice that didn't match her appearance at all attracted her many fans!
The current Lu Youxing is the hottest singer right now!

A large number of resources to find her!

Although the remaining two are not as popular as Lu Youxing, they have good resources and good reputations!
So all the people who read the official twelve jokes looked envious!
Kuaguan Twelve Wisdom Eyes Know Pearls!The future of those who are signed by her is limitless!

So being recognized by Guan Twelve is also a proof that the artist's future is limitless!

But now, Guan Twelve, who hadn't signed an artist for a long time, actually signed an acting artist!A male artist I have never seen before!

Under the trend of curiosity, everyone opened Wei Zichen's Weibo, and saw...he is really a newcomer!Not a single fan!No, at least there are a few robots!
Even the latest news is that the paparazzi took pictures of him because he was signed by Guan Twelve, and he was filming a male N number in a TV series.

Everyone: ... really want such a white artist? !
Your eyes are so strange!
But we choose to believe you!
You are finished!
As a result, Wei Zichen's Weibo fans increased in large numbers!In just three days, Huo Qubing watched his Weibo followers rise to [-]! !
【Yeah!Congratulations to the master Congratulations to the master!The master has [-] fans!This is one step closer to becoming an actor! ! 】Xing Xing is also very happy to see this news!
After all, Wei Zichen's fans were still in single digits at the very beginning!

"10 people..." Huo Qubing couldn't help feeling a little dazed when he saw this number!
There are so many people in this era, 10 people! !
What a huge number that is!
Then he suddenly thought of something and asked, "How many fans does Twelve have?"

[Let me see... 560 fans!The hosts weren't bad either. ] Xing Xing said weakly after reading the data.

Huo Qubing: ...

Are you sure about that? ?
The general also knows how to count!
[Don't worry, Master!After all, Guan Twelve is the actress!And I have been in the entertainment circle for many years, it is normal to have such achievements. 】

Huo Qubing remained silent!
More than 7000 million!What a concept!Huo Qubing didn't know, he only knew that when he led an army of 10 to fight against an army of [-], the [-] army seemed to come from the sky!There is so much blackness that there is no end in sight! The voice of [-] people is like a bell!The sound of footsteps makes the world tremble!

This is still close to 7000!That must be!Still [-] million!Huo Qubing couldn't have imagined this concept!
He can only lament once again that there are so many people in this era!
At this time, Guan Twelve sent him a message, Huo Qubing looked down, it was a screenshot of his Weibo fans, and then sent another sentence:

[One hundred thousand fans. 】

Huo Qubing replied ah.

Then there was no news there.

Guan Twelve looked at the "hmm" sent by Huo Qubing, and felt that this Wei Zichen was somewhat straightforward. Just when she was thinking about whether such a person could survive in the entertainment industry, Huo Qubing sent another message:
[These are all thanks to the Twelve Girls, not my personal achievements, thank you Twelve Girls! 】

And then another sentence later:
[If I have time, I will treat the twelve girls to dinner!Thanks to the twelve girls for willing to share the traffic with me, I am really grateful! 】

Guan Twelve couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he looked at the words on it.

This child can't tell when he speaks normally, and how he typed so politely, he doesn't seem to be a person of this era, but Guan Twelve was a little surprised that he could say such a thing.

She replied with a few polite words, and then she was dragged away by her secretary to act!
Yes, her drama is not finished yet!
Looking at the few words of the official's twelfth chapter, which were obviously perfunctory, he didn't reply, and started his own work.

Becoming an artist under Guan Twelve has brought Huo Qubing a lot of benefits. For example, the director Lu Dao he is acting in has a much better attitude towards him. The most intuitive thing is that there are chicken legs in his lunch box!And it's not chicken legs!It's a super super big drumstick!
Huo Qubing looked at the chicken legs in the lunch box and said nothing, Xingxing said excitedly: [Drumsticks!What a big drumstick!And it must be delicious when it’s oily!Master, you have a taste! 】

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