The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 335 Entertainment King

Chapter 335 Entertainment King (9)

"...I think I'll be on the headlines tomorrow if I accept it today." Guan Twelve said while looking at Li Linjie with a smile.

Li Linjie blinked in confusion, then spread his hands and said, "Hey! No way, beautiful lady! This is your studio. Could it be that there are mice hiding in the dark in your studio?"

That's right, Li Linjie is so daring that she directly poached her studio!
Guan Twelve looked at Li Linjie, but she still didn't take the brooch, it's too expensive!She still doesn't understand Li Linjie's character, and rich people are not fools, they can't treat you well and give you things for no reason.

So... Guan Twelve dared not accept this great gift.

"Are you so cautious? Am I a threat to you? Ah, yes, after all, we are in a hostile relationship, but didn't you just say that we want to cooperate? If there is no trust between us, how can we cooperate?"

Li Linjie sighed, pretending to be regretful.

After hearing this, Guan Twelve said with a smile: "I think if we cooperate, at least we should not make things difficult for each other. It seems that Mr. Li doesn't really want to cooperate with me."

"What a mouth, I just think that a beautiful lady like Miss Guan is very suitable for roses, so I want to give it as a gift. I didn't expect that these things would become troubles for Ms. Guan. Well, I didn't think carefully. I'm sorry." Li Linjie sighed, then reached out to get back the brooch that troubled the two of them, but Guan Twelve got it in his hand one step faster than him.

"Miss Guan, who is this?" Li Linjie looked at Guan Twelve with a puzzled look on his face!

Just now she hated it so much that she hated it to death, why did she pick it up again this time?

"If this is really Mr. Li's wish, if I don't accept it, wouldn't it be rude of me."

Li Linjie laughed out loud at Guan Twelve's words, and he even said:

"Miss Guan is really my confidant."

Guan Twelve smiled and didn't say much, and sent Li Linjie away, just at this time Wei Zichen sent a message.

[My drama is about to wrap up, the director asked if you have time to come to the wrapping banquet]

What did his play ask her to do?
Guan Twelve refused without hesitation. Speaking of which, her drama was about to be finished.

After wrapping up, she will have to rest for a period of time and work hard to cultivate the artists under her hands.

She doesn't need to worry about Ji Musong. The remaining two also need to record the theme songs of musicals and TV dramas, so the secretary will follow along. It seems that these artists don't need her extra care, only Wei Zichen is a newcomer, he should find some resources for him after the script is finished!

It's time to talk to him.

Just as Guan Twelve thought about it, he suddenly received a call from his secretary:

[Miss Guan, just now I received a notice for a variety show inviting you, Miss Guan, I want to ask if you want to participate? 】

Variety show?

Guan Twelve, who already had a lot of resources, didn't intend to participate in the variety show, so he was planning to refuse, but at this time the secretary continued to send:

[The other party said that as long as the official sister participates, you can bring someone to participate. It is a slow-life variety show, and the official sister only joins one episode. 】

Official Twelve: The problem is that your official sister doesn't really want to participate.

But for the first episode...

Guan Twelve thought of his newly signed artist who was not well-known, and agreed to the invitation!
She has a family and a family now, so she can't just think about herself.

Just find some time to talk to Wei Zichen.

Officer Twelve sent out the news first.

Then turn around to see how Lu Youxing is doing.

Lu Youxing was recording the theme song of a TV series, so he spent all day in the recording studio trying to find the feeling.

When Guan Twelve arrived, he saw his assigned secretary looking at Lu Youxing worriedly.

Guan Twelve walked over to inquire about the situation. The secretary saw that Guan Twelve seemed to see a savior, and she quickly said:

"Sister Guan, you are here, Sister Guan! Hurry up and persuade Lu Youxing! She is desperate! She has been in there for three days, except for drinking water, eating and going to the toilet! She has been staying inside to practice singing! Go on like this! This man will collapse!"

Guan Twelve's secretary to Lu Youxing is a young and lovely girl!At this moment, she is going crazy!
No way, the artist she manages is really desperate!Wei Zichen
She is really scared!Afraid that the entertainer Karma she manages is in it!
Guan Twelve frowned when she heard the situation, and she looked at the serious girl in the recording studio.

This is the second artist she signed. At that time, she was attracted by her voice, but later found that this girl was really desperate!
She would contact her for several days without eating or drinking to find the feeling of a song!For this reason, it is common to go to the hospital in a coma!

It can't go on like this!The body will collapse!

Players don't like people who don't cherish their bodies and their lives.

So Guan Twelve forcibly stopped the training!

Lu Youxing, who was suddenly interrupted, got angry subconsciously, but when she found the person who came, she was taken aback for a moment, then pursed her dry lips and shouted, "Sister Guan..."

Because her voice was very hoarse after long training, Guan Twelve first asked the secretary to buy a bottle of water, and then took Lu Youxing to the side to rest. When the water came, Lu Youxing took a few sips and drank it clean!

Then Lu Youxing took a deep breath!The dry throat felt a little relieved.

And Guan Twelve looked at Lu Youxing and asked, "Have you found the feeling?"

Lu Youxing was taken aback when he heard this question!She looked at the beautiful woman opposite in disbelief!She thought she would blame her!Didn't expect such a question to be asked!To be honest, Lu Youxing was a little surprised!

But soon she came back to her senses!She pursed her lips and shook her head, "No."

"When you have all the words, you should only need to sing. Is it so difficult?"

Guan Twelve looked at Lu Youxing and asked!She doesn't know the song well, and she sings so-so to be honest!
Lu Youxing shook his head and explained: "No, this TV series is about the love and hatred between a young general and a girl from an enemy country he rescued, but here it is more about the hostile relationship between the two people, the relationship between the country and the country. The battle between the countries described the love of the two people very much, and finally the two chose to fight for each other's country! Thus a pair of people who loved each other became enemies, and they fought each other on the battlefield and died together."

Officer Twelve: ...It sounds so complicated.

"So, what are you struggling with now?"

Lu Youxing pursed his lips and said: "I... can't find the right words to describe this story... and... I don't have a suitable song either. I tried a lot, but I almost feel the meaning..."

(End of this chapter)

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