The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 340 Entertainment King

And Li Zilu did this out of kindness!After all, isn't participating in variety shows just to show your face and increase traffic!If you keep silent and act like an invisible person, how can there be traffic? !
Of course, it is impossible for Li Zilu, who is also a musician, to ask Lu Youxing what kind of boy he wants to find in the future!After all, the two had worked together before, and he knew that Lu Youxing was a very shy girl, she could be said to be introverted, completely different from when she sang!
She seems to glow when she sings.

So I simply asked a very simple question.

Lu Youxing was also very straightforward, she pursed her lips, and instead of perfunctory this question, she talked about the annoying thing she encountered recently!Of course, as for the ending song of the TV series, she concealed it.

After listening to Lu Youxing's troubles, Li Zilu and Lu Xiang were both stunned, after all, they are both musicians!I naturally understand that I can't write this kind of sadness when writing songs!But there is very little they can do!After all, this is the theme song for a TV series, they can't get involved too much!If there is too much involvement, who will pay for the cost of this song?

They can only comfort Lu Youxing by saying that songs are about fate and inspiration!When the inspiration comes, it will come, and you can’t stop it, but if it doesn’t come, it’s useless to think about it. Instead of thinking about it here, it’s better to relax, maybe the inspiration will come!

Lu Youxing thanked him very sincerely for hearing this suggestion.

"Speaking of which, what is the song you want to write about?" Huo Qubing asked curiously.

" it's really inconvenient to disclose this." Lu Youxing waved his hand, after all, he was in front of the camera, so there were some things that he couldn't say.

"By the way! We have three musicians and three actors here, why don't we play a game!" Lu Xiang suddenly proposed at this time!
"What are you playing?" Guan Twelve asked.

Although she asked, she also knew the script the director gave them!

"How about playing a musical!" Lu Xiang said with a smile!
Guan Twelve was taken aback!Then at this time, Lu Xiang asked Guan Twelve how to play the game of popular science musical!
To put it simply, eight people are divided into two teams, one team is responsible for unscripted acting and the other team is to sing one after another!Of course the lyrics are now written!
Those who didn't make up the lyrics or didn't catch up with the show will be eliminated!

The last person left on each team wins!

It was the first time Guan Twelve heard about this game, and he thought it was interesting, so he agreed!
The others also nodded in agreement.

Then the game begins!

The members of the acting team are: Guan Twelve.Zhao Nanchang and Huo Qubing are far away from Shen Shen (temporary guests, actors).

The members of the singing team are: Lu Youxing, Lu Xiang, Li Zilu, and Yu Shanshan!

It was Zhao Nanchang who started first!When he came up, he looked at Guan Twelve and asked, "You are so brave! How dare you collude with foreign parties! Trying to rebel!"

Guan Twelve was taken aback for a moment, obviously, this is an ancient drama!

Guan Twelve quickly calmed down, chuckled, looked at Zhao Nanchang with contemptuous eyes and said, "Father, you are getting old! It's time to let the virtuous! In this world, it's time for a young blood to rule!"

Zhao Nanchang's pupils constricted!He looked at the actress in front of him!One line, one look!It made him tremble!At this moment, he seemed to be the emperor who was unwilling to be forced into the palace by a child!
It's terrible!Official actress!

Zhao Nanchang couldn't help thinking!
And the singing team over there also started, and Lu Xiang was the first to move, playing the guitar in his hand, with a slow and low tone, revealing majesty!And at this time, he also sang the first sentence: "You know, it's shameful and hateful!"

The second person to speak was Li Zilu. He listened to the rhythm played by Luxiang and continued: "...Your Majesty, the king of the faint and the country will perish!"

Listening to these two lyrics, Zhao Nanchang almost vomited blood!

What the fuck do you mean?Is he a fool? !

At this time, Shen Zhongyuan also spoke, but his position was on Zhao Nanchang's side. He stroked his non-existent beard, looked at Guan Twelve and said, "As a woman, you actually forced the palace to rebel! You're right!" Your father is now the holy majesty! It's lawless!"

Guan Twelve didn't say anything after listening, because she didn't hear her lines, and then Huo Qubing suddenly walked up to Zhao Nanchang. When everyone was puzzled, he suddenly made a gesture of drawing a knife!Then it stabbed fiercely into Zhao Nanchang's abdomen!

Everyone was shocked!

Even Zhao Nanchang looked at Huo Qubing in disbelief!And Huo Qubing's brows and eyes revealed indifference, and at this moment he was exuding a biting chill, so I heard him say:
"Mingjun doesn't discuss articles with the people! Mingjun doesn't use the land to level the world!"

Just two sentences brought the whole show to a climax!

Zhao Nanchang didn't expect it either!He would say such a sentence, and Lu Youxing over there was also dumbfounded!But she quickly came back to her senses, thought of the lyrics and sang:

"The cholera government should use five horses to warn the princes!"

It's time for Yu Shanshan!But Yu Shanshan can't!She is an idol!Not a professional musician!Even musicians can't come up with lyrics in just a few seconds!

So one person was eliminated in the first round!Yu Shanshan was the first to be eliminated!

Immediately after the second round!Zhao Nanchang, who was stabbed with a sword, gritted his teeth. Although he is not a professional actor, he also knows that the drama cannot be finished in this place!You need to add some explosiveness!So Zhao Nanchang coughed twice, pretending to be seriously injured, pointed at Huo Qubing and said to Guan Twelve, "You two are enemies! The generals of the hostile country want to rebel for a woman? It's ridiculous!"

Guan Twelve pursed her lips, she took a deep breath, then curled her lips into a cruel smile, she said: "General Wei just can't bear to see you as an inaction emperor as an opponent! He can't see the people suffering even if it is an enemy country! You don't want to change the concept secretly! Faint emperor!"

Zhao Nanchang: his hijab as a fool is solid!

He originally planned that the script is that the official twelve is the villain!Why did it suddenly become like this!
It seems to start with Guan Twelve's words!really!Professional is professional!
At this time, Lu Xiang suddenly changed the tune, and the whole thing suddenly became tender, as if it was an episode of an idol drama!His lyrics also became slimy:
"If it wasn't for Huajiao making people drunk, who would want to mess with the monarch?"

Officer Twelve: ...

Huo Qubing: ...

Then Li Zilu over there seemed to understand it all at once, followed by the second sentence: "A beautiful woman can only serve the national conditions, and love can only be hidden in the heart."

Crowd: ...

Lu Xiang gave Li Zilu an appreciative look!
As expected of a good brother!you got me!
Hearing the lyrics carefully over there, he suddenly felt that this was a good opportunity!So he said: "You're a traitor! To force your father to step down! You don't hesitate to marry the enemy country! What's the difference between you and a traitor?!"

The update will resume today. Thank you, Xiaokuo, for not giving up on the book Qiqi. Your encouragement is my motivation! !

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