The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 351 Entertainment King

Chapter 351 Entertainment King (25)

"It's a pleasure to see you again, and I'm very surprised that you invited me to the coffee shop, dear Madam Guan."

In the private room on the second floor of a hidden coffee shop, Li Linjie looked at the plainly dressed but beautiful woman opposite, and said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Guan Twelve didn't intend to catch up with Li Linjie or say some polite words, she asked straight to the point:
"How many players did you find there?"

Li Linjie paused, then he looked at Guan Twelve meaningfully and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"Just to ask, how many players have you found, and when do you plan to hunt?"

Guan Twelve's expression was very indifferent, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"." Li Linjie looked at the woman on the opposite side. Those calm eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. Li Linjie had no idea how Guan Twelve found out. Could it be that she really had the ability to read minds?
However, in this case, Li Linjie didn't intend to admit directly that he was quite good at pretending to be innocent.

"I don't quite know what you're talking about, ma'am."

"You're planning to kill the player." Guan Twelve hit the nail on the head, and caught Li Linjie off guard!

He was completely stunned there, but soon came back to his senses, he pursed his lips and asked with a chuckle:
"Can you tell me how you know?"

"Guess." Guan Twelve smiled.

"You really guessed so accurately?" Li Linjie raised his eyebrows with a look of disbelief.

This matter is like picking a winning lottery ticket from a hundred lottery tickets. Is it so lucky? ?

Guan Twelve smiled and said nothing.

How could it be luck? Ever since she learned the rules of the game, she knew the possibility that some players would choose to kill all players to win, so she was on guard against all players.

Of course, other players will definitely think the same way. There are only two kinds of people who think about this aspect, one is on guard, and the other is on attack.

Immediately afterwards, Li Linjie came here, and took the initiative to mention it, and it could even be said to warn her.

This shows that he also has the same idea and is looking for all players. His idea is very simple, those who can cooperate cooperate, and those who refuse to cooperate will become a member of the prey list.

So she has always been wary of Li Linjie. Fortunately, although this man is smart, he is not smart.

After a bit of testing, it came out.

"Ms. Guan, I like your intelligence very much, but I don't quite understand why you are telling me these things at this time? Are you cooperating with me?"

"Don't you think this script is really too long?"

Li Linjie raised his eyebrows and waited for Guan Twelve's next words.

"To tell you the truth, I've been in this script for too long, and I'm so bored."


Li Linjie looked at the woman on the opposite side, with that pretty face, her eyes were not flat like when they met for the first time, nor was she impatient like when they met for the second time. This time, her eyes were full of madness. Some are crazy!

After all, she is still a player.

"Of course I think this script is boring. In the final analysis, the game "The End of Infinite Flow" should be said to be a one-hundred-in-one PK game! Why do you have to make it like this? It's troublesome and complicated. The plot is just Background, the protagonist should be the player, now, especially in this script, the player must be brought closer to the script! Treat the script as the protagonist! The player is an outsider who forcibly inserts in! What’s the point of such a game?"

After Li Linjie spoke, his blood boiled completely. He vented his dissatisfaction with this game, and Guan Twelve was quietly listening beside him.

Then, after Li Linjie calmed down, Guan Twelve smiled and handed him a cup of coffee.

Li Linjie said thank you, then took a sip lightly.

"I'm sorry to tell you so much, it's really rude."

Li Linjie thought that the impolite behavior he had just done with too much excitement was really against his demeanor as a gentleman, so he quickly apologized.

"No, I think this is the real you. I feel very relaxed chatting with the real you." Guan Twelve narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Li Linjie was slightly taken aback, and then looked at Guan Twelve for a long time. He covered his chest and widened his eyes, and asked in disbelief: "Wow, you just... are you teasing my heart?"

"...I'm just telling the truth." Guan Twelve immediately withdrew his smile and calmly separated the relationship.

"You teased me again." Li Linjie became even more excited after hearing this.

"I'm sorry, pretend I didn't say it." Seeing this, Guan Twelve quickly apologized.

Players know that they are excellent, please don't be obsessed with players, those who are obsessed with players are not serious players!Players are so scared!
"Please don't be so repulsive, don't I have something you like?"

Li Linjie thinks that he looks pretty good, and his conversation all the time can be regarded as a gentleman, so he should also be regarded as an excellent young man.

Why is she so disliked by her?

"It's not your problem, you are excellent, it's my problem."

"What problem can you have? You are so good? Hey dear, are you too inferior to yourself?!"

Li Linjie didn't understand very much.

"No, you don't know what I've been through." Officer. Being sweet-talked by a man who doesn't like me. Being sweet-talked by a man who wants to conquer him. Being sweet-talked by a man who is interested in me and wanting to take advantage of me. Being sweet-talked by someone who is younger than me The underage boy asked to marry and have children. Twelve replied blankly, even coldly.

Li Linjie: ...I really don't know, but I feel like I have experienced a lot.

"Okay, since you've said that, if I continue to talk about this topic, wouldn't it be my impoliteness and my self-indulgence? Let's continue talking about our cooperation." Li Linjie is a person who knows how to advance and retreat. The man, after hearing what Guan Twelve said, knew that what he thought was impossible, so he focused on the so-called cooperation.

"How many player profiles do you have now?"

"87." Li Linjie didn't intend to hide it, he was already impressed by the young girl in front of him.


This number made Guan Twelve gasp. It was easy to find players because players had a strong purpose. In order to complete the mission, they would definitely go crazy in the entertainment industry.

But what she didn't expect was that Li Linjie had already talked to a player of 87. If she needs to talk to a player twice and confirm that she is her prey, it will take about [-] days or a month. Come to understand her strength, what does this mean?
It means that the man in front of him is most likely planning to end the game in this way from the beginning of the game! !

(End of this chapter)

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