The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 365 My Glory

Chapter 365 My Glory (9)

Yana Mander, are you willing to go to the opposite country to get married?

It's really strange. It's obviously a question, but it seems like an affirmation.

"Your Majesty the King, do you want me to marry you?"

Yanamande chuckled, her voice was always slow and leisurely, as if she didn't have much emotional fluctuations.

Wen Dilot came back to his senses after hearing this, and then hurriedly hid aside, secretly looking inside through the gap in the window next to him.

He saw Yanamander standing there, and his father sitting on it, looking very majestic.

"You are 25 years old this year. You are very good. If you were not a woman, you would definitely become an excellent counselor. But you are a woman. After all, you still have to get married."

Yanamander listened to the king's words and remained silent.

"I know you look down on those men who are not as good as you, but you also know that there is no man in this country who is worthy of you. Or do you want to wait until my son reaches adulthood?"

The king's words penetrated Wen Dilot's ears, making him blush.

"You know, I don't think so."

And Yanamande's words calmed down the heat on Wendilot's face.

Yes, she had never had such an idea.

She has always treated herself like a child, and she even values ​​her so-called "brother" who has no blood relationship more than her.

"So your answer is?"

"...His Majesty comes in person, and I don't seem to have the right to refuse."

Yanamander's voice came slowly and leisurely, making Wen Dilot clenched his fists involuntarily.

After the king left, Wen Dilot rushed in, and Yanamander was a little surprised to see Wen Dilot, and then asked him as usual:

"You came back so early. Did you learn anything today?"

As if nothing happened.

Wen Dilot clenched his hands into fists, gritted his teeth, and then couldn't help but ask: "Are you really going to get married?"

Yanamande's hand holding the pen paused, and the ink fell on the white paper, splashing ink.

"Did you really hear everything?" Yanamand pursed her lips and remained silent for a moment, then looked at Wendi Lot, her eyes calm and peaceful.

"Do you really want to go?" When Wen Dilot asked this question, his whole body was trembling.

"Yes, I have to go."

Wen Dilot already knew Yanamande's answer, but he still had such expectations.

"Why." Wendi Lot murmured, but Yana Mander's voice was small and didn't hear clearly, so she asked: "What?"

"Why do you have to go!" Wen Dilot seemed to burst out suddenly, the sound was as loud as the exploding fireworks, and Yana Mander was stunned.

At this time, Wen Dilot couldn't bear it anymore. He looked at the dumbfounded woman in front of him and couldn't help but shed tears. He asked softly: "There are so many women in this country, why do you have to be the one?" You are obviously so good, aren't you? You can obviously do more, aren't you? You know everything, why do you have to get married and get married!!"

Wen Dilot's hoarse roar echoed throughout the room. Yana Mander seemed not to have expected that Wen Dilot would be so angry. She was stunned there, but soon she came back to her senses, lowered her head slightly, and there was a strange silence. Afterwards, Wen Dilot heard Yana Mander's gentle voice:
"Wendi Lot, I am just an ordinary woman."

"You're not" Wen Dilot retorted subconsciously, but he looked up and saw Yana Mander's tears. All the words he said later were choked in his throat, and his voice could not come out.

"I'm just an ordinary woman. I don't have any so-called talents. These talents are just forced on me by the high priest. In order to become what the rumors say, I can only study day and night, practice piano, calligraphy, and learn the art of war. fencing."

"I don't know how long it took, but I finally came across the rumored corner of my clothes."

"But, you know, even so, what I've heard the most is, if you're not a woman."

When Yanamander said this, her hands clenched into fists, and her eyes were filled with sadness:
"I thought that as long as I was better than you and anyone else, I wouldn't be able to hear such similar words. But what I finally discovered is that no matter how hard you try or how good you are, you can't. Covering up their 'if you're not a woman' voice, they can always look past everything about you and focus on your gender."

"Even a lot of the time, I think, it would be nice if I wasn't a woman."

Yana Mander looked at Wen Dilote, and then seemed to feel that it was not good to say these words to Wen Dilote. She retracted the sadness in her eyes and showed a smile. It was a gentle and elegant smile, just like those who were following the same mold. The same elegant smile engraved in it:

"I'm just kidding, gender can't be changed. Instead of thinking about this, I should think ahead."


Wen Dilot's voice was choked with sobs. He had rarely cried in the past two years since he passed the age of ten.

But at this time, his tears still flowed out unsatisfactorily.

He didn't understand why Yana Mander had done nothing wrong, so why should he demean himself like this.

"Even so...there are obviously a lot of women in this country, right? Why do you have to go?"

"...This, you will understand when you become a king."

Yanamande just smiled at this and didn't say much.

Soon the day came when Yanamande got married. Wen Dilot looked at the woman in red clothes. She was really beautiful. She was more dazzling in red clothes than in silver clothes.

She has always been such a dazzling presence, but now... the red dress seems to have become a shackles for her, and the ornaments on her head are weighing her down even more.

She was waving her hand to greet him, but he could not lift his hand. At this time, a figure passed directly by him and hugged Yana Mander.

Wen Dilot recognized this figure as Yana Mander's so-called "younger brother".

"Why are you leaving! If it's because of the country, I can! I can..."

Wen Dilot didn't know what was going on at that time, because Yana Mande had covered Rosmande's mouth and said something to him. He didn't hear it clearly. He just knew that after saying that sentence, Yana Mande nodded. He got on the carriage without looking back.

The carriage drifted away and slowly drove out of the palace.

When I saw Yana Mander again, it was already the second year after Wendi Lot became emperor.

When Wendilot was 14 years old.

 Updates will be resumed, one or two chapters will be updated every day. Thank you for your votes. To be honest, I am in a very complicated mood right now and need to calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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