The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 375 My Glory

The mythical beast Phoenix reborn from the ashes.

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately looked at Shao Dongzhe with wide eyes and disbelief.

Among them, Qiu Tusi, who is also a bird, wailed jealously: "Why is it also a bird! He is a phoenix! I must be a crow!"

"Maybe it's because I'm good-looking." Shao Dongzhe shrugged, then smiled provocatively at Qiu Tusi.

Qiu Tusi: Ha!
While the two were chatting, the fire had become more fierce. Shisan was very afraid of the flames. The fire in the previous world left a big shadow on her, so she anxiously looked to Guan Twelve for shelter.

It was fire, the fire of the phoenix, a flame that even the spiritual butterfly could not resist.

Guan Twelve was silent for a few seconds, and then made a quick decision. He saw that she stretched out her hands and countless silk threads behind her turned into wings. A pair of butterfly wings shining with silver light in the firelight bloomed behind the silver-haired girl. She was divine. It just doesn't look like a real person.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, and Guan Twelve suddenly flapped his wings and a huge blast of wind blew Shao Dongzhe away, who had not yet reacted.

He flew out directly through the window.

Shaodongzhe:? ? ?

Thirteen:? ? ?
Qiu Tusi:? ? ?

Officer Twelve: Sorry, it was my first try, but I didn’t expect it to be so vigorous.

But now was not the time for Guan Twelve to feel regretful. She slowly stretched out her hand and countless silver butterflies flew out of her palm and surrounded everyone.

Qiu Tusi and others watched the spirit butterflies flying around them warily, and Guan Twelve explained at this time:

"My spirit butterfly can withstand flames, run out now!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone reacted immediately and turned around to run away. Qiu Tusi and Shisan also subconsciously wanted to run with the group of people, but turned around and saw Guan Twelve jumping out of the window!
Qiu Tusi and Thirteen: Digging! ! !How could they forget! !
So the two people followed Guan Twelve's steps and jumped out of the window.

After landing safely, the spiritual butterflies around Qiu Tusi and Thirteen had been almost burned and disappeared into the air one after another. Qiu Tusi and Thirteen turned their heads to look at the Lotus Church, which was burning with raging fire.

Thirteen of them couldn't help but sigh: "If God Lotas saw this, wouldn't he be furious?"

"If there really is a God Lotus, he should make a heavy rain at this time to put out the fire." Qiu Tusi sneered disdainfully.

What kind of god can you call a god who can't even protect his own church? He said that this so-called God Lotas was just a random fabrication by the people here.

Guan Twelve didn't care about this at all. She just wanted to find Shao Dongzhe as soon as possible.

Just when Guan Twelve was thinking this, the sky suddenly roared with thunder. Everyone subconsciously raised their heads, and the next second they saw a red figure being thrown from one direction.

Everyone immediately looked over and saw Shao Dongzhe, who was lying on the ground in a very embarrassed state. Even his red hair was no longer dazzling!
"Who dares to destroy Lotas Church?!"

At this time, a dazzling figure in red clothes slowly walked over. She was an extremely beautiful woman. Her face was as delicate as a god, with a little golden light shining on her forehead. Her red hair and golden eyes gave her a majestic look. I couldn't help but want to kneel down and worship.

Guan Twelve looked at the woman who came and subconsciously looked at the top of her head. If it wasn't a player, could it be - "It's Lotas!!"

The guard who had just ran out opened his eyes wide when he saw the woman, and then shouted in shock!

Lotas? ! !
That omnipotent god Lotas who has not appeared for hundreds of years and even put the lives and deaths of the people at risk? ?
Guan Twelve looked at the so-called Lotas, and then at Rosmand who had just ran out, and found that Rosmand's eyes when looking at Lotas were not only shocked, but also stunned and unbelievable.

unbelievable?Why can't you believe it?
The emergence of this emotion made Guan Twelve begin to doubt this so-called Lotas.

"Who dares to burn down Lotas Church?" the woman asked again!
Qiu Tusi and Shi San looked at Shao Dongzhe lying on the ground at the same time. Guan Twelve also looked at Shao Dongzhe. The blood bar on his head still had blood, indicating that he was not dead yet.

"It's you!" The woman sneered, then raised her hand, and a spear suddenly appeared in her palm, and she saw the woman throwing the spear away.

It directly shot Shaodongzhe, and as Shaodongzhe let out a painful cry, his health bar was immediately cleared, and then he lost his life.

This scene scared everyone present. Even Guan Twelve did not expect that Shaodongzhe would go offline like this.

She turned to look at the woman, and the woman happened to glance at her at this time, her golden pupils without fluctuations making people shudder.

Almost instantly, Guan Twelve was on all alert, and her intuition told her that the woman in front of her was the strongest woman she had ever met, bar none.

If he fights her, there is no chance of winning. Guan Twelve has even begun to think about how to run away faster.

Fortunately, the woman didn't seem to pay any attention to her. She just glanced at the burning church over there, then transformed a spear and threw it over without hesitation.

With a huge "bang" explosion, the burning Lotus Church suddenly turned into ruins, and everyone was shocked by the woman's action.

But the woman didn't seem to feel that what she did was wrong. She looked at everyone coldly and said arrogantly: "It was your fault for not protecting the Lotas Church this time. You should have been executed on the spot, but I think this time you It’s not that I’m doing nothing, I’ll give you a chance to repair Lotas in one month, otherwise, you’ll have to wait for natural disasters to come to this land!”

After speaking, he turned and walked into the jungle. As the woman left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The pressure on that woman was so heavy that no one even dared to fart.

The guard who had recovered quickly asked Rosmand for help and asked what to do. Rosmand also reacted at this time and immediately ordered the construction of the church.

As for Qiu Tusi and Thirteen, who were doing nothing, they subconsciously looked at Guan Twelve, only to find that Guan Twelve had walked up to Shao Dongzhe at some unknown time, and saw her slowly squatting down, reaching out and touching the spear.

As soon as he met Guan Twelve, he felt a powerful force sweeping over him. Before Guan Twelve could react, Qiu Tusi came over at this time and also extended his hand:

"Are you nostalgic for your old flame? It's so affectionate."

Before he finished speaking, the moment he touched the spear, Qiu Tusi was knocked away by an invisible force! ! !

Qiu Tusi:? ? ? ?
More~ Is there any little Kenai who is curious about who that woman is~ Let’s take a guess hehe

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