The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 72 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 72 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (1)

The girl is very beautiful, her skin is fair like suet jade, her whole body exudes a sweet fragrance, her eyelashes are long and white like her hair, she looks like a young lady who has never worked, but that The beautiful eyes are empty and lifeless, looking like a lifeless doll.

"What's your name?" Li Na asked looking at the girl in front of her.


"Why are you going to die?" Li Na looked at Guan Twelve and asked.

"What's the point of being alive?" Guan Twelve asked back, staring at Li Na with empty eyes.

Those eyes were too gloomy, like being stared at by a devil from the abyss, making one's scalp numb.

"To be alive...what's wrong with being alive?" Li Na replied, holding back her fear:
"You can drink delicious fish soup, play games and chat with other people, and wait until the end of the snowstorm to see the dawn sun and feel the warmth of the sun."

But I didn't expect the girl in front of me to be even more frustrated when she heard this sentence: "I can only have this pursuit in life."

Li Na: Hello! !I suspect you are mocking me! !
"Why do you have to die at a young age? Do you have any wishes that have not been fulfilled?" Li Na looked at Guan Twelve, who was good-looking and young, and he didn't look like a child from a poor family in his clothes, so there was no dissatisfaction of?

".I don't have a wish." Guan Twelve replied numbly, and then corrected after feeling something wrong:

"My only wish is to leave this world. I want to die."

Li Na: Damn this girl is really depressed!
"You...are you broken in love?" Li Na looked at Guan Twelve. At her age, she really couldn't think of any reason for her to die. After thinking about it, she could only think of a scumbag Feelings have lost confidence in the world for this reason.

Guan Twelve raised his eyes and glanced at Li Na, but didn't say anything, she was so tired!Tired, don't want to answer this Sabi's question.

However, this has become the default in Li Na. When she thinks that such a good-looking girl will be scumbag, she laments that there are no good men in this world.

"Hey~ Twelve, let me tell you that all men are rubbish! You don't have to give up your beautiful life for them, it's not worth it! And if you die, they should die! Guys who play with girls' feelings are fucking giants Unstoppable garbage!!"

The more Li Na talked, the more energetic she became!I cursed at the back!That momentum!It is too strong!Strong enough to explode!So strong that Guan Twelve was so frightened that she nodded subconsciously when Li Na said later.

"So! Don't die for a man! It's not worth it! Besides, you're so good-looking! You can't find anything, so tell me!" Li Na said earnestly and patted Guan Twelve's shoulder.

Officer Twelve: ...Is there...something not quite right...

"Come on! Is it much better! Do you want to live??" Li Na said that she was excited and out of breath.

"I'm sorry...I know your intentions are good...but I still want to die." The frustration on Guan Twelve's body still hasn't dissipated, and Li Na looks depressed.

How deeply does this girl have to be hurt? !

When she was sleeping at night, Li Na was afraid that Guan Twelve would turn her house into a murder scene while she was asleep, so she tied their hands together. Although it was uncomfortable, it was good for safety.

At night, because Li Na couldn't adapt to being tied up, she turned over several times and couldn't fall asleep. As a result, she turned around and didn't know why she opened her eyes, and then saw the people around her staring at her.

Li Na was taken aback, and then realized who it was, heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time asked speechlessly, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"...can't sleep." The girl's muffled voice made Li Na a little helpless. She looked at Guan Twelve's frustration, thought for a while, and then said:

"Although I don't know what that man did to you, the most important thing is that we live. There is a legend in our country. It is said that there are a hundred devils from hell in this world. After they die, they will turn into red roses. Collect ten roses and you can summon Qianyan Ming! He can fulfill any wish of human beings! If you still hate, collect ten red roses! Let Qianyan Ming send him to hell! Go through the [-]th floor of hell Layers of suffering! How about it!"

"...You want me to kill ten people to get revenge on one person?"

"It's not the devil from hell! You're killing the devil! You're not killing people." Li Na patiently explained.

"Did they do something wrong? Why kill them?"

Li Na was silent for a while, and then said: "Because they are all demons! Their existence will bring disaster to this country! We also do this to save our own country."

"But how do you define disasters brought by them?"

"...Uh, this country wasn't actually blizzardy and snowy at the beginning. We also have four seasons and sun and rainy seasons. Large areas of red roses bloom on our country's land, but because of the existence of these devils, our country has been punished by the gods. Punishment! Only by defeating these devils and gods will the roses bloom in our country again."

"What is the relationship between the gods and the devil who curse you?"

"..." Li Na choked.

"The devil obviously did nothing, is it just because of their existence?"


"So the devil's sin is existence, right, but is there anything wrong with existence?"


Li Na pursed her lips. She opened her mouth for a long time and then closed it again. She couldn't think of an answer to this question.

Yeah, what's wrong with the devil?They seem to have done nothing wrong, but because of their existence, the gods will be furious, and then curse the country. After all, the country will become like this has nothing to do with the devil. They did not kill people or set fire, but It just exists!They don't want to exist either!Is it wrong to exist?Why do they not allow others to exist?

What right do they have to prevent others from existing? !
The atmosphere suddenly fell into silence, and the whole room only had the sound of the campfire.

"Are those devils the same as humans?" After a while, Guan Twelve suddenly asked another question.

"Well, the same."

"Then how do you distinguish between devils and ordinary people?"

"Well, it's rumored that these demons seem to be able to see things above our heads that we can't see, so they like to look at the top of people's heads when they see people."

Li Na thought about the legend and said.

"...But I can also see things on top of your head, so am I a devil too?" Guan Twelve asked looking at the blood bar on Li Na's head.


 Happy New Year's Day, a new year and a new beginning, begging for tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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