The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 89 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 89 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (17)

"Hmm~ staring at people like that~" Seeing the pastor staring at her, Ann smiled, and then got up and got out of bed. She was wearing a black suspender that reached the length of her thigh, which set off her fair and sexy skin.

She approached the pastor step by step, then slowly climbed onto his body, sat on his lap, put her hands on his shoulders, and said with a smile: "But miss him again? The look of wanting him to be happy ?”

Very attractive!She is good at seducing men.

Like Guan Twelve, she clearly knows what advantages she has and how to maximize her advantages.

It's just a pity that the current pastor doesn't have that interest. He looked at An'er and just asked, "I heard you're looking for red roses?"

An'er froze, she couldn't figure out what the man in front of her was thinking.

He doesn't love her, so it's impossible to please her like Wen Te did.

Then what did he ask this for? ?

An'er has always used her body and beauty to please men and make them fall in love with her.She has rarely used her brain to figure out a man's mind.

She carefully looked at the pastor's expression, his expression didn't change at all, asking this question was as flat as asking about today's weather.

"...Hmm~ Do you like red roses?" Before you can figure out what someone else is thinking, ask the other person what they think.

This is how Ann handles it.

"I quite like red." The pastor answered irrelevantly.

"What a coincidence, I also like red, tell me~ are we destined?" An'er no longer wants to guess what the pastor is thinking, she is afraid that if she guesses wrong, her goodwill will be ruined, and if the goodwill is negative, she will be punished !She will be ugly!She doesn't want it! !

So the most effective way to conquer a man without guessing his mind is to go to bed.

An'er's little hands had already begun to flexibly untie the pastor's clothes, and the pastor grabbed her fidgeting hand and continued to ask:

"How many red roses do you have now?"

Ann: Why the fuck is there a problem? !Wouldn't it be nice to have sex with a beautiful woman? !

"I don't have any~ My incompetent husband didn't get any~" An'er pouted aggrievedly, with an expression of wishing to be pitied.

It's a pity that the man in front of him doesn't understand style, no, it's not that he doesn't understand style, it's just that he has no interest now.

"You came here to ask people these boring questions~ Fortunately, they were so happy when they saw you coming!" An'er broke her hands away, and then spun around the pastor's chest, looking aggrieved.

Seeing An'er like this, the pastor's eyes sank, and then he grabbed her waist with both hands and moved forward!
An'er let out a soft cry, then looked at the pastor affectionately.

No man would let this goblin go, and the priest thought so too.

The bodies of the two overlapped each other, and An'er's expression gradually became blurred. At the moment of trance, the pastor asked softly:
"What do you want red roses for?"

"Because it's beautiful~"

[Because this is a mission. 】

Ann's thoughts entered the pastor's head at the same time as the words that came out of her mouth.

The pastor lowered his eyes secretly.

Afterwards, the pastor pushed An'er away, put on his clothes under An'er's dazed and innocent expression, and said to her with a smile, "I have to leave first."

Then, regardless of An'er's reaction, she jumped out of the window and left.

Ann was dumbfounded!What the hell is going on with digging? ! ! !

system!His favorability! !
[Favourability degree 0, please continue to work hard! 】

An'er was so angry that she beat the ground!

Fucking dog man! !
[Who told you to choose him in the first place. 】The system said in a cold tone.

"Didn't I and never thought that this guy wouldn't get in? Damn it! He's obviously not the most handsome, but he turned out to be so hard to conquer!" An'er cursed, then seemed to think of something, covered her mouth, and the corners of her mouth were full of enjoyment said:
"However, his skills in bed are really good, and... I like the aura of a superior person the most."

"He must be no ordinary person."

Ann said with such certainty.

【...Do whatever you want, let me tell you clearly, if you don't get a qualified favorability within the specified time, I will take back the rewards I gave you! 】The system warned coldly.

Thinking of turning back to her ugly self, An'er couldn't help but gritted her teeth and promised, "Don't worry! I will definitely make him fall in love with me thoroughly!"

Conquering a man who doesn't love him gives him the most satisfaction!

On the other side, Guan Twelve was dragged around the street by Yu Lingling. Looking at Yu Lingling who was very excited, he looked over there for a while, and looked over here for a while, happily like a little rabbit.She didn't speak.

She doesn't like shopping, which is undoubtedly a waste of time.

"Brother Twelve, Brother Shaoqiu, and the pastor seem to like you very much." Yu Lingling asked casually, but Officer Twelve was disgusted.

like her?Don't be kidding, what these three guys have in common is that they are nasty and disgusting people!

They just found a fun toy, and now it's fresh.

For these three perverts, it's like knowing what her core is made of, a sense of curiosity, and a sense of freshness!But this kind of feeling is absolutely impossible to like.

A smart person born with arrogance and arrogance will be attracted to ordinary people he has met, will appreciate ordinary people with ability, but will never fall in love with ordinary people!

Absolutely not! !
Guan Twelve is very sober, and besides, she has not foolishly fantasized that she, a poor ordinary person, will be favored by rich people. That is unrealistic, and the relationship between the wrong family and the wrong family will not last long.

Of course the most important thing is!She's so fucking struggling to live now, who would want to think about those messy things! !

"You think too much." Guan Twelve rejected Yu Lingling's idea expressionlessly.


"You think too much, for them, I'm just a fun toy, nothing to do with it." So please don't put players with those perverts anymore, okay? !
"But every relationship doesn't start with interest..."

"Why do you ask that?" Guan Twelve interrupted Yu Lingling's next words without hesitation, she looked at Yu Lingling seriously and asked:
"Aren't you going to marry them in the future? Why do you still ask me these things? Do you want them to like me with me?"

Yu Lingling was choked by Guan Twelve's words, she drooped her eyes and remained silent for a while, and then spoke out her inner thoughts:

"Because, I want to marry them, but they don't seem to like me, like you, so... I... I feel a little uncomfortable... I also don't want to, because we are friends, but every time they treat you Well then, I'm... just not happy..."

Just jealous.

Guan Twelve briefly summed it up.

 An'er: The man who doesn't understand the style is humming!
(End of this chapter)

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