she became a god in a dream

Chapter 148 The Magic of Immortality

On the misty sea shrouded in gray-white mist, the Eternal Life, which is full of faint blue flames, is constantly sailing.Above the sparkling sea surface is the brilliance of ability that keeps flickering.

A huge tentacle protruded from the bottom of the sea, and the dense suction cups on it were firmly stuck to the hull of the ship.A head shaped like a triangular cone protruded from the bottom of the sea, the straw-shaped mouth opened wide, and a mouthful of thick black ink sprayed out.

The dark green defensive pattern was propped up again, and the ink sprayed on the deck slid down into the sea of ​​mist along the dark green geometric pattern.

But the crew members who stayed on the sea to fight were not so lucky, they were sprayed all over by the ink with its own corrosive effect.

"." Di Liang stepped on the turbulent waves, his face sinking like water.He lightly raised his right hand, and the five rotating slices were like blooming flowers, and chopped towards the tentacles according to his will.

Hawke, who was also sprayed with ink on the side, felt remorseful.

He'll have to stay on deck to take command next time.


In order to catch the highly active monsters, crew members hurriedly came from various places to support them and threw them into the sea like dumplings.

In a tense atmosphere, two parasols were propped up untimely on the deck.

"This ship?" Shen Dong tentatively asked.

The pressure on the crew who had completely suppressed the fish monster dropped sharply, and Hawke jumped up from the bottom of the sea in a panic.He looked at Shen Dong in the middle of the deck, who was dressed leisurely, and felt depressed.

For a day and a half, the two of them have been trying to extract information from each other, but it is obvious that neither side has gained much.

Di Liang was dumbfounded, and agreed with her words from the bottom of her heart.

"Unfortunately, not." Shen Dong shook his head.

The fish is definitely not at ease.

The topic she and You Cang talked about the most was actually which fish were delicious in the misty sea.At the same time, I also know that in the Misty Sea, there is a special channel for mermaids to enter the monster alliance.

You Cang replied casually: "Will the beast be afraid of the deep jungle? Obviously not. We are part of the fear."

Shen Dong withdrew his eyes, looked at the mist in the distance, and asked on a whim: "Will the Siren be afraid of the abyss of the Black Sea?"


After all, she can be regarded as the person with the highest moral level in the third team.If she is corrupted by interests, then the others will be self-defeating.

Murray nodded slightly in agreement.

Only Hawke frowned slightly: "In the future, such words will be posted on the team's private chat interface."

"I have a heavy responsibility, so I can't walk away." Shen Dong spread out on the beach chair, touched the drink with his left hand precisely, and took a sip with his mouth twisted.

"Captain." Shen Dong held up his drink, "Why don't you sit down together?"

As the cold sweet water slid down his throat and into his stomach, he sighed and squinted his eyes, enjoying it very much.

As the monster's roar fell, it was completely sucked into the narrow gap.

After finishing speaking, he left the deck on his own, and went to the No. 1 restaurant for the daily dinner activities of the third team.

"How could it be?" Shen Dong immediately retorted, "If that fish has done you any favors, I will definitely not forget you."

As for the other matters, You Cang kept it a secret.Even the process of how it ascended to the Mermaid King was refused to go into detail.

Hawke put down the lunch box: "Yes, this ship is also within the active range of the 'Undead Demon'. But before going to the depths of the Black Sea, the Eternal Life will send a team to the quiet town to buy mermaid candles.

After a day of running-in, she and You Cang shook hands and made peace, and decided not to interfere with each other during these three days.A relationship that is stronger than a life-and-death enmity is an excess benefit.

Di Liang doubted: "You won't take the benefits of that fish, will you?"

The moment Murray received the task completion instruction, he left the deck without looking back.

You Cang waved the fish tail, picked up the drink and took a sip: "Aren't you going down to help?"

Duan K jumped onto the deck together with a group of crew members. He evaporated the water on his body, his eyes fell on the monster's frantically struggling tentacles, and then he swam to the calm sea.

Hawk raised a hypocritical smile: "Next time." Then he was shocked and threw the ink out.Innocent crew members passing by were splashed half their bodies.

After lunch, Shen Dong returned to the cabin for a short rest, leaning on his arm, silently looking at the ceiling.

When Haggs attacked the ship, most of the mermaid candles were destroyed.Murray and Di Liang will go with the rest of the crew. "

Human beings were panting all around him, his eyes moved slightly, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

According to legend, at the beginning of the Age of Embers, a lucky human being got a treasure left by the sacred, surpassed the extraordinary in an instant, and reached the pinnacle of acting.

Among the parasols, there is a small coffee table.Topped with chilled fruit and drinks.The bright red watermelon was cut into balls, and there were colorful straws on the two drinks.

Behind him, the monster with most of its tentacles severed was wrapped in chains and was fished out from the bottom of the sea.A huge shadow shrouded the hull, the researcher standing on the forecastle opened his hand, and a faint blue gap opened.

According to the information I received, Immortal Technology has dispatched a total of thirteen teams, eight of which are within the active circle of the 'Undead Demon'. "

The sound of splashing water sounded.

As a guard who has been familiar with the information of the police station, she has of course heard the rumors of undead demons:

Very wrong.

She glanced at the mermaid next to her, and took another sip of her drink.

He whispered: "As for the purpose of this mermaid, I can actually guess roughly. Immortality Technology went to sea this time to collect biological information, but in fact it was to find a person who was rumored to be immortal.

"Has the mermaid been recruited?" Hawke sat down with the lunch box, tearing open the package, and asked, "What benefits does Immortal Technology offer?"

In the Battle of Higgs, the mermaid side suffered heavy losses.How could it be possible to be a free security guard without any compensation?

Why is this difficult mermaid so easy to talk to?

She nodded and looked at the time on the bracelet: "I'm off work, see you in the afternoon."

He wandered all the way from the islands on the edge of the Black Sea to the streets of various cities.In hundreds of years of life, he gradually lost his human qualities and became indifferent and arrogant.

The following stories are full of blood and gore, and the undead demons use killing as a flavoring agent for their mood.He became more greedy, trying to obtain eternal life in order to possess extraordinary power forever.

The ending of the story is that the undead demon who got his wish committed public outrage and was regarded as a heretic by the awakened people of the entire scarlet world.

The undead demon has a pair of iconic dark green eyes. Every once in a while, his figure will appear in the scarlet world.This kind of behavior is regarded as a provocation to other awakened people.

"Eternal Life." Shen Dong murmured, "What magic power does Eternal Life have?"

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