Chapter 59 Debris Flow

Shen Yingxue is a daughter of a thousand pieces of gold, and she rarely walks on mountain roads, and she becomes out of breath after walking a few steps.

In order to accommodate this noble lady, a group of people could only stop and go, and it took a long time to get to the middle of the mountain.

When they saw Song Lan and He Xiaoya coming over, they were all stunned, "Didn't you leave two hours later than us? How did you go so fast?"

Song Lan, "...I didn't expect you to be so slow."

She turned her beautiful eyes and landed on Shen Yingxue who was tired and out of breath. She could tell at a glance that the person holding back was Shen Yingxue.

A sarcastic smile flashed across Song Lan's eyes, and she didn't intend to take them along, so she put He Xiaoya on her arm and said, "Then you guys rest first, Xiaoya and I will continue to climb."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden patter of rain in the sky.

Looking up, the sun in the sky seems to be covered.

He Xiaoya looked disappointed, "Sister Lan, should we continue to climb?"

Song Lan hesitated for a while, she didn't want to waste a rare opportunity to climb a mountain to relax.

But while the two of them were talking, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, as if water was pouring from the sky.

"It's raining too much. You will get lost when you go up the mountain. Let's hide from the rain first."

Song Lan saw a cave not far away, and dragged He Xiaoya into it together.

After a while, members of Shen Yingxue's team also ran in one after another.

"I found a cave, come in and hide from the rain—oh, sister Lan, Xiaoya, you are here too."

Song Lan nodded. The cave is dry and has a large capacity, enough for a dozen people to stay together.

"Let them all come in quickly. It's raining and the ground is slippery. It's easy to fall and get injured when going down the mountain. After the rain passes, you can decide whether to continue going up or down the mountain."

Invisibly, Song Lan once again became the backbone of this group of people.

Everyone also acquiesced to Song Lan's words, and one by one pulled one in to shelter from the rain.

The last person to come in was Shen Yingxue.

After she knew that Song Lan was in the cave, she refused to come in to hide from the rain.

There was still nothing to do with being drenched, so I rushed in screaming.

"heavy rain!"

Yu Bin hurriedly offered a towel, "Sister Xue, wipe it off quickly, don't catch a cold."

Shen Yingxue took the towel preciously, although she felt a little disgusted that Yu Bin brought it, but there is nothing else to use now, she wiped it and said, "It stinks, what a broken towel."

Yu Bin's face turned gray.

Song Lan didn't have time to deal with those two live treasures.

She came to the entrance of the cave and looked at the water flowing down the mountain from the ground, her eyes were a little dignified.

"Why did it suddenly rain so heavily? It feels a little strange, and seeing how dense the dark clouds are, it probably won't stop at night."

Immediately, a timid employee in the team asked, "Then why do we have to stay here until tomorrow? Why don't we go down the mountain now, or what if the rain keeps getting heavier?"

Song Lan immediately said, "No, I've read the news that there was a mudslide on this mountain, and the rain was so heavy, what should I do if I encounter a mudslide when I go out rashly?"

Shen Yingxue just didn't want to stay here with Song Lan, this broken cave was cold and dirty, and there were mosquitoes, Shen Yingxue hated it to death.

"It's such a coincidence that there will be a mudslide. Don't be crowed and ignore her. Let's go down the mountain quickly. I don't want to stay in this damn place for a second."

She didn't want to climb the mountain at first, but she knew that He Chaozhi was here, and wanted to give He Chaozhi a feeling that she was living a healthy life, so she put on a show and stayed up early in the morning to climb the mountain.

Shen Yingxue now regrets as much as she can.

Song Lan couldn't persuade them, and when she clenched her lips and hesitated to rush up to stop them, Shen Yingxue had already walked out with one foot.

"What's the matter? There's no such thing as a mudslide. Song Lan, you're scaremongering, you—"


Song Lan's pupils constricted, and he saw a large stream of mud suddenly rushing down from the mountain, mixed with huge rocks and water, rushing down like crazy.

Yu Bin quickly grabbed Shen Yingxue and dragged her back to the cave.

Shen Yingxue watched the stones on the mountain pass by in front of her eyes, her face was ashen-colored with fright, and her two sides were fighting.

"Mud, mudslide, is the mudslide really coming?"

If it wasn't for Song Lan's yelling just now, she would have been washed down the mountain by now.

Everyone hid in the innermost part of the cave in a panic, and Shen Yingxue didn't dare to go down the mountain yelling. She held onto Yu Bin's arm tightly, her face pale.

The entrance of the cave is in the upper section, so it avoided being washed away by the flood, but it was impossible to get out at all. Once out, mudslides surged under your feet.

He Xiaoya anxiously wanted to call the police.

But when I took out my phone, I realized that there was no signal at all.

"Oops, there is no signal on the mountain, we can't contact the outside!"

It was raining heavily outside, and it was getting dark.

Shen Yingxue was so big and pampered, she had never seen this kind of scene, she directly pointed at Song Lan, and yelled irritably.

"Song Lan, it's all because of your crow's mouth just now. You said something about the mudslide. Now that the mudslide really came, we are all trapped here. Are you happy?"

Song Lan turned her head and gave Shen Yingxue a cold look.

"Didn't you look at the terrain before climbing the mountain? Now is the rainy season, and it is easy to encounter torrents and mudslides. This mountain has happened more than once. It is easy to collapse when it rains heavily. You will only appear ignorant if you hold me on top of me."

"I don't care, it's all your fault anyway, you brought the mudslide, Song Lan, I hate you to death!"

Shen Yingxue lost her temper recklessly, which made the team, which was already fluctuating, even more impetuous.

"Okay, Shen Yingxue, don't think that you can splash dirty water just because you are a young lady. Now that you are trapped in the mudslide, why do you still have the heart to label others? If Sister Lan didn't stop you just now, you would have already descended the mountain now. You were killed by a mudslide on the way, and sister Lan saved your life, are you still not satisfied?"

He Xiaoya spoke up for Song Lan indignantly.

She leaned over to Song Lan, "Sister Lan, don't pay attention to this crazy woman, she is just sick!"

"You are sick, you are sick!" Shen Yingxue's emotions collapsed, facing the fear of mudslides, her temper became even worse.

With He Xiaoya's words, everyone came to their senses.

Song Lan is their savior, not Song Lan, they are dead now.

But he saved his life, but he was still trapped here.

Someone said hopelessly, "I don't know how long we'll be stuck here. We thought we'd go out in the morning and go back in the afternoon. We didn't bring anything to eat, only some water. What should we do?"

"We won't starve to death here, the temperature seems to be starting to drop, I'm so cold."

Song Lan sighed, took out bread and chocolates from her bag, and distributed them to everyone.

"I have experience in mountain climbing, so I brought some food, but each person can only share a little, so eat slowly and see how things go tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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