Do not go to the galaxy

Chapter 121 The Hedgehog

Chapter 121 The Hedgehog
Xiang Wan ignored him, and felt that he was not a good guy at first. With that suit on him, he looked like a gentle scum.

She kept silent, and the man didn't care, she raised her legs and said to herself: "Do you think we are cruel? What if Xingyun has encountered dozens of times more cruel than this? I understand that you are young and have never seen any big storms. , in this world, there is no absolute right or wrong. He is not just your "little uncle" who has always spoiled you, he is also Zuo Xingyun, and people have two sides. He almost died in prison, and I almost ran away with a broken leg. He commuted his sentence to eight years, fished him out, and who brought him in to make him suffer, you should know in your heart."

Xiang Wan finally had the desire to talk to him: "It was you... who reduced his sentence?"

"Hmm, what else?" The man raised his eyebrows confidently: "I'm a gold medal lawyer, there is no case I can't handle."

Xiang Wan had a slight liking for him, and let go of his guard: "You all said that my father sent him in, so... what kind of crime is it for?"

She is curious about this.

The man suddenly seemed to have been banned, and coughed a few times uncomfortably: "'s not important, yes, it's not important, you don't need to know, but I can tell you clearly that he didn't have to go in. "

Xiang Wan couldn't understand his twists and turns, and asked in a low voice, "What will happen to that person...?"

"Which one?" The man was puzzled: "The bald head?"

"Hmm..." Xiang Wan nodded, "I'll just ask casually..."

The man made no secret of this: "If you didn't come, he'd be 'ga', but if you came, of course he'd be fine."

Xiang Wan breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't afraid of anything else, but she was afraid that Zuo Xingyun would make a big mistake again, and it would not be so easy for her to get out of prison.

About half an hour later, there were faint and intermittent movements in the corridor outside. Xiang Wan was afraid of hearing something he shouldn't have heard, so he seemed a little nervous.

The man noticed this and talked to her naturally: "You seem to be an adult, don't you?"

When Xiang Wan thought about how unscrupulous his order notes were, he glanced at him angrily: "How long will I stay here?"

The man raised his wrist and glanced at the time on the watch: "I dare not let you go, it should be soon. I have to slip away first, or else I will die this time, and Xingyun will have to skin me. try to communicate with him calmly, if you have something to say, I'm leaving. "

Watching the man leave, Xiang Wan worked hard to build himself up psychologically, convincing himself over and over again that Zuo Xingyun is not a thug who doesn't care about right and wrong, he's just fighting back with fire...

But when Zuo Xingyun came in, she was still startled, she didn't dare to look at him, and asked in a low voice, "Can I go?"

Her cautious appearance is like a hedgehog with sharp spikes, stabbing those who want to get close to it.

Zuo Xingyun tried to get closer: "Wan Wan..."

He hesitated to speak, his eyes filled with helplessness.

Xiang Wan forced herself to force a smile: "It's's okay...I just pretended I didn't see anything! I was scared at the time, but now...I...I've recovered, I'm fine. I want to go back now home...can you?"

She wanted to pretend to be calm, but her incoherent speech revealed her panic at the moment.

Zuo Xingyun's thin lips were tightly pursed, his eyes seemed to be covered with gloomy twilight, and he said after a while: "If I let you go now, will you never see me again in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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