Do not go to the galaxy

Chapter 125 is not a good bird

Chapter 125 is not a good bird


Early the next morning, Xiang Wan received the 'strange news' from her good sister in time.

Shi Nian'an and her talked about the adventure last night, not only saved a man by doing good deeds, but maybe even got 500 million.

She stayed in the hospital all night without closing her eyes, but she was so excited that she didn't feel sleepy at all.

Xiang Wan was more curious about who the other party was: "He will give you 500 million when he opens his mouth. Who is he? It's not because he's afraid you won't save him, so he lied to you, right?"

Shi Nian'an sneered a little: "The first thing that guy did when he woke up was to cooperate with the police to make a record, and he analyzed the identity of the assailant thoroughly, and described the appearance from head to toe clearly. He was so calm that he seemed to have been stabbed twice. I didn’t seem like him. I found out later that he was an unscrupulous lawyer who would take on any case as long as he had money to make. Although he made money based on his ability, he was not a good bird. He made a lot of enemies. It’s because of this that he was stabbed, and it’s his fate that he didn’t die. I have to go to his house to help him get things now, he lives in the Lishuiwan villa area, 500 million is a small deal for a person like him, okay?”

Nian'an hung up when the chat was over, Xiang Wan woke up from a doze after hearing the strange story, got up refreshed, packed up, packed up her bag and went out to go to school.

When she reached the gate, she saw Zuo Xingyun's car, and couldn't help but pause slightly.

After hesitating for a moment, she stepped forward.

The car window opened slowly, and the mild morning light lazily shone into the car, and Zuo Xingyun was enveloped in this light-colored gold.

He didn't wear glasses, and his eyes were clearly full of tiredness: "Get in the car, I'll see you off."

Xiang Wan nodded, got into the car and sat down silently.

Neither of them mentioned what happened yesterday, but they seemed to have nothing to say, and the atmosphere was so quiet that it was a bit dull.

Xu Shi felt that the atmosphere was a bit uncomfortable, so Zuo Xingyun said, "I'm going to the hospital... I'll drop by to see you off."

Xiang Wan's first reaction was that he was sick: "What's wrong with you?"

"No." He paused, "Fu Yichen was stabbed by someone... the one you saw yesterday."

Fu Yichen's handsome face came to Xiang Wan's mind: "Been stabbed? Why is it such a coincidence? Just now, Sister Nian'an called me and said that she saved a man last night, but she was also stabbed... ...and...the same is a lawyer, so it can't be Fu Yichen, right?"

Zuo Xingyun pondered for two seconds: "I can't tell."

Xiang Wan didn't say that Shi Nian'an complained that Fu Yichen was not a good bird, after all, Zuo Xingyun and Fu Yichen seemed to have a pretty good relationship...

When he arrived at the school, Xiang Wan got out of the car and waved at Zuo Xingyun: "Thank you, I'll go first, drive slowly on the way."

Facing her politeness, Zuo Xingyun's eyes accumulated a storm that was destined not to pour out, as if he was about to drown him in silence.

When Xiang Wan walked away, he turned his gaze away to answer the phone that rang for a long time: "Hello?"

Xu Lu's voice came from the receiver: "Did you know something happened to Fu Yichen? Do you want to postpone the morning meeting for you?"

These few times, the two of them had some unhappiness because of Xiang Wan, and Xu Lu's tone showed their relationship intentionally or unintentionally.

Zuo Xingyun ignored her deliberation: "The meeting will be changed to tomorrow, and I won't go to the company today."

After finishing speaking, before Xu Lu could speak again, he hung up directly.

On the other end of the phone, Xu Lu frowned staring at the screen of the hung up phone, and then sent a message to ask Fu Yichen: You didn't tell Xingyun that what happened yesterday was related to me, did you?

(End of this chapter)

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