Do not go to the galaxy

Chapter 128 Are You Scared?

Chapter 128 Are You Scared?

It seems that Fu Yichen didn't run away. Not only did Fu Yichen have a close relationship with Zuo Xingyun, he also knew Xu Lu well.

Thinking that she was here to deliver food, Xiang Wan planned to just go in like this. Xu Lu hated her, so she just tried to avoid the edge as much as possible.

Before she opened the door, Fu Yichen said suddenly: "If you come to see me sincerely, please be less sarcastic, don't forget that you owe me a big favor, because Xingyun came here today and almost ran out of money just because I took the blame for you Me. I guess the relationship between the two of them is a bit tense now after Xiang Wan bumped into that incident. Where has Xiang Wan's little white girl seen such a battle? She was almost scared to death, and it's all your fault."

Xiang Wan froze when he opened the door. He didn't expect them to mention him.

She is not going in now, nor is she not going in.

Xu Lu chuckled disdainfully: "This is what I want. Since Xingyun refuses to let her go, let her take the initiative to stay away from Xingyun."

As she said that, Xu Lu changed the topic: "By the way, it's not good for you to lie in the hospital alone? Do you want to hire someone?"

Fu Yichen said: "No need, I'm not used to strangers hanging around, if someone takes care of me, don't worry about it."

What Fu Yichen and Xu Lu said later, Xiang Wan didn't listen to a word, she knocked on the door at the right time.

The movement inside stopped abruptly. She pushed the door open and went in, putting down the lunch box without changing her face: "Someone asked me to help deliver the food, and I put it here."

Fu Yichen and Xu Lu looked at each other, each hiding their thoughts.Not sure if Xiang Wan heard their conversation, they didn't say a word.

Xiang Wan didn't point it out directly: "I have nothing else to do, so I'll leave first, put away the bento box after eating, and sister Nian'an will come to pick it up tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, she turned and left, but was stopped by Xu Lu at the door: "When did you arrive?"

Xiang Wan paused: "When you said that the rest of Fu Yichen's life would be boring. I don't have the habit of eavesdropping on other people's conversations, it's just a coincidence."

She didn't stay long, and didn't give Xu Lu a chance to react, because she didn't want to get into unnecessary disputes.

Fu Yichen watched Xu Lu's face darken, and took a deep breath: "Then go first, I can't eat if you stick here."

Xu Lu left the ward without saying a word, and when she arrived at the hospital gate, she was sitting in the car, and when she saw Xiang Wan standing by the side of the road taking a taxi, a thought suddenly came to her mind, as long as she hit the accelerator with her foot, what would happen? Don't worry anymore.

After all, she hasn't lost her mind, she didn't do that, her life has finally gone from the gloomy mud to the sunny avenue today, how could she put herself in it for Xiang Wan?
Xiang Wan didn't realize that he had just brushed shoulders with death.

After a while, Xu Lu's car stopped in front of her: "Where are you going? Shall I see you off?"

Faced with Xu Lu's invitation, Xiang Wan's first reaction was of course to refuse: "No, I'll just take a taxi."

Xu Lu narrowed her eyes slightly, and said with a smile, "You must be afraid, right?"

Xiang Wan looked up at the sky that hadn't completely darkened yet. Xu Lu's beautiful face was very clear in the car window, as if she was really sincere.

She gritted her teeth and got into the car. Even though she knew it was a violent method, she still didn't want to be a coward.

In the busy city, Xu Lu drove the car very fast, and the body dexterously shuttled through the traffic flow. Every time she overtook another car, it was heart-wrenching.

Xiang Wan was a little scared, but she didn't show any timidity. Anyway, she was going to die together, as long as Xu Lu was willing to take her own life, she would be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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