Do not go to the galaxy

Chapter 133 The Uglier the More the Monster

Chapter 133 The Uglier the More the Monster
When Lu Yusen followed him before, he only saw Fu Yichen's figure vaguely, but never saw his face, but when he came into close contact with him, he recognized Fu Yichen as the man who was with Shi Nian'an just now.

Lu Yusen's evil fire, which had been suppressed because of a little guilt just now, surged up again in an instant, and he stretched out his hand provocatively to push Fu Yichen: "What's your business? It's your turn to intervene in the matter between me and my girlfriend? "

Fu Yichen turned cold, and resisted not fighting back, the wound on his body was still aching: "I didn't intend to interfere in the affairs between you, but I just felt that I happened to hear her calling for help, so I can't stand by and watch."

"Fu Yichen, don't worry about it, just watch out for the wound..." Shi Nian'an was afraid that the two would fight, although Fu Yichen's body condition was not worse than Lu Yusen's, but after all, he had just been discharged from the hospital.

Hearing Shi Nian'an's caring words, Lu Yusen was even more furious, and grabbed her wrist: "You guys have slept already?! Haven't you?!"

While tugging, Fu Yichen saw Shi Nian'an's red and swollen cheeks, and was slightly taken aback.Realizing what had happened, he clenched his fists intolerable and slammed heavily on Lu Yusen's face.

Shi Nian'an was in a daze, unable to react at all.

Lu Yusen was so beaten that he staggered and nearly fell to the ground. Fu Yichen also pulled the wound with excessive force, and a little cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The two fought together, Shi Nian'an couldn't hold back, so he could only ask for help from the security guard in the security booth not far away.

It was only after the intervention of the security guards that the two were pulled apart, but Fu Yichen was panting heavily, sweat and blood seeped through his clothes, and he looked shaky.

Shi Nian'an didn't care about other things, and helped Fu Yichen into the car: "The wound seems to be open, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Lu Yusen wanted to stop him: "Shi Nian'an! We haven't made it clear yet! You are not allowed to leave!"

The security guard stopped him firmly: "If you do this again, I will call the police!"

After Fu Yichen settled down, Shi Nian'an turned his head and looked at Lu Yusen indifferently: "I forgot to say, let's break up, forget me!"

On the way to the hospital, Shi Nian'an received a call from Xiang Wan: "Sister Nian'an, where are you? I just finished my primary exam and I have no class today. Do you want to go to the store this afternoon?"

Shi Nian'an briefly explained the situation, and Xiang Wan was terrified when he heard it: "Ah? Why did this happen? Then which hospital are you going to? I'll go there now, see you later!"

After hanging up the phone, Shi Nian'an turned to look at Fu Yichen worriedly: "Are you still alive?"

Fu Yichen closed his eyes weakly, and he couldn't help but laugh: "Don't worry, I won't die in your car, just watch the road and don't look at me. You are also a cow, what did you find a boyfriend for? It looks like a pervert stalking, and violent tendencies, keep your eyes open in the future."

When Shi Nian'an got that slap, he was already sober: "I really deserve it. I pictured him good-looking at the beginning. He has a good figure and eight-pack abs. Damn his face. From now on, I will only find ugly people to date. It's not that much."

"Hehe." Fu Yichen couldn't help laughing, and ruthlessly taunted her: "The uglier the person, the better the temperament. I have fought a lot of emotional lawsuits, and the uglier the more monsters, you will be even more disgusting at that time."

Shi Nian'an was speechless for a while: "Then I will be a nun!"Man, bah, nothing! '

When he arrived at the hospital, Fu Yichen's condition was not good, and the wound had to be re-sutured.

When Xiang Wan was with her, Nian'an waited in the corridor outside, and took an ice pack to apply to her face.

Lu Yusen's slap didn't show any affection, and the saliva in Shi Nian'an's mouth was mixed with blood foam.

(End of this chapter)

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