Do not go to the galaxy

140 Chapter 2 The Intoxicated Gold Fan [-]

140 Chapter 2 The Intoxicated Gold Fan [-]
Seeing the word 'Jin Chen' on the screen, Xiang Wan was taken aback for a moment, isn't that A Chen's name?How could he have so much money to reward a woman in a bar?Or... just a coincidence?
Shi Nian'an originally wanted to gossip about which prodigal son spent the most money to embrace a beautiful woman tonight, but fell into deep thought after seeing the name: "Why does this name look familiar? I can't remember it for a while..."

Xiang Wan reminded, "Zuo Xingyun's driver, the one we met in the mall last time."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Shi Nian'an remembered, "I said, why is it so familiar? I remembered, this must be the same name, right? But I have never heard of a rich man or a prodigal son named Jin Chen in Haicheng. ..."

After thinking for a moment, Shi Nian'an suddenly patted Xiang Wan: "There is another possibility! Some people want to come out to play, but they are afraid that they will be too conspicuous. In this case, the names of the people who are traveling with you will be listed. Impossible...Zuo Xingyun is here too?"

Xiang Wan's mind was on standby: "You mean, Zuo Xingyun spent a huge sum of money here just now, and even used Ah Chen's name?"

The two looked at each other, turned their heads tacitly and began to search the entire bar, but the top VIP booths were all on the second floor, and they couldn't see the whole thing from the first floor. There was a minimum consumption limit for going to the second floor, and ordinary people couldn't get in.

"Do you want to know if Zuo Xingyun is here or not?" Shi Nian'an was gearing up, obviously very interested.

Xiang Wan didn't say whether he wanted to, but he didn't understand that Zuo Xingyun didn't go back to eat because he was stumped by this kind of thing. In his impression, he was not a person who liked feasting and feasting.

Seeing that she was silent, Shi Nian'an couldn't make a fuss anymore: "Forget it, let's not waste the money, maybe it really has the same name. He didn't go back to eat because he was delayed by something, which caused us to wait for a long time. You can’t come to this kind of place.”

Xiang Wan twitched the corners of her lips, but still said nothing. She knew in her heart, how could there be so many coincidences in the world?
Inadvertently, she drank three bottles of fruit wine, and her slightly tipsy state allowed her to fully integrate into the atmosphere here, temporarily leaving Zuo Xingyun behind.

Looking at the handsome male models in uniforms twisting their bodies on the stage, she pointed to the one that looked the most pleasing to the eye: "Sister Nian'an, that's pretty good, can you let him come and drink with us?"

Shi Nian'an generously made an OK gesture: "For Yichen's blessing, sister, I have a huge sum of money now, so let's just play with you today and have a good time."

After speaking, she called the waiter and hung up the reward card.

The male model had just come to this bar not long ago, and he was not very famous, so he won it for [-] yuan.

It was only when the subtitles came on on the screen and the atmosphere began to shout loudly again that Xiang Wan realized that she had read An Liu's name.

She was somewhat embarrassed, many people looked towards this side, she could only lower her head to avoid those booing eyes.

Suddenly, the screen of her phone on the table lit up, showing a message from Zuo Xingyun.

She didn't open it immediately, how could it be such a coincidence?No sooner had her name rang through the bar than his news came, which could only mean that he was here.

Soon the male model came to the booth, looking even more handsome up close, with a handsome face and a tall figure, plus working in this kind of place, with a little makeup on, under the ambiguous lighting, he looked impeccable.

In order not to stand out, Shi Nian'an called a few ordinary male models to accompany the wine, the serious ones, the non-colored ones.

While playing around, a waiter suddenly walked up to Xiang Wan with a bottle of champagne in his hand.

The waiter bent down and whispered in her ear, "Miss, this is the champagne that the gentleman at VIP booth 1 gave you."

(End of this chapter)

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